5 Ways To Torture a Narcissist (WARNING: REALLY SADISTIC)

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In this episode, I explain 5 ways to torture a narcissist that would drive them crazy. I explain how you can choose to disengage and leave them stranded.

How you can deflect a narcissist's projection back to them, How you can create organization in your life, How you can focus on rebuilding your life to give a narcissist max narcissistic injury possible.

00:00 intro
00:39 Don't take the bait
02:19 Deflect attempts of manipulation and gaslighting
03:46 Create organisation in your life
05:20 Use their image against them
07:01 Focus on rebuilding your life

how to torture a narcissist danish bashir how to injure a narcissist
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This guy is like Batman dedicating his life to disrupting and making life hell for narcissists. I love it.


How to drive a narcissist insane:
1: Ignore them.
2: Live your own life.
3: When they push back, start at #1 again.


I've learned the less you tell them the better, because they'll use anything you say against you, especially if it's something you're happy about


1. Do not take the bait. - Don't wrestle the pig.
2. Stick to your truth.
3. Create organization. Narcs love chaos.
4. Use their image and insecurities against them.
5. Focus on healing yourself. On rebuilding your life. They failed to destroy you.


When they talk, picture them in a straight jacket and speaking behind bars in a mental institution. It puts things into perspective.


Show them how confident you are. Example, my narcissistic boss asked me how I felt about loyalty. I told her "I am loyal to principles, not people. People can be dishonest. Principles are reliable." Hearing those words, she looked like she was having a stroke. She fell silent and limited contact with me after that.


Don't try to "torture" a narcissist. It's not worth the energy. Just stay as far away from them as possible and you will live a much happier live.


I found one of the easiest ways to drive narcissist crazy is to act unimpressed when they tried their hardest to impress you. And then show interest in stuff they think is stupid.


I walked away, blocked and moved on with my life. I will not give a Narcissist even a millimeter of my life. Once I find out someone is a Narcissist, I am done. I am not playing any games with a demonic spirit disguising as a disorder.


The way I tortured them is by mirroring to them their own behaviors (short of being abusive) then ignore and not react to their tantrums. Then I go no contact and live my life with joyful success; not as revenge but because I want to maintain my peace. ✌️


1. Ignore them.
2. Don't react to subtle insults. Act like you didn't even understand the insults. They will eventually say something explicit. You can then file an official complaint.
3. Do not rely on them for anything.
4. Find new friends and cut the narcissist loose.
5. Make your own decisions without consulting them.
6. Do not take their free advice. Do your own thing.
7. Decline their "help" which we know comes with a lot of strings attached.
8. When they need you, make them wait. Do not drop whatever else you are doing and rush to their help.
9. Protect your time and boundaries. Never let them violate either.
10. When they trash talk someone else, do not join in. Just be like whatever.
11. Become friends with people the Narcissist hates most. Do not cut ties with anyone based on what the Narcissist says.


I have left my narcist husband without informing him. I simply told him i would visit my brother for the weekend. I then stept out of the door and never came back. He is extremely angry since i also took my savings and my camper van. He is without a job for 10 years. I had a fulltime job as a business controller, all my savings are mine. He can't demand a cent through the divorce. He can't claim my camper. So now he needs to pay his rent for his house, he needs to pay for his car. He cannot live in my money or salary anymore. And i fled, far away. I live in my camper van in another state and he can't find me. He is so very angry, ! He is trying to regain control but nothing works! I am so enjoying my life now. Okay, i don't have a home anymore. I quit my job and i am living of my early retirement plan but i'm happy and content because I am free of him


Another thing that makes a narcissist go speechless is giving them only one word answers. 😊


"You're entitled to your feelings" is a favorite of mine. A normal person feels respected by that, a narcissist freaks the hell out.


i confronted a narcissist about their behaviour and it all was redirected to me and at the end i was apologizing instead of them. they have this twisted way of making you feel gui;ty for something theyve done playing victim card


Ignoring them is torture in itself. So be it.


1.) Child stuck in an Adult's body. 2.) Ignore them. Don't argue with them. Tell them their behavior is unacceptable 3.) Tell them "That is your opinion" or That tells me a lot about you". 4, ) Organize your life and your home. 5.) Use their personal 'image' against them.


The best thing you can do with narcissists is remove them from your life completely and never give them a second more.


I didn't understand for many years that I have been living with a bunch of narcissists. My mother-in-law, (who is now deceased), my husband, some of his friends, and almost everyone who works for him. Pls pray that I can find better friends and relatives who truly value me, and move on with my life, because such abuse for more than 20 years has drained me. I don't want to suffer emotionally and physically anymore.


Stay calm. If they want to end a relationship, agree. Walk away. Drives them nuts.
