12 Arguments Evolutionists Should NEVER use! (Apparently)

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--------------------------------------VIDEO NOTES--------------------------------------

Answers in Genesis is a bit like the gift that just won't stop giving, no matter how much people want it to.

Disclaimer: At a few points during the video, I mention that AIG do not provide evidence to back up their points. Upon my second visit to the article, I noticed that there are in fact links to other AIG articles which attempt to validate these 12 points. I was somewhat worried that I had missed the mark, but upon further inspection I found that these linked articles were also void of any scientific legitimacy. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.




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Alex O'Connor
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What are some arguments that you think creationists shouldn't use? And what are your favourite arguments in favour of evolution?


Cosmic Skeptic I just want you to know that you are a really big influence in young people's lives, and you have really taught me valuable lessons about being honest, especially with myself. You weren't the one who got me asking questions, but you were one of the few that answered them. Thank you for being a bright part of my life in the Bible Belt.


I live in a Muslim country at the moment (Well, not on laws but the majority is muslim) and I used to think that my country is far behind of other, especially Europian, countries but now I see that every kind of religion shuts people's eyes to science and sense.I don't care about people's beliefs tbh but showing their holy books as a source of science on arguements about science ? Seems like we haven't learnt a damn thing from the past thousands of years.


I love listening to your videos while I draw and paint. Your voice is very relaxing.


I feel like things are easier to understand when explained in a British accent.


knock it off! You're just too rational. You have to have more blind faith!


I love the words "evolutionists" and "evolutionism". As if biological change by natural selection requires belief to function.


Hi Alex,

I just wanted to thank you for the impact you've had on my life. I was raised Roman Catholic as a child and was either homeschooled (aka uneducated) or placed in a fundamentalist Christian school for most of my life. Until roughly a year ago I knew nothing about evolution besides the utter propaganda fed to me by my teachers and church. After a lifetime of unanswered questions and "evidence" that didn't add up, I decided to do my own research to find the truth once and for all. The more I learned about and actually READ the Bible (something I was never encouraged to do) the more holes and fallacies I began picking up on. However, it wasn't until I found your channel and watched some of your content that I decided to drop my faith altogether and proudly call myself an atheist. It is so inspiring to know that there are others out there, especially my age, who disagree with the religion they were brought up in and that it is actually OKAY to have an opinion that contradicts what others teach. You have literally changed my life, and I cannot thank you enough. Keep up the good work!


I'm so older than Alex but here I am, with open mind learning from him with his stuffs and all even though he is busy in uni. Education indeed is a life long process. Thank you.


I think that you do a really good job at explaining things in a calm, respectful manner without pointing the finger. Well done, We need more people like you. Thankyou


fun fact: we know less about gravity then about evolution.
we know how evolution works, we know how specific chemicals interact and population mechanics that lead to changes in allele frequency.
gravity though? we can set up laws, but when it comes to explaining why these laws are followed we're surprisingly lacking in explanations.


You missed an opportunity to say, “holds no water” instead of, “holds no weight” when referencing the global flood


guess what, my school doesn't teach evolution so I'm just studying it myself when no one else is home


I have a big problem with you using the word "evolutionist."
Evolution is not a movement, not an ideology. Just a scientific fact of life.
I spend so much time trying to bash that into the head of religious folks.
Ever heard of a gravitist? No.


"Jesus was raised to a mountain so tall, he could see every nation of Earth." That would make a lot of sense if you consider that the guy who wrote this thought the earth was flat.


According to ken hams logic if I go to the beach and see footprints in the sand I can't assume that people walked there because I wasn't there to see it


An analogy for 7:
Evolution is like a body of water: given the chance, it would spread all over. However, it can be stopped by large rocks (physical impossibilities), follow less resistant paths (natural selection), and even move with or against other water (ecological competition and coevolution).


I'm an evolutionist to the same extent that I am a gravitationist.


"Evolutionists" - I do so love that little strawman term, it's like they really think they can seperate evolutionary biology from science.

I never have understood why they are so obsessed with evolution, I mean of all the things that blow creationism out of the water you would think cosmology would be their biggest target, since it just sinks their ship before it leaves port :/


Evolutionary fact in actuality:
By 2015, 30% of the world population was already not growing their wisdom teeth. Experts believe it is due to the fact that the food are softer and more processed.
