Exploring Shamanism and Schizophrenia - Comparing Psychosis to the Shamanic State.

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This video looks at shamanism and schizophrenia, more specifically any disorder which includes psychosis. How are shamanic journeying visions like the hallucinations experienced in a psychotic state, and how is it different

Schizophrenia is a long-lasting mental disorder that affects thoughts and emotions severely in a way where there is a break from reality. Its causes are theorized but not completely understood.

In this video, teacher of shamanism, John Moore, explains current brain research into the shamanic state of consciousness showing similarities to the use of hallucinogens like psilocybin (aka magic mushrooms). Further, the use of psilocybin mimics some of the symptoms of schizophrenia - so there may be a link.

Further, what can we learn from the way that some other cultures see psychosis as a symptom of spiritual awakening, and how do they treat people? Can modern, Western medicine learn from this to help people live better lives?

#maineshaman #shamanic #shamanism
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Thanks for sharing. Was like hearing myself speak. Sadly, Western Psychiatry is a predatory environment. As long as you’re feeling bad - they’re getting paid. Hats off to you for actually reaching out to the world and trying to help, I gave up. Thanks again man, stay present


Thank you for the video! I am writing my Bachelor's Thesis in psychology on schizophrenia, specifically on revisiting the (I believe controversial) corelation between shamanism and psychosis, through an exploration of the Psychosis Continuum and cultural influence on schizophrenia.
In the video you say that "there are cultures that train people who are going into psychosis to become shamans /oracles. could you name these cultures? I would like to explore this issue further

Thanks again!! :)


Very interesting, especially from 16:37 to 21:03


I am a big fan of plant medicine. But I want to echo John’s cautions about psychedelics. "What he said.” But I of course believe that psychedelics can be used by some folks while also preaching that they are not for everybody. On top of that, I’m no expert, just feeling my way through things even five years after my first plant medicine experience. It’s not a game and I don’t recommend ‘recreational’ use at all. I was lovingly introduced to the medicine, instructed to have intention, and to stay in the ceremonial area. Experience seekers can suddenly uncover stuff they didn’t know was lurking just under the surface. On my second night of Ayahuasca, I literally experienced ego death. They guided me to my blanket and smothered me in singing and love. You don’t need that out on the town on Saturday night.
The vomiting and diarrhea are very real possibilities. I see it as struggle and purging. Struggle tells me where the pain is and purging is returning the energy to ground, I’m done with it. But many or most people don’t celebrate such bodily functions the way I do. When I suffer vomiting or diarrhea for other reasons, I am not a happy camper. Intention plays a big role in this aspect.
And lasting or permanent psychosis is indeed a possibility, ceremony or not. It’s just seems a lot less likely with a responsible practitioner.
Many, many things alter our states of mind. Being hungry at 3am does not bring the best out in us. So there’s even reason to be careful about a single drum track or meditation. Awakening is not always joyful. Don’t dread this, just understand that anxiety or psychosis are probably just temporary as you realize new depths of yourself. Integration comes next, the process of creating action based on your new awareness.
But I will agree that the path John describes in his numerous videos and content is most likely safer, and cheaper, in the big picture. I’m not trying to kiss his butt, I have concerns about magic mushroom chocolate bars. They’re great in the right setting, a possible disaster for Netflix and chill.


I can see neither science or spirit without the other, but that wasn’t always my perspective. But wonderful and/or terrifying things that science cannot explain were a big part of me giving up atheism and pure materialism. When I deep-dive the double-slit experiment, I’m left with "who can I call about this?” Gravity screams I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON’T KNOW! Who moved my consciousness cheese?


This was a perspicacious look on the confluence between shamanism and schizophrenia/psychosis (which I am diagnosed as). Would you please suggest music/videos that can create the affects of shamanic journeying on YouTube?


Cool Video. Not new to me. We are spirits inhabiting a physical body to experience this physical reality. That answers all. Western world does not see full reality as it is. Western world only believes in MATERIALISM which is but a fraction of a fraction of the whole. I do NOT use drugs so my attention can flip between realities in a flash and anywhere between. Artist and Engineers and any creative person have this ability since very young like oh about 5 ish for me. it's a gift. Western world hides this in their elite class and want the peasant class numbed down (drugged) unfortunately. (if you start very young, you will have no issues other than people just think you different) (you can initiated through teaching dreams when very young best amazing teachings ever!)


Voting is a numerical way of counting numbers cast by people to democratically build consensus. numbers are a language, and counting numbers, follow rules that are agreed upon by certain members of educated society whom agree with each other on what it means numerically.

