Why the Jedi NEVER Recruited from Certain Species

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Hutts: *Have komplex neural structures and have a natural mental resistance to the force*
Also Hutts: *Are slugs with arms*


"Jedi were seen as baby-snatchers, an accusation that has absolutely no basis in reality."
"...anyways, here's how they snatched babies."


Imagine an Ewok Jedi. A Stormtrooper's worst nightmare


Several species were included on the ban list for various reasons such as: marketability, costume difficulty, the rule 34 paradox, and if they could be duplicated on film


I have the mental image of a Bilar Jedi consisting of three miraculously Force-sensitive Bilar standing on each others' shoulders and sharing one robe and lightsaber


“Only a sith deals in absolutes”

Excludes whole species 🤔


Psychologist: "Hellspawn Winnie the Pooh doesn't exist. It can't hurt you"
Hellspawn Winnie the Pooh: 8:04


"As lightsiders the Jedi were servants of the will of the Force, guardians of the balance and the natural cycle of life. In truth they didn't actually use the Force per say, instead they let the Force use them. To walk the path of the light, Jedi would have to learn to let go of their own desires and motivations and see what the Force willed, and thus what the universe needed to be balanced. The greatest of Jedi were little more than conduits of the force, instruments of the very will of the universe."

"I hate the Force, I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance when countless lives are lost". - Kreia


the first reason falls apart fast, luke proved that giving a good understanding of emotion so you can control it and manage it is just as good


Now I want to see a bilar Sith Lord.
Five hairless Winnie the Poohs with lightsabers all huddled together in a single black cloak firing lighting out of each of their stubby pink paws.


Yoda: -"If attracted to the dark side they are, recruit them we must not"
Luke: -" *D E S T R O Y T H E C H I L D* "


I imagine from a certain point of view most parents "willingly" give up their kids..
This is what's best for your children *waves hand mystically*


This channel has actually broadened my perspective on starwars beyond the jedi


Anakin: _master I've been having scary premonitions, I think my mom is gonna die horribly_
Yoda: _lol death is the will of the force, now stop having attachments to people, that's bad_

Sounds like brainwashing to me


2:41 "without the express permission of their guardians" yes, I'm sure no recruiter ever knew things like the mind trick


"Accusations of brainwashing"

That were technically true, if you use the real-world definition of brainwashing. Initiates were taught to not question the Jedi's teachings and views of the force, something that had become increasingly dogmatic in the later years, from a young age. Granted, to be fair it was done for their protection (at least at first), but it also resulted in the order becoming rigid (due to it creating a feedback loop of "this is how it is, don't @ me") and arrogant (because the more you assure someone that their views are correct, the more it goes to their head).


"The species that went extinct was often because of themselves."
Funny, I don't remember a legion of Sith Purebloods committing mass genocide against their species.


Now I remember that one Hutt Jedi that fell to the Dark Side at one point and Leia had to fight him.


So Geonosian hive minds aren't actual hive minds at all, they're just eusocial, with pheromonal and vocal communication, but much like ants, every single geonosian is a completely unique individual, with their own mind, emotions, and "soul". The hive mind thing was only started relatively recently, based on the domesticated zombie worms Karina used, and some author making a passing reference to the Geonosian language as "Geonosian hive-mind". I'm not saying that new lore hasn't granted them a sort of pseudo hive-mind, but in no way shape or form are Geonosians anything like a genuine hive mind dependent organism, like Bilars, Lekgolo, Killik, or any other generic space bug, they're actual people, very capable of selfishness, betrayal, emotional deviancy, and secret keeping. The main reason I think they'd be excluded from the Jedi, genuinely rather than just authors speculating under the assumption that Geonosians can't think like a person, is that they're also immune to mind tricks, indicating incompatible neural structuring, likely due to their eusocial neural chemistry, and not some vague hive mind.


The Jedi were known as baby-snatchers who took children from their parents at a young age to become super warriors

*Laughs in Astartes and Spartan
