Americans Refuse to Buy EV’s… Really?

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FYI, Cobalt is needed to refine gasoline and they can't remove it from the equation, like we can by going to different battery formulas.


From Norway here and I own two EV's.
Temperature is getting down to -25 Celsius here during winter and I have no problems with my EV's during that time.
Summer range is +400km.
Winter range is around +300km.


The anti-EV videos spreading misinformation are getting clicks at the moment, some youtubers will do whatever gets clicks. It'll all die off soon enough, facts always win the day.
Great video Ben. Glad you are taking it on, on behalf of all the people who deserve to breathe clean air. Keep up the good work


The fact that the cammer is quoting the Daily Mail which is only good for lining your bird cage is telling.


Did an experiment last month: I drive about 550 miles south every 2 months in my model 3. My 6sp ICE car used to take me 9 hrs. Last trip I treated each charge stop as a gas stop: Timed it prior to aprox 12-15 min. Plug in, walk in and pee, get coffee and snack, back to car then stretch for 3 min to simulate filling my tank. Then unplug and drive off. Made it in 9 hrs! EXACTLY the same. Now, anything over say, 600 miles, then I'd have to spend a longer charge stop to build up enough range buffer since I"m not topping off each time. I have a 200 mph bladder. So if you have a 400 mile bladder, then more power to you. But I have to pull over and stretch every 2-3 hours. In summary: again... all this is BS. Just don't buy an EV if you don't want one. ... ugh...


I love the "If" cases. I own 2 EVs. Coworker asked me "What if I have to go to Montana when it is -30F? What are you going to do? I am 49 years old, lived in PA and VA my whole life. I've never been to Montana and don't have a need. But sure "WHAT IF!!!".


I’m reminded of the phrase…”telling a truth in order to support a lie”. This is a common tactic in political arguments and hard to refute unless one knows the overall industry and as you have done, point out how a specific fact has been cherry picked, or in many cases these days, the fact being presented is now significantly outdated. Thanks for these videos as I am constantly coming across these misconceptions in conversations with ICE owners.


I always prefer ev for my road trips. This guy and so many others have no clue what they are talking about. Usually im with a girlfriend and with their bathroom stop frequncy, my battery is always charged on road trips 😂


Just bought a ‘22 Chevy Bolt and our insurance dropped $20 a month.


I couldn't care less about the environment. What I care most about is saving money and hate spending it on gas. And EVs help me save A LOT of money.


Most of the worlds cobalt is used in oil refineries.


6:34: I've road-tripped in our EVs multiple times. It's pretty comfortable and enjoyable. We leave with a full battery and take bathroom breaks while charging. More often than not, our car charges faster than we can go to the bathroom, pick up some food, and get back to the car.


Newsflash: ICE cars are not as efficient in the winter, either. When I had a diesel car, I was getting 60+ mpg in the summer. That figure would plummet to around 45 mpg in winter. I'm never going back to fossil fuel.


I used to watch him when he showed apartments in New York, showing what you get for the price. Recently (2 years?), he has found a new angle on immigration and homelessness in New York to bring in the clicks. He's a total sell-out if you ask me.


My greatest fear is that Youtube and social media in general will continue to trend towards the most provocative and outrageous content because it just seems to work in attracting viewers into a certain tribal bubble. A well reasoned and honest fact based attempt to present a position that isn’t overly biased takes time and effort and I thank you for doing just that. Best wishes!


I have stopped trying to convince people, if people want to lose big money that’s on them


A friend started talking trash about EVs and the first thing he said was about the wear on brake pads. I stopped him immediately and schooled him on one pedal driving. I admitted that older and perhaps cheaper new models didn't have one pedal features. I had to explain how they work and that brake pads will last a very long time on that this kind of system.

The gas guy failed to mention that in cities especially, the poison emitted by ICE vehicles are a major cause of breathing problems of children. Children are much closer to the tail pipes.

The point about the EV industry's awareness of the battery ingredients is on point. They ARE racing to develop safer, lighter, and less expensive products. The petroleum industry can't say the same. That's why they feel tearing down the upstart kid on the block is their best way to survive.


Yeah he definitely doesn't know what he is talking about. An EVSE will never deliver more power than the car handle because that is controlled by the car. I charge my Bolt EUV on 150kw and 350kw EA chargers and they never exceed the 55kw my Bolt can handle. I love the FUD busting. Keep it up.


Thx for debunking his information. I’ve had my EV for 3 years now and I wish I would have made the switch sooner.


I switched from a Range Rover to a Tesla. I average 25-30K miles per year. Could a small car that is an ICE car give longer range, sure. But the comfort isn’t there. I know because we still have a Toyota. I felt beat up on my drive from MI to VA. In the Tesla I find stopping ever 180-200 mimes is good for the body as I make rest stops bathroom stops, walk around to stretch my legs and get better blood flow. By time I’m finished charging, I have physically recharged as well. I get in the road again refreshed. But I significantly spend-less on fuel ( fuel is fuel whether electric or petroleum).