Science uses natural laws and layers math ideas on top, they have a process that is considered to be repeatable and if peers review the idea to be tested and gain exact numerical results it leans to being a fact based reality. The self, is a non-numerical, non-physical entity that is described by those who claim to understand it, that its compartmentalized into 3 segments.

in neurology in brain tissue there is no part that is able to be cut out and put on the table as "the mind", or "the self", Yet, the branch of psychiatry, and psychology - both study the psyche. a psyche is non-standard and non-physical. yet, its democratically standardized by voting, through numbers of votes cast determining the consensus of folks who claim to have a patented grasp on the non-standard, non-physical entity of "self", psyche, and mind.

the DSM manual for all its possible desire to help, is a accounting motivated product for billing medical insurance and pharma. it was brought over from germany i believe originally after WW1/2 to mirror the way army hospitals diagnosed and billed the state for personnel injured in the war who suffered pathology of the body and physicians need to account for time/patient.

non-physical injuries didn't have the same ability to be billed or accounted for, if you research the history of dsm i think you will see this is how it started out. what its turned into is a tool of big pharma, to bill the state for chemicals foreign to the body to be billed to the system of health as a solution to correct some error in human cellular behavior.

i am in the camp, voting is not science. counting votes is science, analyzing counted votes is also science, but actual voting is not. why it isn't is it has uncertainty inherent in the outcome, it can be this outcome or that outcome or some mix. that isn't defined as a bankable certainty.

what is certain, is the increase of statistics that are analyzed and are voted on = to up the number of disorders with each successive DSM manual, thereby increasing the qty of disorders that qualify for big pharma to bill the state.

meanwhile, plants and natural remedies are made illegal by policies of governments financially in bed with global chemical manufacturers who slowly but surely eradicate the teas, roots, flowers and herbs that stave off disease naturally are not allowed to be accessed by there populations.

the reason is, a tree or plant grows in nature with natural processes like photo=synthesis sun, rain and minerals in soil. the tree from nature is unable to produce leaves with a barcode on it. without a barcode the corporation cannot bill the system for what nature produces.

worldwide the aboriginal natives and there elders who knew the plants and their healing properties are being eradicated. Artificial remedies are made for health care. these remedies are now able to be sold in a currency tracked by the government and billed to account numbers.

from cradle to grave these medicines and chemicals are affecting the cells of the human users. the natural remedies are fast disappearing other than a few anthropologists who have made secret libraries of the plants and their properties.

any shift of perception in a person from a normal distribution leans that person towards a disorder,
so that assumes there ever was order. for to have dis-something, we must have first had the something.

if shaman or (saman) leads to alternative conscious experience its not likely that the location of this experience is local. meaning its a non-physical non-local plane of somewhere and when else.

hardly a repeatable scientific measurable event if its not on a map, not qualitative or quantitative its just the account of a practitioner from spirit realms. yet the amazing thing also is scientists who don't know what exactly it is they are treating in the non-physical mind, have a material solution for the non-physical thing of which they don't exactly know of what it exactly is they are treating.

i have a problem with this.

i believe shaman exist. i believe kids who learn math, physics, chemistry and biology exist. i believe both a shaman and a kid who went to university both have non-physical selves, non-physical minds, and non-physical psyches. yet the shaman walks between worlds or realms and brings remedies that are not already known by western science and this is a huge problem for western science.

in the same way an unknown flying thing is doing we don't know what in the sky, in a way we don't know how - but don't worry we are the authorities of knowledge and there is nothing to see here. the beings flying those we-don't-know-what using technology from we don't know when are like the non-locals, and they appear to be able to move in and out of this reality like we go in and out of sleep.

these plants the medicine men and shaman use that are not known in the western scientists world that work to heal complex health and psyche problems might be left behind from those beings who appear to be coming here from elsewhere and else when.

whatever a plant without a barcode on it is, its apparent that some of them have psychoactive properties that shift the consciousness of the user to other when and other where. like a long distance prefix the plant allows the brain to dial connections to elsewhere and get info from non-ordinary non-local other places that can be brought into this world in our time.

this has to be a big problem for those who want absolute control of what people think, and know or can think and can know. for knowledge is power, and information is advantage and without power and advantage you cannot enslave people or their minds. see "plato's cave" on youtube

our world is a cave. the stars and cosmos are our stairs to what is outside. those beings coming here are coming from there to unchain us and our minds and they left plants here as a safety net. somebody ate one a few thousand years ago, it was a free long distance call to them telepathically that we past the threshold of curiosity.

so they came back to monitor the situation, and we shot at them. ever since we have had a whack of stories from governments that appear to be unhelpful to outright lies. i trust nature to run the laws, i suspect if more than one self or personality exists for people, it does as well for being and off planet governments who aid in governing this one for reasons non-human and non-physical that will not make sense to humans in the physical. All schizophrenia is are people who went to far trying to make sense of what never will, for reasons stated above.

if someone can affect spirit with matter, then perhaps it goes both ways. either way the answers lie in unasked questions from other where and other when.
