2018 BMW i3s Range Extender (REx) Review - The Future Of Cars?

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2018 BMW i3s Range Extender REX Review on The Straight Pipes. Unlike the 2019 Chevrolet Bolt, 2019 Hyundai Kona, 2018 Nissan Leaf and 2018 Smart fortwo electric cabriolet EQ this has a built in range extender.

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Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars.
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We're super excited to meet all of our Straight Piper's at Wings and Slicks on October 28! It'll be the best meet ever.

What do you think about the i3s? Cool? Beautiful? Hideous? Not cool? The Future?

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Good to know that some of the BMW features have been carried over from the gasoline powered cars. Like the check engine light.


I've done 180, 000km in my 2015 i3 REx.

Saved ~€25k in running costs in 3 years
Most reliable BMW I've ever owned, one service (it's a bi-annual schedule) and no major issues
Hurtled around, full throttle from every traffic light, drifting on ice and forest roads (yes, i3 can drift) with zero maintenance or running cost concerns
That visibility, electric torque and the awesome turning circle make it basically the best city car ever built
Practicality is great, I've actually fit both a washing machine and dishwasher in the back at the same time (with a little planning), suicide doors help with loading odd items
Looks grew on me over time, not a fan at first (I've got a goldish silver that looks better IMHO than the other colours (dropped for 2016 and 2017 but back for 2018))
Repair costs are surprisingly low... provided nothing involves the carbon fiber... cheaper than a 1-series to insure
Interior design is awesome, you guys missed some of the best features... like that cup holder you found under the armrest... actually slots into any of four positions around the cabin
The usual electric stuff like remote pre-heating in winter
One pedal driving... once you get used to it it's awesome, at this point I regularly go from 130km/h to a dead stop a car length behind the guy in front at the lights, feet off pedals, just timing it right
It's RWD and electric... that's enough reason to buy it right there...

Suspension on the post 2016 is actually softer than mine, I've actually proven in testing to be able to detect when I run over a €2 coin, it's that hard
Tires are quite expensive... and I've gone through a lot of them
Range needs to be better (2018 gets double the range on my 22kWh car with it's new 44kWh pack but more would be welcome, Lion Energy have shown an i3 mule with a 100kWh 700km WLTP range pack)
No Android Auto
Seats are OK for up to 2 hours at a stretch... after that the lack of lumbar support is an issue

Service Items:
Factory delivered my car with the sunroof gearing not matching on both sides (fixed under warranty)
Passenger wing mirror folding motor needed to be replaced @100, 000km
Those door handles have needed adjusting twice due to becoming loose with use
Still on factory pads and discs even though I drive like a lunatic


BMW: nah sorry no android auto
Aslo BMW: i give you these android tablets as a controller & rear seat entertainment on the 7 series


Those lower 125/135 'hp' numbers are likely the kW numbers for the motor.

125 kW = 170 hp
135 kW = 184 hp


Borrowed my son's i3 for 5 days. Loved it. Now I want one. I am a 69 year old grandma but it was fun!


Crazy how much these cars depreciate. Brand new they’re around $50k+ and I’ve been looking at used ones for around d $13k, crazy!


I've looked into a used i3 as a city runaround and the prices have absolutely tanked! MSRP of a brand new one is crazy but you can find a 2015 with less than 30k miles for around $17k USD. at that price, this is an awesome BEV!


I drove an i3. The regenerative braking is insane! The entire drive I only had to touch the brakes twice. It was like a game of "Can the car stop itself" haha


Just turned in a 24mo lease on an i3. My family and I LOVED it. Here's my input. First, w rebates and $0 down the lease was $320/mo. It was for us a free car because we sold a Focus ST that we were putting $400+/mo in gas into. So we pocketed the cash and leased this. Secondly, nothing in town, especially in and around traffic is more fun to drive or easier to maneuver or rip past traffic. The only issue I had was the suicide door and inability for rear passengers to lower their windows but its a minor gripe. For comparison a lease on a Volt was gonna be like $4k down and almost $600/mo. You can buy i3 Rex's used now for like $20k or even less.


I own the BMW i3 Rex (non-sport). I love the car and I loved the video. You touched on so many of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the quirky parts of it. Such a good review. BMW definitely didn't make a perfect car, but it is so different and so unique that it makes driving the car every day a pleasure and a pure joy. I am in the group that loves the car's styling and design quirks. It's definitely not the new Range Rover Velar, but it's unique and it's futuristic. All of the components and pieces make the car feel special and not some other boring and bland, Honda Accord or Subaru Legacy, etc.. I just recently had some scratches fixed on the car and was driving a conventional Internal Combustion Vehicle for about 2 weeks. Coming back into the car permanently cemented my love for electric cars and powertrains which, In my opinion, while different, are superior to most ICE vehicles. I'm so happy you all are giving all cars great review video's, as well as talking about Electric vehicles, which will continue to become more pervasive in everyday driving. Oh and by the way, if you have the BMW app, when the car is plugged in, it will tell you a time when the car will be done charging. Thanks again!


If you’re going to get one, don’t get it new! They have deprecated like crazy in the US at least, you can get them for under $15, 000 usd


One of the key features, which you skipped over really quickly, and as far as I know, unique to this car, is the generator. Which is a game changer. I've driven around in one of these cars for 3 months, and the fact that you have no range anxiety, and that you can actually cruise at a low speed with the generator on is incredible. Also, I don't know if your regular car is an M2 or something, but the car handles ridiculously well in corners.


Late to this one but I’m 100% team Yuri on this one. This car is one of the most beautiful car that came out in the last 10 years and it also doesn’t age. It’s gonna be a classic IMO.


Don't judge this car before you drive it. I don't want EVs in my life but I had a chance to drive an i3 and this thing FLIES in the city. It's ridiculous.




You guys just keep getting better. So happy to see such an awesome duo making it to the big leagues. Keep up the excellent work guys!!


I feel like you two are fighting in this video.


I just got my i3s 120Ah. I love it. Yeah it looks weird but I think it’s brilliant


I am literally buying this exact spec i3s (even the same color) the day after tomorrow. CAN’T WAIT!!!
