The Holiness movement VS The Gospel!

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(sorry for the audio/video drift it happened in recording and can't fix it)
Ever wonder why the holiness women wear long skirts and have long hair?This episode we talk with Don Vanzant who was a minister in the holiness movement but left when he realized there were some theological issues he could not resolve.
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Love this episode. Bro. Don I appreciate your desire for the WHOLE TRUTH of the WORD, and not settling for personal or peer interpretation.


I wish I had come across this years ago. This conversation really helped with a lot of things I have been dealing with in the Holiness Church! God has awaken me. Please keep me in your prayers as I am now separating myself from the church.


On the tipping … spot on. Former apostolic Pentecostal and saw this to be true. I often wonder if it’s because most are too poor after tithe, offering 3 plus a week plus “partnering with God” by giving another 10 plus percent. Then go try to eat out with pastors crowd and lucky to afford chicken nuggets. These churches prey on the poor and already down. Give and you will be blessed. Test God. Partner with God and give more, you can’t fail if you give me more and “partner with God” . God needs no partner. He is my hope and salvation. Anything I have is because of God. I question often if it’s stingy, or just outright “giving to the church” poor out of pressured giving and horror stories about those not tithing and giving. Mind you most of those I knew were not college educated and pressured to move near the church, where jobs were scarce, and take whatever allows you to be in 3 plus services a week. Just a thought.


I grew up as an AOG preachers kid. I have in the last couple of years changed my beliefs on alot of things that was drilled in my head. One is speaking in tongues. They way the whole church would start babbling just never felt comfortable to me. I would do it because I wanted to be
as spiritual as everyone else. I am still wrestling with the changes and it is difficult. My brother is very steeped in the NAR. I now attend a Baptist church but sometimes I feel the church is dead. But these people really love God and
it's not about all the emotions. Still learning


Im Holiness and praise the Lord for it, its God standard to make it, without Holiness no man shall see the Lord.


Once saved is always saved. However, people forget, salvation is a free gift resulting from believing Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour. There are two elements there, Lord and Saviour. Not just Saviour but also Lord, we turn back from our sins, hate them, and worship Jesus as Lord, worshiping Him as Lord means that we follow His commands and rules, we obey Him.


I left the holiness church because they came out straight and told me the love of God was conditional. I couldn't believe the arrogance. As if they could ever think to earn God's love with their rules! Secondly, as a woman, the depression caused by their outward standards is absolutely mind-destroying.


It always reminds me of the scripture, where the master returned to see what his servants did with the talents that he gave them. He was furious with the one that buried and hid them away.


I have been thinking of joining a certain Holiness Church because, I for the most part agree with their doctrines and teaching. Where I have issue is the strict dress codes and banning of jewelry. I am a naturally modest person in dress and behavior. I always wear conservative dresses and a head covering to church because, for me it shows respect to the church, myself and other's. No problems with this rule but, to not be allowed to wear my cross pendant that I have always worn as long as I can remember or to never wear feminine pants again (I live in Chicagoland) in my life is an unbearable thought. I was a fashion design major and worked in the Garment Industry for over 20 years. I actually did a report in one of my classes regarding that scripture about Christian dress codes and my analysis explained how throughout human history men have actually worn dress like garments longer than they have worn pants and ancient women all over the world have worn feminine pant like garments even when their men did not wear pants. One can easily discern the difference between a masculine garment and a feminine one and God knows the difference as well.
I'm afraid they won't accept me if I attempt to join because of my stance on these rules which, to me would be quite petty.
*I'd appreciate any opinions or good advice.


Osas. Cannot lose salvation. It's a free gift when you believe Jesus actually saved you.


There is praying in tongues and there is speaking in tongues.

Speaking in tongues is for the other person. There needs to be an interpreter or God will give the interpretation, like He did in Budapest.

Praying in tongues is for you and God. It’s a way to let the Spirit pray through you in perfect unity with God. Where your analytical side (the one that leans into its own understanding) is not invited to the conversation.


All of those rules are a filthy smell, and God knows because they are all based in self preservation, and self righteousness. Born out of fear that if they make one little mistake, they are going to hell. It’s heartbreaking.


You'll track them down in the scriptures under doctrines of devils and evil seducing spirits...that is where You'll find ALL DENOMINATIONS.


Hmmmm... why don't you interview a current minister in this group?
