Martin Heidegger - How To Embrace Your Authentic Self (Existentialism)

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In this video we will be talking about how to embrace your authentic self from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Martin Heidegger embraced existentialism and is considered as one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.

Martin Heidegger suggests that humans are distinct from animals and objects because we have a unique way of existing in the world. Unlike animals, we have self-awareness and consciousness, allowing us to reflect on our place in the world and actively engage with it. This active engagement with our surroundings distinguishes human existence from mere presence. He calls this human existence "Dasein," which means "there-being" in German, emphasizing our connection to the world. By understanding that we can think about ourselves and make choices, we can be true to who we really are and follow what matters to us. Being authentic means actively shaping our lives and the world, living by what we believe in. In this video, we'll explore how to embrace your authentic self from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. So here are 5 ways to embrace your authentic self from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger.
01. Choose freely
02. Practice Resoluteness
03. Recognize Facticity
04. Embrace Being-in-the-World
05. Practice being towards death
I hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope these 5 ways on how to embrace your authentic self from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger will add value to your life.

Martin Heidegger was born in Germany in 1889 and is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. While he rejected traditional religious faith during his university years, he embraced a philosophical existential worldview. His notable works include "Being and Time," "The Question Concerning Technology," and “The Origin of the Work of Art”.

Research/Writing: Anastasiia Tarasova

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

Music - Enchanting Inspirational Music - Royalty Free - This Moment

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Martin Heidegger said “We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny.”

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Authenticity is an act of rebellion in a world telling you who you are and what to think and be


I am suffering from anxiety since long time, whats really helped me is NARM therapy and its emotional model which say that you embrace your primary emotions. You should be angry when you feel anger, you should be sad when you feel grief.Hiding your primary emotions and pretending to be happy for social reasons is main reason for anxiety.


There is a great book of spiritual practice titled Steps to Knowledge, The Book of Inner Knowing. I mention this here because it's a great tool to find and embrace the Authentic Self. I've been practicing it for several years now and I have to recommend it to any serious truth seeker.


The idea that we're all connected and should care more about the world and each other is something we need to hear more often. I'm talking about the "Embrace Being-in-the-World" part. Thank you for this! 💜


Thanks for sharing. Never forget individuality, and follow everyone else.


Watching this video was truly insightful and thought-provoking. Exploring the concept of embracing our authentic selves through the philosophy of Martin Heidegger was fascinating. The five ways outlined in the video provided practical guidance on how to live more authentically. I appreciate the effort the author put into creating this content and sharing such valuable insights. It's a reminder to reflect on our existence and make choices that align with our true selves. Thank you to the creator for making this video – it's truly appreciated.


You only have so many hours remaining. I strongly suggest you get moving on whatever it is you want to do, hope to do, or feel that you were "meant" to do. And one day (possibly sooner than later), when you're about to cross beyond the void veil... Reflect carefully.

"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." --Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)


Embrace it.
But don't expect any
happiness or relief from that.
It will bring a slight ease in the best
Not enough even for
making through
the day.


So I'm here off of a binge of Terrence.... oooh, you thought I was going to say McKenna! No. Terrence Malick movies.
I previously saw only the Tree of Life (many times) but checked out a couple others today and found out he liked Heidegger, so here I am to gain some more insight into his obscure thought process
Is it just me? Or do you also see "The One" every time dasein is on the screen. Like I REALLY want him to pronounce it DASS EIN.
Is it my faulty 8th grade german or am I having a matrix moment? At any rate, "Du bist das ein". Yes you are!


For Heidegger, being authentic means scapegoating and committing genocide against religious, cultural, racial, and/or ethnic minorities while advocating for ethnic-national supremacy a la Nazi Germany. I suppose that's one way to lead a meaningful life.


My Authenticity is to become a Jewish composer in the 1930's in Poland. What happened?


I really like your channel but I hope that you tone down or remove the background music, it's annoying


I love this channel content.

But I hate the graphic method with the "writing hand". And letters appearing one by one. And generic low rez graphic images. And font that is 'informal' in hideous colours (and hard to read). And acres of whitespace - instead of dark mode. And random library images & video flashed for a couple of seconds. And the slides don't even stay long enough to think about them (hideous even though they are).

Sorry but not sorry. It's like drinking fine wine out of a plastic beaker. Honestly a blank screen would be better! But pretty sure a small number of high quality slides would make the content 10x better.


The tumbnail does not look great. Heidegger is not in shape. Thanks for exploring his idears nontheless


This is the worst philosophy YouTube channel, it reduces philosophy here to some kind of watery soup or oatmeal for popular consumption. Here we have a reader's digest version of Martin Heidegger.


😂This is a left wing subversion of him and completely unphilosophical because of that.


This search for authenticity reminds me of the thrust of Nietzsche which apparently was inspiration for Hitler.

Be careful what you wish for!


This Channel is full of distortions of the great works of Philosophy... full of lies.


The elephant in the room is not addressed.
