CUTCO knife review by a sucked in owner

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OVER PRICED. Great steak knife, but I would never buy another. My opinion is the direct marketing method used by Cutco is geared for suckers.
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I have owned my set for 30 years. I did not spend as much as you said.. probably around $100 for 6 of them., they were a great investment and even at today’s pricing I would recommend especially with their forever guarantee.


That is NOT a steak knife that's a TABLE KNIFE .


I've worked for Cutco and I wouldn't say its a pure scam. But they do mislead people into joining their team. I was a secretary and my job was to read a script over the phone from a list of people who heard we were hiring (they're always hiring) and were interviewed the same day. The interviewer asks the interviewees to give a list of names with numbers of friends who they think might also need work. Those phone numbers go to my list and I would call them. I would tell them that the new hire, (your friend so and so) suggested they might need some extra work and were "recommended" to us.  After mentioning there is no experience necessary since Vector will train you, the caller is willing to listen and continue the call with interest. That person who I'm on the phone with is desperate for work and thinks its the perfect job once we tell them that the job is a 16$ pay rate, BUT we DON"T mention  its 'per appointment' UNLESS they ask. They don't comprehend this quickly enough to realize its not paid hourly. That means, you could be presenting your products to them for more than an hour. The secretaries are sure they got the caller in their grasp after hearing the excitement in his/her voice about the pay which results in immediate group hires. Everyday, there was a new group dressed in professional attire who arrived thinking this job was an important/fancy company who hired only business like people. The employer who is interviewing will hire ANYONE who applies. They will make it sound like your joining an important company but they will take anybody.
The script they give the secretaries to read are constantly updated to persuade and manipulate the person we are calling to join the team and by making the job sound absolutely perfect but without lying to the caller and by keeping it vague. Our goal was to try to get people to come in for an interview the same day so we could get more names and numbers by the end of the day. Cutco/Vector gets new employees and money by interviewing a ton of people and advertising that they're hiring for 16$/hr on job sites like monster or indeed jobs, even flyers around campuses or colleges. During your interview, your asked to give the company some phone numbers of people who need a job (this happens all the same day)  and we would call them to come in for an interview because they were "recommended" to us.
They focus and aim for college students or high school graduates. Once hired, you give out even more names to your employer and he/she puts in the system for all the vector marketing secretaries from around United States to call. They even train the secretaries on voice tone, objections and have serious call conferences with other secretaries from around the nation. Not only that, but they go even further to give the secretaries homework/tests after the conferences to answer the test question. After every conference, which is Tuesday mornings at 10 am, we would have to email the answer to the question. Yes, I just quit this job recently because it didn't seem right. I felt like I was manipulating a person desperate for a job. Every time I made contact with someone I called and read the script word for word, I felt like I was misleading people into joining a job that's more like a door to door job and answering vaguely to questions my caller would ask. I never answered in detail by following the script. Even tho they say its not door to door or cold calling, it really is.  Here is an example of the short version of the script: 

"Hi ___, my name is Melissa and I'm a secretary for Vector Marketing. I'm calling because ____ recommended you for a position to work in our company. You get paid 16$ per appointment. Its not based on commission but it has a commission opportunity." "

That's just a small part of the script. They even have objection responses for those that are sketchy about the position or have a question. Their question is NEVER answered in detail, its answered very vaguely. 

As far as purchasing from them, they are worth the money because the company keeps the knifes sharp and they are very very very good knifes. If your knifes break, the company will fix them for you and do everything they say they promised. They live up to their guarantee. The products are the highest quality you'll ever find in the United States, that's why they are so extremely expensive. After working there for a few months, I would say that there is nothing wrong with the product. The only problem I don't like about Vector is the way the company manipulates the people who are desperate for work. Most of the people I called were mothers looking for an easy job and they came to the interview very disappointed. I don't suggest working for them unless you LOVE being a salesman and your absolutely sure that the numbers you give to the company are customers looking for products to buy and friends who also like being a salesman. I remember calling people who the new hires gave numbers to us secretaries and 95 % of them asked me to stop calling them or would get offended for having that new hire "recommend" them to us because they were adults with already over paid jobs. Yes, the secretaries at Vector will be calling one number at least 3-5 times a week. 

