Cloud Atlas Explained

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Quick Explanation Of Cloud Atlas' Themes.
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While you pick up some of the main themes, you've missed a key point that get's laid out better in the book. If you view the story chronologically, each version appears in the next. Cloud Atlas opens on a beach where a doctor is collecting human teeth of a once cannibalistic tribe. That doctor then interacts with the slave and Adam Ewing on a cross-ocean voyage and the story is written into a chronicle that is read in the next iteration by Composer Robert Frobisher. Frobisher's love letters to his lover Rufus Sixsmith, who shares sensitive data about the nuclear reactor with reporter Luisa Rey are read by Rey who also seeks a copy of Frobisher's Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra. In the next time period, Timothy Cavendish is a book editor who edits Luisa Rey's news articles into a single book. After he escapes the nursing home, he writes his memoirs which are made into a feature film. A clip of the film is discovered by Somni 451 who works to emancipate the cloned fabricants (unwitting cannibals). Somni 451's final missive becomes the basis of a future religion of an almost primitive race of people who regularly have to fight a cannibalistic tribe potentially closing the loop of connectedness. It's a similar theme to Battlestar Galactica's "all of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again."


To me, Tom Hanks plays a pretty rotten character in all of the stories BUT it seems that meeting Halle Berry's character is the one thing that change his direction. In the first, he didn't meet her and he was an outright villain, trying to poison someone to death. The next he's a gangster, briefly sees Halle and in that one moment you can see something stirring in him, then he kills a guy and is sent off to prison. The next he's working for the evil corporation and obviously already knows what's going on and how wrong it is but doesn't do anything about it UNTIL he meets Halle, then he changes his lifes direction but is immediately killed off. The final story, once again he's a cowardly type, he watches a friend and his son killed while doing nothing, THEN he meets Halle and this time he changes his direction and has it pay off for him.


many decades from now. When Tom Hanks work and filmography is examined for posterity, Cloud Atlas will rank as one of the finest examples of his craft


For all you Cloud Atlas movie fans commenting here- please, please, please read the novel if you haven’t. It’s far more impactful, less choppy/and beautifully composed.


My most favorite film of all time. Another piece is that cloud atlas is sextant. 6 parts as do the actors play 6 roles. They are the notes of the atlas. The space between the notes” which holds all music together “ is the space between the lives. Ex when Tom Hanks plays an evil character at first easily persuaded by the devil but his soul evolves to become good. The theme is freedom. Only those deprived of it have an inkling of what it is. We are the symphony. Our lives are the notes. When we die and before we are reborn in the silence and we are interconnected in one giant web of a song that is the universe. Slaves become leaders. Most importantly we are the same. Love survives through the universe beyond mortality. And revolution happens when consciousness shifts. 💜 beautiful masterpiece


Awesome movie. The first time I saw it, I had to see it again immediately to get it. It came highly recommended by my son who also bought me the DVD.


Thsi movie is my alltime favourite. Its about freedom, the scenes and atmosphere are breathtaking and the music makes me cry every time.


every decision you have made throughout your entire life has led you to read this comment


One of my favorite movies of all time. I think the Wachowskis and Tykwer made a film that was years before it's time. I'm confident that Cloud Atlas will develop a huge cult following 10/20 years from now.


I believe the secret to this film is the music. We may all have a specific soundtrack playing in the background while we're in heaven our own tune


It's GREAT!!! May be one of my favorite films of all time; I truly think it's one of the greatest works of art (in any genre) of all time.

That… Is a true-true.


I'm into new age topics so I loved this movie, they also followed the idea of reincarnation by use of a shooting star shaped birthmark to know who they become in their next lifetimes: Ewing had it on his chest as did Luise, Frobisher had it on his lower back, Timothy had it on his leg, Sonmi's was on her neck and Zachry's was on the back of his head and I liked it's use of philosophical thoughts and ideas that "our lives are not our own" and "unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty" it gets one thinking that's for sure


I watched it and then had to IMMEDIATELY watch it again. Best movie ever!


"A half-read book is indeed, a half finished love affair"


I adore this movie
i have watched it 10 times


With synchronicitys and dejvu I've always knew there's more to reality than we think and it's probably beyond our comprehension.. im sure not all people feel this and will say im crazy.. but i feel like that's why this film is so underrated.. not everyone gets it. But as time passes.. 10 years now, more and more people will start to see and feel it and this film will one day get the credit it deserves.


Underrated movie cause this concept is ahead of your time and you humans are not yet capable to understand it easily. Greetings from Planet UV696969


Just watched the movie 5 minutes ago.

I'm still crying


Loved the movie but then read the book - it is even better! Definitely recommend it!


All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again....
