7 Signs People Secretly Find You Attractive

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Do you think of yourself as an attractive person? On a rate of 1-10, how would you rate yourself in terms of attractiveness? Chances are, whatever you answered isn’t an accurate enough measure of your own attractiveness. If you’re one of those people who have a bad habit of putting themselves down and underestimating themselves, this video is for you.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Nayeli Meneses 
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, L., & Xiang, Y. (2017). Patterns of eye movements when observers judge female facial attractiveness. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1909.
Montoya, R. M., Kershaw, C., & Prosser, J. L. (2018). A meta-analytic investigation of the relation between interpersonal attraction and enacted behavior. Psychological bulletin, 144(7), 673.
Dion, K. K., & Stein, S. (2008). Physical attractiveness and interpersonal influence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 14(1), 97-108.
Thomas, T., & Johnson, J. (2017). The Role of Celebrity Attractiveness & Celebrity Trustworthiness on Effectiveness of Social Advertising. Vilakshan: The XIMB Journal of Management, 14(2).
Lin, L., Hoegg, J., & Aquino, K. (2018). When beauty backfires: the effects of server attractiveness on consumer taste perceptions. Journal of Retailing, 94(3), 296-311.
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When literally none of this relates to you but you decide to watch the full video because the narrator’s voice sounds so pretty--


To anyone who feel even worse after the video:

- You may just not realise the signs, even if you are sure they don't exist.
- No video can show your value and attrectiveness.
- I guarantee, if you are warm-hearted, individual thinking and not shallow, I am attracted to you.


To anyone who doesn't get these signs,

It doesn't mean you're unattractive. I don't do any of these when I'm attracted to someone. I try my best to hide it <3


“Signs people _secretly_ find you attractive!”
Number one : *They stare into your soul*
Number two : *They attach themselves to you like a tumour*


Narrator:"They rarely compliment you"
*me who never got a compliment ever*
"Guess I'm the most attractive person in the world"


These videos make me confident that nobody finds me attractive. I don't have to worry about disappointing anyone. Thank you.


I had a friend who acted like this towards me sometimes and so I thought she liked me because I definitely liked her! Turns out she's just a REALLY nice person and she treats everyone she likes and cares about the same. So even though I was sad she didn't like me romantically, I was still happy to be friends with someone so caring and nice!


As someone who has been depressed for years, I can promise, these are true. It is 'us' who choose not to see them because they are blocked by how we see ourselves. Stay strong fam.


To be honest, I'm not the kind of person that other people would find me attractive, it's the opposite for me, I find people attractive.


1.)they like to look at you-0:51
2.)they enter your personal bubble-1:27
3.)they seem flustered by you-2:10
4.)they often come up to talk to you-2:52
5.)they rarely compliment you-3:21
6.)they’re surprised by your insecurities-3:59
7.)they act extremely towards you-4:32


1. They like to look at you.
2. They enter your personal bubble.
3. They seem flustered by you.
4. They often come up to talk to you.
5. They rarely compliment you.
6. They are surprised by your insecurities.
7. They act extremely towards you.


I rarely compliment a person I find attractive because I am pretty sure I would overdo and make them uncomfortable. It's rather difficult wanting to give a meaningful compliment without making it too obvious you're fascinated by them. Also, I'm sure the way of telling them (like tone and facial expressions etc.) would give it all away in my case.


I have an important one: You make them laugh a lot. And I don’t mean the awkward or pity laughs. The natural laughs that make you feel like they enjoy what you say and presence all the time. It’s proven that making someone laugh a lot makes you a lot more attractive to them. Moreover, they also may subconsciously laugh a lot with you to try to appeal to you without even knowing. Have you ever laughed at what your crush says even if it’s not that funny but simply because you want them to like you? It may be hard distinguishing but most of the time laughter is in your favor


Don't do that
Don't give me hope


The gazing thing is so true. Staring at your love interest rarely registers as attraction, it only makes him/her feel intimidated. Its like pointing out at someone with the finger.


Number 7, the last one, I actually feel bad for this one because someone who just wants to be treated normally get ridiculous reactions from others that make them feel uncomfortable. From extreme cat calling, to being bothered by your employer (and then not reciprocating this and being treated badly because you won’t flirt back) sucks.


How am I supposed to think that others like me when they don’t even look my direction?!? Lol 😂


Coming from a guy, if you don’t notice any of these signs, it doesn’t mean we don’t like you. I try hard not to seem creepy or desperate, and it comes off as I don’t like you. In fact, one of my past crushes thought I hated them I didn’t show my feelings that much. Some, like me, try not to show our feelings, especially if they’re more introverted. The one thing I do consistently is eye contact, I will catch myself staring at her, and then oh shoot she looks over at me lol. One time she was looking at me, and I literally thought about it all day. So, I would say, if you catch them looking at you on a consistent basis, then there’s a good chance they like you.


This stuff happens to me a lot. Even though it's been going on for some time I never get used to it. It actually makes me really anxious on top of having social anxiety . Especially when random strangers are come up to me and get directly in my personal space or if I have to figure out if my uber driver is just really nice or trying to kidnap me 🙃


You’re a life saver! I have this boy that has been giving me signs of attraction but I don’t know what to do, plus I don’t know if I’m attractive in general to others! Thanks :))
