Cloud Atlas - Explained by a Past Life Therapist | Spiritual Movie Review

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Cloud Atlas is a 2012 movie based on a book by David Mitchell, who explicitly said it is about reincarnation, and interconnectedness. Yet all artistic works are open to subjective interpretation.

I'm Mark Beale, a Past Life Regression Therapy trainer. So I’ll analyze and explain key characters and themes from my professional perspective, because Cloud Atlas, as a work of art, can be seen as demonstrating many principles of past lives and spiritual awakening.

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Mark Beale, Trainer & Mentor
Past Life Awakening Institute
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I loved this movie - You’ve provided a brilliant explanation of the complexity of our soul’s journey!


It's a universal battle between the head and the heart which plays out across time and space. Sometimes you need to experience what you are not to know what you are. What's the strongest force in the universe? What's the highest governing principle on all planes of existence? Is it survival of the fittest no matter the consequences or is there a hunger no matter can satisfy? The life force of the heart that hungers for love. The love of freedom, the love of expression, love of life, love of connection & the love of virtue. A true masterpiece philosophically, artistically & experientially.


This movie always hits me at such a profound level.. It makes me burst out in tears of revelation.


I love this story and love to come back to it time and time again. Your take on it was really sensitive and enriching. Thank you!


Yes this movie had deep significance for me as 2012 was revolutionary meeting someone who changed everything I thought I knew as me. Heaven and hell for the next 5 years. But ultimately learning about unconditional love. I had a traumatic childhood so I never knew this kind of love before. It also led me to forgive those that had betrayed me.
I watch this movie several times and always learn something new.
Thanks for your clear and concise review.


The most thorough understanding I've ever come across is in the lectures of Rudolf Steiner. He explains that long periods can be spent, lasting centuries sometimes, in the spiritual world between incarnations. During that time, a soul can have further experiences to help it develop one way or another, especially if spiritual efforts are made while on the earth.


This was an absolutely perfect explanation of cloud atlas thank you


Finally understanding the meaning of this film, is a beautiful awakening, in itself.


Thank you for helping me understand so much! You helped me understand my kids past lives. And it confirms what was told to me "I'm rebirth souls". My 11yr old told me at 3 his past life, name, wife and children, then at 7yrs old he said he's been my protector in all our lives together. My 1yr old only likes for us to call him Sir and as a newborn he would mumble uh un... These are souls that have been here before and I know it. And you also helped me understand why after 1yr n a half i can still feel and have intense dreams about my husband being in mental & emotional anguish even tho we are separated.... I wonder if any of this has to do with why my son, and I can still I smell my husband scent.


Fie. The clone's name is Sonmi, not Somni. Same as it ever was 👍


I have participated in a past life regression session, although it was 30 odd years ago, I can still remember it in detail... so yes it did resonate with me, liked your analysis.


I did resonante with this movie. I believe that I used to be a slave during the American civil war. This was a dream once that seemed real. The whole dream was in first person and I was surrounded by other slaves dressed in uniform. There was also heavy smoke due to the gun powder. I woke up feeling sick that day and didn’t go to school. I was around 7 years older at the time.

Weird thing is, I also remember seeing myself as an infant in this life. I was sitting in a car seat with my parents cleaning me up. We were at the church parking lot. I only know this because this church would be our church for years later. Anyway, I remember hovering around like a camera looking at myself. Coming in and out of the car almost like I knew that body was mine. It felt like I was a fairy hovering around my body just observing. I had now sense of feeling as I was hovering, just observing.


To learn more about Past Life Regression (PLR), take my


I loved this movie and everytime I watch it it affects me even more deeply. Thanks so much for this presentation. It has given me another level to not only understand and enjoy the movie but also to understand some deep spiritual principles. Blessings to you


I like the idea of nonlinearity in reincarnation. If I could remember the things I did in future incarnations, and take those memories with me, I could try to make sure not to make the same mistakes once.


Just a wonderfully intelligent and well presented.


Such a wonderful and emotionally activating movie


Thank you so much! This movie highly impacted me!


The truth of your words is quite accurate and much appreciated.


The most beautiful movie I ever seen ❤ & soundtrack