For those that want to work for Vector: Here are the Pros and Cons I found..
Pros) They teach you great business and communication skills. After working with them, you feel like your better at handling business than any CEO ever could. The training is amazing and your fellow coworkers are very friendly and helpful. Its a social and professional feel. You gain useful skills like time management and social skills that most business students will die to learn. You gain not only skills but confidence in yourself after the first 2 days of training. 
Cons) You will regret giving out the numbers from your friends who need a job because we will be calling them like a telemarketer would and they will be extremely annoyed. You will be calling your friends, friends of friends and relatives. These people will help you get even more numbers to call which will result in a huge list of numbers that belong to your friends parents, your friends of friends parents and so on. Somebody's parents. Basically on the phone ALL THE TIME!  All day every day. Your not getting paid while on the phone, no overtime while presenting your product and you will not be paid for training which is about 3 days after you've been hired. Your practically a salesman, trying to sell things to your friends parents. Yes, parents only. No single adults but parents because the parents have money and moms always love new kitchen knifes. If your okay with calling a ton of people, presenting the product in your clients home no matter how long it may take and managing your own time, then you will do awesome at this company. Its not for everybody. But it does pay well if you work hard. No job is easy.

All I'm gonna say to end this long review from working for Vector is if a job sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If you feel like you can do it, you can and there is nothing stopping you but yourself. 


Cutco knives are amazing. This dude is full of crap. There is no way a $2 knife cuts as good as a cutco.


I just bought a used cutco hunting knife from a vendor at the local flea market. The guy had several knives there, some collectible types. The cutco 1769 was used by him in a butcher shop and held an edge better than most knives. My first cutco knife was a #24 slicer that I was impressed with for years. It was bought at the flea market as well. It was not till I saw a cutco table at the gun show that I was aware of the forever guarantee. That guarantee is the only one that works for me as I lose invoices often hours after a purchase and most warranties are void without proof. I just sent my original slicer and a paring knife in for free sharpening and am pleased to see it should only be 7 bucks for up to 3 knives. I will send my prize hunting knife after the hunting season.


You can be disappointed in direct sales. I get that. The Kirby Vaccuum cleaner salespeople. The Watkins salespeople. Amway salespeople. The Fullerbrush or Schwan's ice cream guy. Although you may get value out of Watkins and Fullerbrush goods, the pressure of the salesperson being right there, in your house, panning their wares, tends to make you feel guilty. You buy shit you don't need to alleviate guilt of them working and you sitting through it, only to say no. However... when it comes to knives; specifically kitchen knives; you don't want a knife that needs sharpening every other time you use it. Anyone that knows the differences in knives and how to handle them will tell you a better brand is worth it. Every professional chef has a professional set of knives. German, Japanese, Swiss, Austrian and American. Next time you talk to a professional chef, ask them if they use cheap, $2 knives from the grocery store. Ask them if they have the cheapest set. Ask why. Whether their set is German, Japanese, Austrian, Swiss, American or other, they will tell you exactly why good knives are expensive. Cheap isn't good. Good isn't cheap. Spend more time in the kitchen with knives. You'll start to understand. The most dangerous tool in the kitchen is a dull knife.


That 40$ knife will last you 40 years I have seen ones from the 70s that are still sharp


I get it, good video sir. I just purchased $500 worth of Cutco knives, I Feel pretty good about it. I mean quality cost right? of course I have spent $500 on a fishing reel and put that on a $250 fishing rod. not for everyone I understand. I guess you own a less expensive car as well, I mean why spend more on quality right? !!


Buddy, depending on the area, they guarantee you a base pay for appointments. Here it is $17. With someone new still on 10% commission, you are not making them a dollar more unless you bought something more than $170. I'm selling this stuff now on the side because I kinda got talked into it. I do it purely for fun and I only sell to people who actually want knives. I am not a teenager, and I tell the customer honestly what the benefits are. Almost everyone buys something because they like the product and like the I try and hook them up with as much free stuff on their purchases as possible. In demos, I have had some friends as customers and we really put the knives to the test. We have compared that little table knife to high-end brands as well as a utility knife and a surgical scalpel a veterinarian wanted to compare to for fun. The Cutco knives hold up. It is pretty sweet when a knife that looks like a butter knife is cutting through leather like a surgical blade.


Had a bad experience doing direct sales for them, something I'd never recommend anyone to do.

But goddamn they make good knives. Still have my set from ten years back.


