CBD To Control Seizures In Dogs and Cats

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If your dog or cat has seizures, such as epilepsy, then you should consider CBD oil ( medical marijuana), for seizure control. Dr Jones discusses the research, the benefits, risks and the dose of CBD for dog and cat seizures.

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My dog began to have seizures and not having any money to take her to the vet, I started giving her 4 drops of CBD oil every day and her seizures stopped. She isn't 100% back to normal but she is getting better every day. Its been about 2.5 weeks and no seizures. Its a miracle! Thank you!


Sad part is bag dog food causes a lot of these seizures and skin issues. You're one of the few veterinarians that truly understands the importance of an animal's well-being instead of pushing products out the door that someone paid you to promote. You're one of the best resources on the internet for home remedies and dogs keep up the great work


we have been using CBD for a couple of years now and our Simon has gone from a seizure every 6-8 weeks to one about every 6 months ❤️


You rock! Thank you so much! My puppy is 3 and half months old and just had her first seizure with us last night. We were scared, freaked and tried calling every pet emergency place but we didn't have enough money and they refused to help. This gives me hope. We're in Colorado so thanks to you I'm reminded of an option I'm willing to try and can afford. thank you again!


Bless your heart for this video, Doc. My 8 year old cat began having seizures earlier this week. I bought some CBD oil earlier today and gave her 1/2ml when I got home, and gave her another 1/2ml this evening. I'll let you know how it works out. Fingers crossed. I could not love her more if she was a human.


has this been kept away from people that love their dogs ? Yet the Drs put them Phenobarb which attacks the liver and kidneys


Omg...you gave me hope and peace. My 11 years old pit bull Chubby got diagnosed with a mast cell tumor: cancer. Im heartbroken but dont want him to have chemotherapy...Im exploring the different options and you channel gave me tons of useful info and most important hope. I know he will not be cancer free but I want to keep his quality of live. Thanks!


Always wish i did this on a little pug i had before. spent thousands on vet bills trying to help him and nothing did shit and had to put him down because his quality of life was going quick. early brain damage and putting him down might of been prevented with a much cheaper option like cbd or even thc. R.I.P Tucker the pug


I'm so glad I came across just recently my cat he is almost 9 years old he started having seizures he's healthy nothing was wrong with him and then all the sudden it started so I was talking with a few of my friends and they were telling me try CBD and take him to the vet and see what he says so we took him to the vet and he said go ahead and try CBD first see what happens watch over him know my cat is on it today he hasn't had one for 12 so I'm hoping that they slow down I pray to God this work's


My Shih Tzu was having multiple seizures a day starting at 6 months old. I started giving her CBD oil and they got better. Now I give it proactively every morning. She has not had a seizure in 5 years now. This is a miracle oil. I’m SO thankful.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and God bless you


I started my dog having seizures 21mg a day and seizures are gone. Hes more himself everyday now. Its been 2 weeks. They wanted me to out him to sleep! This saved his life


Dont use glass droppers or syringes tho.use plastic glass can break and be swallowed


Thank you doctor for this video. You explain things in simply ways we can understand. Do you have an updated version please.


I have known of this via the Canine Health Concern run by Catherine O'Driscoll here in the UK. It really does help with dogs and cats that have fits. Great subject . Thank you :)


My 14 year old boy would be lying down and suddenly jump up. Half an hour ago he was hacking and fell over like with a mild seizure. I have given him his dinner with two drops of CBD oil. I have realised he probably has mild epilepsy. Thanks Dr Jones.


We started my cat on CBD oil yesterday. She had been having one seizure about every 24 hours for a week. We made it through yesterday without a seizure. Gave her a dose this morning, thought we were in the clear, but she just had a seizure a few minutes ago. It did not seem to last as long and she did not walk around in circles afterwards for as long as the other times. I managed to squirt some CBD oil into her mouth immediately afterwards. I will increase her dosage. I refuse to take her to the vets (ignorant murderers). I'd rather she died at home without any pharmaceuticals in her system. We had a cat about 7 years ago who began having seizures. Took her to a specialist who said she had nasal cancer. Each injection cost $750. All told, with office visits and whatnot, we went into debt to the tune of $17, 500. Her seizures stopped and then she died a horrible death 3 months later (fried liver & kidneys from the chemo). The sooner I am killed, the better I will feel. This ain't no good life. Not by a longshot.


thanks for making and putting these videos online.


I did as close to a _'scientific test'_ on my 14 pound dachshund as possible in a home environment.
*HISTORY:* _I 'rescued' this dog at about the age of 4, and she never had a seizure for the first year to year and a half. Then suddenly it started. She was having seizures on average once a month. They would last about 10 to 15 minutes before she could somewhat stand and walk again. At first I suspected the expensive kibbles I was feeding her and started making her food out of the best ingredients (70% beef heart, 5% fish, 20% veggies, 5% brown rice. All cooked). After several more months there was no change._
I decided to try 'Angle Flavorless' CBD oil. (3, 000 mg per 1 ml ~ 30 ml bottle).
I recorded each seizure on the calendar, as well as the amount of CBD oil I was giving her (under the tongue).
I started out with one drop per day, and after 4 months I increased it to 2. After another 4 months to 3, and so on for four years. There was never *_ANY_* change in her seizures over the course of that four years.
Running low on the oil and not wanting to spend another sixty bucks for something that wasn't working, I decided to stop for a while. She had another seizure right on schedule on Feb 7th 2022. Then strangely she had a very short and mild one twelve days latter. _Not bad enough so she was unable to walk, but I could tell._ Today is April 17th and she hasn't had any more. They seem to have stopped as suddenly as they started.
I've been retired since I got her and either I'm always home or my wife is, so I know we didn't miss recording any seizures.
My non-professional opinion after over four years of using the drops is they did *NOTHING* to stop (or even help) the seizures. _I've heard people praise their use, and if they work for those dogs I'm _*_VERY_*_ happy for them. They just didn't work with mine._


Great video!
I adopted my maltipoo, Kelli 5 months ago and she suffers from petit mal seizures which would come on every 3-4 weeks. I took her to the vet and they wanted to put her on phenobarbital. When the vet told me the possible side effects and the risk involved with dosing or altering the dose even slightly, it scared the crap out of me. My vet advised that there are also natural, alternative treatments that can be used if the phenobarbital started to have adverse effects, so I started researching alternative treatments and learned about CBD oil. I have had her on King Kanine 75 mg CBD oil and so far, she has not had a seizure in just over 6 weeks! I am praying that this herb is the answer and that her seizures continue to become less frequent or cease altogether for that matter. I also have her on a healthy regimen in that she eats Fresh Pet Vital Grain Free and alternatively for variety, I give her Only Natural Pet dry food, which has turmeric in it. I add Wellness Core Raw Bowl Boosters to each meal (which she absolutely loves). She gets spring water every day, a powdered probiotic specifically formulated for dogs/cats and I only use stainless steel bowls for her food and water.