Myths, Shamans and Seers: Phil Borges at TEDxRainier

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Accompanied by his stunning photographs, Phil Borges tells the story of visiting and meeting traditional seers in many parts of the world. For over thirty years Phil Borges has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures, striving to create an understanding of the challenges they face. His work is exhibited in museums worldwide and his award winning books have been published in four languages. His most recent book, Tibet: Culture on the Edge highlights the effect of climate change and technology on Tibetan Culture. Borges teaches and lectures internationally and is co-founder of Blue Earth Alliance.

This talk was given at TEDxRainier in Seattle on November 10, 2012. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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There is a shaman in each of us, but to realize this requires an awakening. For me, it was learning to reject most of what I was taught as a child and most of what I see and hear today. Western society is all about stifling the inner voice and severing our connection to mother earth. Money is the drug that is largely responsible for this. You can only choose one or the other.


I think that shamanism is such a beautiful part of indigenous spirituality


Some shamans are called at a much younger age. I almost died at birth and started seeing and interacting with spirits, had prophetic dreams when I was 3. Shortly after this started I was deaf for almost 2 years, before my hearing was restored.
Some people sensationalize what shamans do, especially western media (TV & movies), but it can be really difficult, especially in our modern societies. I've been called weird, psychotic, a lair or any number of other negative descriptors. And even though my husband prayed for a red headed medicine woman, he wasn't comfortable at times with having to live with one.
And then there's the "I just want to be normal" episode. Yeah, when spirit calls you to walk this path, you can walk it or you can roll along in a wheel chair. I tried normal - college to become a school teacher. A week after getting my degree, a drunk driver took me out - and I saw it coming. All the 1st responders were amazed that I was alive, but it turned out that I was really messed up. So no more "working" a regular job, but I raise herbs, minister to people who need me (and where Spirit sends me), and give spirit-filled messages and advice. Not rich, but we did manage to keep our home after the "Great Recession" because I listened to Spirit, and saved my hubby's life when he dropped with a heart attack ( I was forewarned by Spirit and told "don't leave him alone" when he came in from cutting down a tree).
There are more of us hidden in our modern world and society than you may think. Witch, artist, composer, mother, mystic ... what's in name when you bring healing and peace to a life and the world?


Hi, this story describes me exactly...I had a “psychotic break”, or that’s what I was told anyway. But the story of the guy who said he was thinking things and then it would happen describes what I experiencing after this happened to me. I felt very euphoric at first but the more people would tell me I was crazy even after I showed them the things happening after I verbalized things they still called me crazy...I had lots of proof that these things happened to me and when I went to the hospital they believed me so then I was happy and content. But when I got back home, I was still faced with my entire family calling me crazy, which put me back into the hospital two more times. I became very afraid to speak to people also. How is it that the same experiences can be experienced by two people who don’t know each other and they can totally relate to each other. Things were happening when I was in a state of pure happiness. People saw similar things I was seeing. To me it means we are all connected on a subconscious level. They were other people in the hospital who experienced the same thing I was experiencing, and they verbalized things I saw in my mind and wrote down. Everyone had something to say that was in my mind already. Something was happening to me but only when I was in that euphoric state of mind. It really upsets me when people say I’m trying to relate something to things I experienced or thought about because nobody cared to listen except the doctors and other people who were experiencing it. I didn’t know what it was so I chopped it off to be something to do with religion or spirituality. I don’t know how to explain it all because it was happening all the time, and as soon as I lost all confidence in myself because I let everyone talk me into believing I was crazy it all went away. I am trying to believe again but it’s hard without talking yourself into thinking your crazy again. There is too much to write about and if I could talk about it without feeling crazy it would be a whole lot easier.


It connects to the source, Maria, earth, the whole of which we are parts


I can't imagine the impact it would have on a young person who is scared of their own mind to be told that they would be helpers and essential to their community instead of becoming a pariah or feared. The West could stand to learn something from that, I think.


"Do not believe madness to be a curse. For some, it is the greatest of blessings. A bitter mercy perhaps, but mercy nonetheless."


Shamanism comes in with the soul as an ancestor connection.


Wonderful, . Clear, concise and profound.


You cannot excise a shaman from the culture he was born into. As a modern urban North American shaman, he almost nails it. But calling them "hallucinations" seems to downplay the giant sacrifice a shaman makes to serve his people. The shamanic death is no joke and is one of the most hideous things a human can go through since the spirits rip you apart. They rebuild you of course but he doesn't get into how shamans are made. Both today and for thousands of years.


Thank you for this talk, these talks are needed.


All shamans, seers, healers, psychic mystics etc
Lets unite to bring harmony to the people
check in within this comment.
Peace love


Jesús was a healer ❤ the true healer and now Holy Spirit heals


Don't get lost in the word "hallucination(s) it a word. Listen to the rest of what he is saying. The fact that he is talking when so many aren't for whatever the reason says he is awake...just not the way you maybe.


Great talk, Loved loved loved the quote by Einstein. Never heard that before.


Come on people i can't do this on my own I need everybody's help we are one big Power


There is sound at this end.
Anyway Philip Borges is really an amazing guy. I am glad I was able to meet him in person


I just healed a girl like 2 months ago in the most interesting ways, i could feel everything they were feeling, the next day i felt that maybe it was all in my head. I refrained from contacting for validation of the experience for a simple reason. "If it meant something for her she will contact me herself " before the end of the day she was desperate to see me. I set a date the next day. We met and ahe was besides herself, she shared a spiral image with me the same image she shared telepathically the night before i couldn't believe the accuracy of her side of the story. I healed her energy. 2 weeks ago I did a random energy to my friend and it spooked her. I'm not sure exactly what to do with these experiences especially i don't seem to be able to either turn it on or off. It just happens.


I was confused because I read this comment before I actually started the video, then I pressed play and it all made sense


Can we really say that these are hallucinations, is a western bias? Maybe these gifts are all actually something naturally, Like active dreaming, and "shamanic journey." What do you think??
