Cloud Atlas - Movie Review by Chris Stuckmann

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Chris Stuckmann reviews Cloud Atlas, starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, James D'Arcy, Xun Zhou, Keith David, David Gyasi, Susan Sarandon and Hugh Grant. Directed by Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Andy Wachowski.
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"You either love it or hate it, and to be honest I'm somewhere in the middle." ~ Chris 2012


This is my favorite movie. It isn't 6 really interconnected stories, it's just one: reincarnation. Our actions ripple through time and space. The movie is almost perfect.


"This movies is love or hate, and I'm right in the middle" Wait, what?


There are very few films I have watched in my life that have touched me the way this one did. It is a genuine masterpiece and will forever be in my top 10 films of all time.


This movie came at a better timing when I lost my first fiancee after a devastating breakup due to a betrayal that we specifically agreed not to do with each other.
So I watched it 6 times in a week and helped me move on with my tragic life. I again appreciate life and the movie ended as one of the most important movie to watch in my life and that's a true-true.


" A lot of you are gonna be scratching your heads and wondering what you've been watching for the last 3 hours."

Yup. Sounds about right.


Hey, Chris, watch it again. That's all I can say. There's a lot to take in, but it all makes sense. Tom Hanks described the plot of this film the best - and yes, it is one plot set in six different time periods - which I'll paraphrase as best as I can: In six separate occasions, some key people are presented with a choice to do something cruel or kind. Their decisions will directly affect the course of human history. Look at this film in this light, and I guarantee it will make more sense to you.

Also, read the book. The stories are presented in a different way (you get the first half of each story beginning with the earliest timeline and ending with the most futuristic; then you get the second half beginning with the most futuristic, and ending back in the past where you started). This can also help you make more sense of them and how they relate to one another.

Seriously, man, give this one a second chance. I guarantee that it will grow on you.


"You will either love it or hate it but I`m somewhere in the middle"


Me watching this movie for the first time "I don't understand this, I don't like it at all!".
Me watching this movie for the 2nd time (and with a little help from google) "Oh maaan, this is my new favorite movie!".


This movie is a masterpiece. There will never be another film like this. I can't even properly explain my response to this film. It left me speechless. What it says about life, the nature of our time on Earth, rebirth, education, slavery, freedom is beyond words. I really love this film. 


"Hugh Grant was barely in the movie at all"
Dude... he was EVERYWHERE!!
You DO have to watch it again!


I've watched cloud atlas twice, and not because I didn't understand it the first time.

When first seeing it, I wasn't aware of the plot or layout of it - I hadn't watched any trailers or read anything about it. It took me about 20 minutes to understand that everything was interconnected, and at that point I started to really dig it. I specifically love that they manage to deliver a political message about segregation by telling it in so very different stories. I also enjoy the bold approach to movie-making; it completely neglects what is now the norm, which is mostly spoon feeding information to the audience and following a simple chronological timeline. This movie does none of that and really challenges you intellectually.

Because of this, I strongly advice you and everyone who didn't like it at first to watch it again (anyone who think avengers deserves the 8.2 rating on imdb can fuck off).


If you don't connect with any of the characters then you will not understand this movie. I connected quickly to many of them. I became obsessed with this movie for weeks after I saw it. 


It's ever so interesting to hear people's reactions to this movie. I haven't seen it in quite some time but I remember being absolutely blown away by it and I had no difficulty understanding the plot or getting into it emotionally. The way I remember it, it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. And definitely one of the most ambitious.


I just got back from seeing the film last night and it was amazing. I think perhaps you need to see it for a second viewing to fully grasp the movie because I wasn't confused about the film at all. The interweaving storylines were quite intriguing and the visuals were so


So, whole video in short: "I didn't get it."


I heard that at the Toronto International Film Festival, this movie received a 10-minute standing ovation ! Is that true Chris ? You were there, weren't you ?


The birthmark was the reincarnated soul. the Dude from 21, that saved the slave( who became Foxworth in their next life), was the gay guy who wrote the Cloud Atlas sextet and committed suicide- same birthmark. He was also Hailey Berry 50 years later that's why his old lover was so comfortable  trusting Haley. fast forward hundreds of years and Hailey Berry is reborn as the replicant visionary  has the birthmark and her savior( Dude from 21) was Foxworth in their former lives. and in the   world that joins the primitive with  the futuristic, Tom Hanks was the visionary replicant in a former life and Hailey Berry is reincarnated  Foxworth. From the womb to the tomb our lives are not our own. means what ever higher purpose we have is forever with us and it recognizes those in which we share that purpose I guess until it is fulfilled. Love and trust transcend gender and lock of into relationsships that seem highly unlikely at the onset but those who love us from the spirit are some how always connected to us.  I have to watch it a few more times to figure out how other figures play into the grand scheme. I love this move as if you couldn't tell already.


"You either love it or you hate it... And I'm somewhere in the middle"

*Wait what*


i dont think it was confusing or difficult to understand at all. it was the same plot told multiple time in different way.
