We Asked YOU to Accuse the Jedi Order - Here’s the Defence to Your Charges

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators - Cam
Editor - Giorgi
Writers - Sean
Audio - JJ



0:00 Intro
0:46 Ground Rules
3:22 The Gray Jedi Argument
9:32 Why Couldn’t They Foresee Sidious?
16:57 Ahsoka’s Trial
20:28 Centralization
24:27 Pius Dea
27:50 Sith Apologia
39:21 Hypocrisies?
42:44 Jedi and Emotions
1:05:23 Jedi Recruitment Practices
1:26:43 The Slavery Argument
1:31:20 Fighting in the Clone Wars
1:37:46 The Jedi Who Fall
1:44:14 Corrupt Individuals
1:47:40 Miscellaneous
1:52:08 Jedi Arrogance
1:58:32 Losing Perspective
2:01:55 The Republic
2:17:57 Droid Bigotry
2:22:18 Skeletons in the Closet
2:24:43 Our Verdict
2:26:08 Outro
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Special thanks to these commenters, They were instrumental in the production of this video:

It's also important to note that this script was WRITTEN (not edited) before the Acolyte came out, just to dispel any confusion about why we didn't address the show's criticisms of the Jedi, which were prominent.



Thank you all for your comments in that post a few months back!


“The attempt on my life has left me scarred, and deformed.”



"Pity the Jedi did not slay the Sith when they had the chance."

"Pity? It was pity that stayed their hands."


Dislike all the bots. Report em for spam. Together, we can win the bot wars


In the galactic criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the galactic police and investigators who find crime, and the attorneys and senators who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories…BUM BUM!


I'm watching this as the News about James Earl Jones dying, RIP to a true legend, he left a mark that will outlast him


Kreia stares in disgust at your video.


They are good guys with imperfection and errors in judgement but have made efforts by trying to be the good guys


"The game was rigged from the start" Benny, Fallout New Vegas


I hope we get a video like this for Luke's New Jedi Order. This was great and reminded me why I got into the franchise. The lore.


I agree with Revan, the force is neither light or dark, it just is, it is to be understood not necessarily mastered


I disagree with the attachment issue significantly because of Luke Skywalker, his Order while flawed like any order in Jedi history proved it was still possible to train older force sensitives to be a force for good while still being able to have families and relationships.


They were written as the good guys. Therefore, they are the good guys. Even in the new material they are the good guys. That doesn't mean they are perfect. That doesn't mean they are not flawed. But they are still better than the bad guys. They can shine a light on their imperfections all day long but that doesn't change the facts. It doesn't change anything. It just makes them more human and realistic.


I still think the Jedi should've allowed romantic attachments, yes Anakin's love for Padme was inherently unhealthy but I still think having a skilled couples counselor on site would have fixed it, also just generally having therapists on site


And that final point is something that the later Fel Empire addresses. For as loyal as the Imperial Knights were to their Emperor or Empress, their ultimate loyalty was to the Force, specifically the light side, and if it became clear that their leading was slipping down a dark path they had full authority to act and intervene, thus preventing the Empire itself from slipping down a dark path.


I think the only war the Jedi were actually responsible for was the Jedi civil war, if the Jedi had been there to support Revan’s followers during the mandalorian wars, been there to guide the young knights, they may have not fallen to the dark side and the Jedi civil way may not have happened


I think 'Attachment' should be swapped for 'Possessiveness' so people have a better idea of what the Jedi mean. As for Romantic love, well, Revan succeeded where Jolee failed. Personally, I think the Jedi should have installed themselves as kings of the Sith race until they were ready to rule themselves again, like they had with the Pius Dea Republic (you left out how the Jedi were so paranoid they started torturing Sith until they figured out how to sever a Force Sensitive from his power, which after watching Korra, I'm at odds with.)

Their PR department being nonexistent also made things so much harder for them.

1:50:51 You don't get to alienate and disrespect someone for over thirteen years and yell 'I knew you were no good' when he turns on you. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Either they train Anakin and try to make the best of it, or reject him, and then Palpatine offers to teach him. Anakin went berserk on the Sand People because he was told to forget about his mother, who he'd last seen enslaved. If they had done more to get him on their side, I think he'd have stayed loyal. Mace Windu was always stupid. Besides, you yourself noted that if they made Anakin a master, he would have learned Palpatine was lying about Darth Plagueis. One of the things I like about TCW is his early promotion and padawan assignment, as it shows them demonstrating trust to gain his trust.


Here's my verdict: the New Jedi Order (from Legends) did a much better job. Because they either saw the mistakes made by the old Order or didn't know about it. They did a better job at making sure that they weren't tied to one single government and went out into the galaxy and helped planets, even if they weren't part of the Republic.


Holy fuck it’s finally here. MONTHS in the works, MONTHS of waiting for the day. And it has arrived. Those of us who’re diehard Geetly’s fans couldn’t sleep until now.


I don’t agree with the Anakin section at all. The disrespectful level of mistrust created a self fulfilling prophecy, and then they were like, “See! I told you he was bad!”