Lol cheap ass. I worked for cutco and they do indeed have the best knives I've ever handled, and the warranty is off the charts. I met an older guy who had a whole set, $850 set in todays money, that he had obtained in the 60s, with no proof of purchase cutco replaced his whole set with a new one for free. And honestly for being 49 years old they were still impressively sharp. That is why the knives are so expensive. And that's not the steak knife that's the table knife. And the steak knife is not called a steak knife its called the trimmer. The value of your videos is about the same as your preferred knife.


definitely a table knife....I'm a sales rep


Basically... you are a cheap guy. Got it! I have many Cutco knives and they are awesome. Great investment! I never have to buy a knife and they are safe in the kitchen because they keep sharp. If the knife is damaged, they will replace it for free. I NEVER HAVE TO BUY A KNIFE! or any type of cookware, utensils. Don't be cheap! Cutco is worth the money.


Just a little housecleaning--its not a "steak knife" (they have these) its a "table knife." Though it cuts through steak fine. You're obviously upset about how much you paid. Clearly you have no clue what the difference in product is that you received than the rest of your cheap knives. This is not a problem with price, but with value--you simply don't know what you bought and refuse to do more research than touch-and-feel impressions. That is the key--understand your product. You buy a diamond that's 2500-3500 dollars that just sits on your wife's finger. This is because you know what you're getting. You buy a 2013 Kymco scooter for the twice the price despite the fact that there are others that sell for less because you know what you're getting. Price is always a terrible factor whenever you're devoid of understanding the value your getting--that is applicable to any product in life. There are people who pay $10, 000 for tobacco baseball cards despite the fact that the card will do nothing for them but sit on a counter. Why? Value to that consumer--they know the rarity of what they're getting. 
Direct marketing is a disadvantage to the consumer? Compared to what? Being locked in some company's building with salesman and managers to call upon like a car dealer or direct selling company? You didn't think that one through. And there is a good reason why this will not benefit your life any more than a $2 knife would--because you don't use it more. You can only benefit from what you use the most. If you had the guts to buy the set then and only then would you benefit more than a single knife. Again--you didn't think that one through. Fact is simply this--you didn't do your homework on what you got, then didn't listen to the rep telling you what you got, then got it, then complained about what you got. Fact is, you are afraid that if you did do your homework you would recognize your need for quality cutlery and be compelled to invest in a real set and spend more time preparing your meals to eat right. Since this calls on a lifestyle change your emotional reaction is to take the stance of rejection as is evidenced here, no matter what kind of faulty logic it takes to get there. Rather than saying you were "suckered into" the purchase, what really happened was you were educated about the need, which moved you to purchase, and then got mad (i.e. buyer's remorse) when you went back to your daily life and forgot the reason you bought it. Bottom line--no one cares if you walk away feeling snookered by your lack of homework on what you put your money to. But don't let your laziness lead to slandering someone else's perfectly legit practices. 


Hey bro do a demo that compares your incredible store bought knife to your cutco steak knife. I'm sure the difference will be astonishing.

Seriously though...I sold CUTCO last summer and I can tell you that those knives are nothing short of magical. We don't take people for suckers. I've never met anyone who is dissatisfied with their cutco experience, and I consider anyone who books with me lucky that they no longer have to go through their lives with shit knives. You're the sucker.


Clearly you don't understand the value. I thought I was going to be the only person that said that but apparently everyone said it lol


A.) That's a table knife
B.) It's forever warranty so its always covered.
C.) Its really unprofessional to talk badly on a company you do not work for.... It's just not done.
D.) I understand how you feel about $37 for 1 table knife, that's why I only let my customers but those in sets of large groups of table knives (4, 6, or 8) so they pay taxes and shipping once. :)


The same thing happened to me. I bought a set of knives to help a teenager. I feel that both customers and teenage sellers are being manipulated by Cutco. Some of my knives got dull after a while and now they want me to ship them to Cutco and pay for return shipping to get my knives sharpened. Terrible customer service.


Forever Guarantee can be passed down generation to generation.
Forever sharpness
Thermo resin handles dishwasher safe blade
they're the only knives in the market that offer all the cutco benefits


Cutco makes a big deal about their 'High carbon' steel. 440A isn't A grade as in quality ranking, it's just a type of steel. It's just a letter that differentiates that steel from let's say 440C, and it's by what it's composed of. In fact, 440A has the lowest carbon content of the 440 family, making it softer than 440B and 440C. It's very inexpensive steel and it usually gets put into inexpensive utensils.
