ESP8266 install Arduino IDE 2 in 90 seconds #ESP8266

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***We designed this circuit board for beginners!***
I'm gonna show you how to set up the Arduino IDE 2.0 for using ESP8266 boards. It's really quite simple. First, go up to Arduino IDE Preferences. If you're on a PC, that's gonna be under File Preferences. Once you go to Preferences, this window shows up and down at the bottom, there's a place where it says Additional Board Manager URLs. Now I already have a URL in here, but all I have to do is add a comma. And then I'm going to paste in this URL right here, which be in the description. So you just paste that in there. Again, if there's already another URL in there, maybe for an ESP32, you just add a comma and paste it. If there's nothing else in there, just paste in that URL by itself and then click OK. Once you've done that, now what you can do is come over to this side menu where it says Boards Manager. It looks like a little Arduino board. And search for esp8266. And you'll see esp8266 by ESP8266 Community. Click Install. Once it's successfully installed, it says Installed up in the corner. And now when you go up to Tools, Board, you'll see that there's a folder for ESP8266 with a bunch of different model names in here. So I've got the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 hooked up, so I'll just select that. And then I can select the port. I happen to know it's this one. And now I'm set to go using ESP8266's on Arduino IDE 2.0.
***About Us:***
This Arduino lesson was created by Programming Electronics Academy. We are an online education company who seeks to help people learn about electronics and programming through the ubiquitous Arduino development board.
***We have no affiliation whatsoever with Arduino LLC, other than we think they are cool.***
***Want to have some fun programming your own electronics?***
***Get the code, transcript, challenges, etc for this lesson on our website***
***We designed this circuit board for beginners!***
I'm gonna show you how to set up the Arduino IDE 2.0 for using ESP8266 boards. It's really quite simple. First, go up to Arduino IDE Preferences. If you're on a PC, that's gonna be under File Preferences. Once you go to Preferences, this window shows up and down at the bottom, there's a place where it says Additional Board Manager URLs. Now I already have a URL in here, but all I have to do is add a comma. And then I'm going to paste in this URL right here, which be in the description. So you just paste that in there. Again, if there's already another URL in there, maybe for an ESP32, you just add a comma and paste it. If there's nothing else in there, just paste in that URL by itself and then click OK. Once you've done that, now what you can do is come over to this side menu where it says Boards Manager. It looks like a little Arduino board. And search for esp8266. And you'll see esp8266 by ESP8266 Community. Click Install. Once it's successfully installed, it says Installed up in the corner. And now when you go up to Tools, Board, you'll see that there's a folder for ESP8266 with a bunch of different model names in here. So I've got the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 hooked up, so I'll just select that. And then I can select the port. I happen to know it's this one. And now I'm set to go using ESP8266's on Arduino IDE 2.0.
***About Us:***
This Arduino lesson was created by Programming Electronics Academy. We are an online education company who seeks to help people learn about electronics and programming through the ubiquitous Arduino development board.
***We have no affiliation whatsoever with Arduino LLC, other than we think they are cool.***