Spoiled Teens Reacting To EXPENSIVE Gifts - REACTION

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Spoiled Teens Reacting To EXPENSIVE Gifts - REACTION

Hey ya'll! Today on my channel we are reacting to some spoiled teens reacting to expensive gifts! These entitled kids had meltdowns over their Christmas presents. But maybe spoiled teenagers need to learn the hard way that gratitude goes a long way and gifts are rewards for good behavior. Enjoy :)

#entitledteens #entitled #spoiledteens #entitledteen #gifts #spoiled #spoiledteenager #spoiledgirl #spoiledboy #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre

Hi, I'm Charlotte Dobre. I'm an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I crack a joke or two. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it's a good time.

Edited by Timothy Dunsmore

Produced by: Vanessa Peprah-Addo

End screen song:
Take It All Off (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass) - Defunk
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What is your favorite gift you’ve ever gotten?!


The parents are the problem people . They are raising monsters and keep feeding them after midnight. These kids are outrageous


Charlotte: "Is it wrong to return a gift you don't want?"

Me after seeing these spoiled ass kids: "Is it wrong to return a kid...."


I love the Mom who said she was returning all the gifts…good for her!


I feel so bad for that mom in the 3rd clip. She looks so sad, but I think it's mostly because she realizes that she raised 3 spoiled brats.


My step dad found out that - at 16 - I had never celebrated Christmas before... and he was not okay with that. He had been dating my mom for a few months, and he wanted to spoil the absolute crap out of me. He got me a whole ass gaming computer. Super nice. It lasted me almost a decade, with a few adjustments, over the years. 👍🏻👍🏻 I was NOT expecting it, AT ALL. It was a massive shock.

It was his favourite holiday. He got so excited every year. Within a couple years, we had the tradition of getting a bit drunk together on Christmas Eve, and he was always too excited to wait until the morning to open presents. 😅

He was an awesome guy. Super chill. He made me want to be a better person, because he made me realise it was POSSIBLE. So, so much better to me than my bio dad had ever been. And my mom finally got to have a healthy marriage. 👍🏻👍🏻

He passed around 8 months ago, and we will miss him forever. I got to spend the last couple years at home with him, after he was diagnosed with cancer. We knew it was going to take his life, eventually, but we kept deluding ourselves into thinking it would be another 5-10 years. It wasn't. But he was still himself, up until a week before he passed, and we're so grateful for that.

He was a truly lovely man, and I feel so fortunate to have known him. ✌🏻


Last year my 15yo granddaughter actually cried when her soon-to-be stepdad gave her a box of Ferro Roche.
Tears of joy.
That’s her fav sweet and she was just so overwhelmed that he thought of her.


The one thing that my dad and his wife do for Christmas with my brother and I is that everyone gets a big cardboard box. Everyone sneaks in gifts, candy, treats and silly things we got. We don't even bother wrapping anything. On Christmas day, we all sit down and in a clockwise rotation we pick one thing out from our box and present it to everyone. You grabbed out a pair of socks, you hold it out "I got socks!!" and everyone cheers. It's so much fun and it makes the moment so much better.


Also as a parent, if those 3 kids who complained about how they didn’t like their gifts were mine, I would have packed their stuff in the car and taken it to the nearest homeless shelter and donated to the kids there.


if i'd ever come close to acting like this as a kid, my mother would've backhanded me into the sun


The mom telling her husband to take all the toys back is gold.


I grew up not poor but definitely not well off, and I remember one year my iPod touch (which was a brand new product that year) got stolen out of my backpack at school. I was so upset, literally sobbing, that the school called my parents to come get me--and my mom genuinely thought it was my sister she was coming to get because I NEVER got that worked up over anything. She took me out that afternoon to buy me another one, thinking I was upset over losing my new electronic, and that only made it worse. I was so upset because I knew she was a single mom with three young kids who worked three jobs to save up to buy me that, and some ASSHOLE kid at my school just decided it should be his. I was genuinely more upset at her loss than mine. I tried to make her return the second one, but she wouldn't, so I started going with her to one of her jobs on the weekends to clean vacation houses on the beach where we lived.


The best gift I ever gave my relatives was really cheap but took a lot of hours of work. Years ago, I made a family cookbook of all the special family recipes that we've grown up with over the years. I had to dig through and find scraps of recipes here and there. I even had to talk my grandmother into making a couple of her dishes with me to find out what she did, because they were only stored in her head and were "pinch of this" and "dab of that" kind of recipes. Now that she and a lot of our older relatives have passed away, everyone still treasures this cookbook, because it's a little piece of family history in permanent record. :)


I used to get stressed trying to figure out what to get my son for Christmas, he literally asks for nothing and is happy for everything he gets (even the times money was tight and the gifts were low key). After watching this I realize that instead of stressed, I should be grateful he doesn't behave like those entitled brats. My jaw is on the ground at how these kids behave - Wow!


I would ask those spoiled kids how they would feel if their parents threw the same kind of fit over the macaroni necklace you gave them


I once got sent a ring for Christmas from a friend that usually gives really nice gifts.
It was in a nondescript box that was clearly not new and was just rattling around in there. It was slightly rough with no stamps or markings of any kind and looked somewhat poorly made with a flat polished stone inlaid.
I felt very confused and slightly disappointed, until I suddenly remembered that he had said something about attending a silversmith workshop 6 months earlier.
I went from underwhelmed to moved to tears in a split second when I realized that he had made it himself.
That is still one of my favorite gifts.


My daughter was so appreciative of EVERYTHING she's ever gotten. She is 17 now and she is a shining light in this world full of these entitled excuses of ppl. I truly feel bad for this world if they are the future.


My daughter was spoiled and had 'requirements' I found unreasonable, so I sent her to a summer camp with a group of children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. She was the only kid there who even had a phone. She came back humbled and never demanded things again, was always grateful for anything she was given and was an allround better person for the experience.


"... Only 4 gifts under the tree" - Duddley Dursley in the making, right there. 😂


These parents absolutely have reaped what they sowed. When you give your children everything they want, you deprive them of incredible life lessons. Budgeting, patience, humility. I would take my friend's children to the store for their birthdays and they would get a set amount of money. from a young age, they learned to either pool their money for a bigger gift to share or to choose one or two special items that fit within the budget. They were very sweet, waiting for the sales person to count it out and put back, what they could not afford. These kids are thrifty, crafty and creative. The children on this video, may have material goods, but lack the ingenuity make it in the real world.
