Cloud Atlas - Explained by a Past Life Therapist | Spiritual Movie Review

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Cloud Atlas is a 2012 movie based on a book by David Mitchell, who explicitly said it is about reincarnation, and interconnectedness. Yet all artistic works are open to subjective interpretation.
I'm Mark Beale, a Past Life Regression Therapy trainer. So I’ll analyze and explain key characters and themes from my professional perspective, because Cloud Atlas, as a work of art, can be seen as demonstrating many principles of past lives and spiritual awakening.
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c) ask me to review a similar Spiritual Movie.
Go to Mark Beale's Past Life Awakening Institute for;
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Mark Beale, Trainer & Mentor
Past Life Awakening Institute
I'm Mark Beale, a Past Life Regression Therapy trainer. So I’ll analyze and explain key characters and themes from my professional perspective, because Cloud Atlas, as a work of art, can be seen as demonstrating many principles of past lives and spiritual awakening.
Use the comments to;
a) share your experiences with Past lives
b) ask me questions about Past Life Regression
c) ask me to review a similar Spiritual Movie.
Go to Mark Beale's Past Life Awakening Institute for;
- Past Life Regression Therapy Sessions
- Spirit Releasement Therapy Sessions
- Hypnotherapy Sessions
- Between Lives Regression Sessions
Mark Beale, Trainer & Mentor
Past Life Awakening Institute