BMW i3: EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the PETROL Range Extender

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Intrigued in going electric but not quite 100% ready to make the jump?

Meet the BMW i3 Range Extender, featuring a drivetrain concept better than any regular plug-in hybrid. The REx variants still offer an uncompromising EV experience, with the substantial purely electric range and the smooth power delivery of the electric motor, but with the backup of an onboard petrol generator which can charge the battery in case you want to take fewer charging stops.

00:00 Introduction
00:41 REx Working Principle Explained
07:59 Refuelling
09:34 Electric Experience
10:55 Petrol Range & Manual Startup
16:07 Test Results
18:49 Reliability
21:51 Conclusion
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Love my i3s rex quite often do a 200 mile trip up north to visit family so that's why I got the rex. Once achieved 205 miles with no stopping for fuel or charge and ended with 7% battery. Weather was 25°© with a/c set to 18°© in eco mode cruise control set to 65mph. Absolutely love my i3s.


I have two BMW i3 REX cars: Dec 2015 60Ah (70k miles) and Oct 2018 90Ah (40k miles). At least once a month I take a 400 mile round trip to visit family using the two cars alternately. My current method is the same for both cars; charge overnight at £0.07 / kWh, drive until the battery reaches 75% then switch to REX for the rest of the journey, apart from fully depleting the battery on the final return leg. The 90Ah usually returns 4.0 miles/kWh and I achieve 90 miles from 9 litres of E10 fuel when maintaining 66 mph on the motorways. The 60Ah car achieves 3.8 miles / kWh and ~ 80 miles from 9 litres of fuel (I haven't worked out why yet!). The 60Ah suffers from an occasional sticky fuel filler door, otherwise I have had no issues with running the REX engine for prolonged periods. I do change the oil & filter annually. Example costs per mile for me (best case) 2p per mile for home charging, 14p per mile (E10 at £1.37 / litre) and 20p per mile using DC rapid chargers,


If only all content on utube was this clear, concise and to the point. You're a legend Martin.


One small point I'd make is that (I believe) when the REx kicks in at 6.5%, it doesn't provide any power to the battery for a few minutes until it's up to temperature. So don't panic if you get down to 5% or so, it should catch up shortly as long as you aren't going silly speeds.


Just a quick point of clarification for the US REX. The fuel tank was software limited only on the 60Ah version (due to CARB - California Air Resources Board regulations). But with the 94Ah that software restriction was eliminated. I currently have a 120Ah with the REX and it is awesome. (Although I recently purchased a Ford Lightning as I needed something larger for work.) Another great video Martin, cheers!


I love my REX, a 2018, It's the perfect solution in my eyes 🙂


Excellent video!

I had to pop down to Brighton at short notice before Christmas to collect a gift and my 60Ah REx wasn’t fully charged so I used the maintain 75% state of charge and a splash of fuel in Brighton to ensure a trouble free round trip.

Excellent technology and great peace of mind.

BTW - I always keep the tank filled with vPower as it has a longer shelf life than standard unleaded (so to speak).


When I do long journeys in my REx I take a 10 litre jerrycan with my, it fits perfectly into the luggage strap in the boot. Then when I stop to charge I also fill the fuel tank as well, and that just makes charge stops much easier.


Some real world numbers from me. Strangely I did a very similar drive to you, Suffolk to Leeds - a regular journey for me, and I'm pretty sure it was the same day as you as the wind was exactly the same - 20-25mph headwind all the way. I have a 2018 94Ah REx. In Summer/calm weather I can usually do the 180 mile drive either way on a full charge pluis a full tank of petrol. I have worked it out as roughly 40-45mpg on the REx, as I'm getting best part of 80 miles on a tank. That, with 100-110 miles on battery mean I can fairly comfortably do the journey. Hoever, on the windy day, the battery was done to 6.5% after just 72 miles and the REx only did a further 42 miles. Very nearly caught me out but one of the benefits of the REx is that if you do miscalculate your range, salvation is only a petrol station away, rather than having to find a charger. Took almost all of a second tank to finish my journey so the difference between a calm Summer's day and a very windy Autumn day was a full tank of petrol, around £12. I also did some expermenting with high load REx usage by setting my cruise to 80mph. The REx could not keep up and the battery dropped all the way to 0.8%, at which point the car could only maintain around 60mph although with up and downhills, full power was occasionally restored. Hope this helps!


Great to see you again Martin, hope you and your family are well and same to Arthur and his family. Wishing you all a happy prosperous new year. Super new video, thanks for taking the time out from a very busy period to complete and post it.👏 Looking forward to visiting the new premise……….soon. Thanks again. See you in the next one 😂🥹🤫🧐🫣🤪😜


Comprehensive and interesting review. Not many have done this.
Nice point about the fuel pumps not working, I smiled. But the point was made, options improved against the weather in the Rex.


12:57 unlocking the use of the range extender is vital if you want to drive long distance. It gives you a "buffer" from running out completely


Nice format and straight to the point explanations that cover side notes. Very informative for me who is thinking about buying a used one soon.


Thank you so much for the "userfrendly" reviev of the REX. This is the first really roadtrip i seen, with the real use use of the REX in "real" every day condition 👍👍👍


Excellent video again Martin. Thank You !!


What a gorgeous trim with this color and the 20 inch, it looks so fresh and modern, like it was designed a year ago


You guys are the best with expert video content and knowledge!


That's the best way to encourage people to go electric - to price electricity on the road at three times the price you pay at home!!!


That’s the best i3 I’ve seen. Way better than mine. Great work!


Great video Martin. I've a late 2018 i3 with the Rex and on a long journey I always turn the Rex on at 75% so I have plenty battery left for town driving, or not too worried if I run low on fuel before the next service station. The i3 is a great car not just for town driving but an easy car for longer trips.
