Test Anxiety: Crash Course Study Skills #8

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Exams can be terrifying. It’s easy to feel like the weight of the world rests in these moments – like this one test determines your grades and, in turn, your whole future – even if you know, rationally, that this isn’t really the case. What’s worse is that this fear and anxiety can make you do worse on the test. So, take a deep breath, and let us walk you through some tips for beating test anxiety so that you can walk in on test day feeling refreshed and confident.



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This reminded me of something my calculus teacher in high school said before every test and exam, he said "remember, a test is a celebration of your learning, let's celebrate!" he was a fantastic teacher and I continue to say that to myself before every test because it reminds me that as hard as it can be, I still love to learn and I should embrace the oppertunities I have to show how much I have grown.


i get anxiety thinking about how not controlling my anxiety hinders my performance.


I've found a really good technique is to GET EXCITED. Walking to the exam hall I would get really excited and all my negative anxious energy would get converted to a more useful, positive energy. It sounds weird but I didn't realise how much this helped until I stopped doing this and started having trouble with anxiety. All you need to do is think how excited you are to finally show how much you know or just finally getting to the finish line, just convert your stress to excitement.


I don't know how, but this video couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I just took 2 really big exams and I bombed them both because of my test anxiety. On top of that when we got back our scores it kind of pushed me even more down when I found out that I was the only one out of my study group that failed. Idk about you guys but that is super embarassing for me... You don't know how discouraging it is to study with a group thinking you are at the similar level with them, but come test time you bomb because of this stupid test anxiety. In fact, I was so depressed I missed lecture... I am not giving up though. I will use this video to my advantage.


Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.
- Jake the Dog


Mind: "I'm stressed about this test I'm going to take."
Brain: "Stress? Oh no! There must be some kind of danger! We need to focus on the present. We need cortisol, stat!"
Glands: "Got it, boss!"
Mind: "Goddammit, guys, we're not hunter-gatherers anymore!"


The funny thing is that my test this Thursday is ON anxiety


"I may lose, but not twice in the same way."
- Chuck Norris


Professional tutor of 7 years here. Everything in this is video is gold. Students who follow this advice WILL do better on their tests and grades. The biggest thing that helps most of my students is reframing the test in your mind and adjusting your attitude toward what it means to you. Tests are indeed very important, but they do not define us. Looking at the test as a learning opportunity is an amazing way to alleviate stress.


Coming from someone who got held back as a kid and is currently in school for engineering. And I absolutly get test anxiety to the max, STILL. Repitition, repitition, repitition! And don't pitty yourself. Rock your world and communicate with as many people as possible 🤙🏼


"You're not defined by your past success or failures." So true. Also on point for blade runner 2049's philosophy.


Holy crap this YouTube channel knows me I have a test on this tomorrow in my psychology class thanks for helping me study


Thank you for this. I just made a grade on a test that moved my grade down 10 points. A failure like that gives me anxiety that I won't ever be successful and makes me doubt whether I'm actually as smart as I am told or not. I will try to use these tips in the future, and hopefully I can get my grade back up.


Omg thank you for this. I actually have to be put in a separate room than other testers because my anxiety gets so bad.


My anxiety is tested everytime I speak to a girl.


There's a really important exam in 3 weeks that I've been studying for but I would become overwhelmed and doubt my ability to pass because of test anxiety, this really helped. Thank you so much!


Thank you Crash course, your tips are improving my studies a lot


Probably the most needed video for me lmao kill me


Though I wasn't explicitly diagnosed for clinical anxiety disorder, I had suffered anxiety attacks which affected a lot of things. It always made me feel better to have someone constantly reassuring you that things will be ok. For me, I get really anxious even after psyching myself telling myself things will be fine. So if anyone you know has an anxious disorder, remind them that they did their best and everything will be fine. Be as explicit with your consolation as possible and remember, it takes multiple times to make them feel less anxious. Once isn't gonna do it.

Prior to this video, I was yet unsure about my studying methods and if I was doing anything right. And yes your words about people fail every time and taking things as a learning opportunity, along with being confident after practicing as practice makes perfect, reassured me and now I'm feeling motivated to continue on with the next half of my college semester once again! Thank you


I'm about to take engring board exam next month, i'm passing all review exams but i'm still really anxious about the real deal. Thanks for telling me that there are no test failure that we cannot recover from, it helps a lot.
