SPOILED Teens Reacting To Expensive Gifts ! - REACTION

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SPOILED Teens Reacting To Expensive Gifts ! - REACTION

Hey ya'll! Today on my channel we are reacting to some spoiled teens reacting to expensive gifts! These entitled kids had meltdowns over their Christmas presents. But maybe spoiled teenagers need to learn the hard way that gratitude goes a long way and gifts are rewards for good behavior. Enjoy :)

#entitledteens #entitled #spoiledteens #entitledteen #gifts #spoiled #spoiledteenager #spoiledgirl #spoiledboy #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre

Hi, I'm Charlotte Dobre. I'm an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I crack a joke or two. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it's a good time.

Edited by Timothy Dunsmore

Produced by: Vanessa Peprah-Addo

End screen song:
Take It All Off (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass) - Defunk
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What are you guys doing for the holidays?!


When my daughter was 4, she wanted a care bear. I had no money, I bought a knock off and thought I could pass it off. She was grateful and I overheard her telling her friends. My mom thinks it's a care bear, so pretend it is. That made my year.


This made me realize how poor our Christmases were. We couldn't afford to be disappointed at our gifts, so every gift was appreciated. And, while opening the gifts was definitely a highlight, Christmases were always a bigger thing than that. We just had so much fun.


It’s flat astounding how many people allow their children to have so much power over them. These videos make me endlessly grateful for my own sane non-entitled kids.


I'm amazed what these kids are saying. My daughter said she'd like an iPad for her digital drawing but knows they're expensive so she wants doc martins instead. She's getting both. She has no idea. She's been helping around the house, running with my crazy shenanigans, and even helping with my plants that she hates. I'm happy to spend for her


There may be a backstory to the young man with the ‘not guitar hero’ present. My MIL gave very different presents to my two boys. The older one received very nice things and the younger one received much cheaper ones. The favouritism was marked! We had to mention it to her more than once. Our younger son always said thank you but he noticed the favouritism and you could tell he was hurt. Who knows, maybe this is a similar situation??


Last year my mum had helped me financially a lot through-out the year so she made it clear I wasn't going to get a lot for Christmas. I understood, and told her of a few "themes" for things. She literally gave me Disney napkins, Star Wars bandaids, and Harry Potter paper cups. Total price? Probably way less than ten dollars. How did I feel when I got them? Excited as hell, yo! I was like OMG STAR WARS I didn't care that they weren't expensive, I cared and was happy because my mum understood what a massive nerd I am and that I'd like those gifts. This year will be the first Christmas without her, and I'm gonna miss the hell out of her but always remember memories like that fondly.


My daughter was only about 5 when my sister gave her the same present her Granny also gave her. Inside, I was freaking out about what she would say. She gave me a quick look then said thank you to her Aunt! I was so proud of her knowing that she would hurt her Aunty's feelings if she said anything.


For any teens watching (or anyone who receives gifts for any holiday): it's totally okay to be disappointed with a present. It's even okay to hate a present. You can't help the way you think/feel about something.. what you DON'T do is post about it for the world to see lol and you definitely don't tell the person who so nicely gave you the gift. You tell your best friend and cry about being disappointed and laugh about how stupid the present is and never tell anyone else how much you hate it.


Ten years ago I bought my niece a tv for her room. At the time I was working a job that paid way below minimum wage, she felt the screen was "too small" (42 inch), and purposefully trashed it, ten years later, and I haven't spent a cent on her since.


Gratitude is something I remember my mom REALLY instilled into me and my brother all growing up. And wow it has made a huge difference in my life. Being grateful for anything and everything massively changes a person's outlook on life.


My kids understand why I couldn't give them expensive gifts, cause they saw my struggles throughout the year. They were receiving "better" gifts from their father's side (we were separated since they were just babies) but they always appreciate whatever I could afford. I taught them that Christmas is about being together as a family, and not about the expensive gifts.
They are both now in their 20s and I'm proud that they grow up being a decent human beings.


This type of blatant ingratitude is one of my biggest pet peeves. When I was 15 or 16 I had a sleepover with a couple of friends and my dad took me to the grocery store to buy snacks before dropping me off. While in line at the store, my dad noticed some pumpkin donuts on one of those last-chance bakery carts and asked if I wanted them for my sleepover, and I was absolutely over the moon that he offered to buy me and my friends extra snacks just because. When he came to pick me up the next morning, he asked us if we enjoyed the donuts, to which one of my friends (who ate two of them) responded "You only got six!" Bitch, what? I was absolutely mortified. Never before been so ashamed of someone else's behavior.


I remember once when I was like 8 or 9 a couple of girls got me the same doll for my birthday. They were both embarrassed (one girl was more upset than the other, I think because hers was the one I opened second), meanwhile I was absolutely jazzed at having *twice* the doll and could not understand why they were upset. I ended up naming each of the dolls after them, just to get it across that I was actually *very* happy with the situation and was not trying to avoid hurting anyone's feelings or just being polite.


Last Christmas was tight so I offered to sew for my sister, using patterns I already had, as I had nothing to give but my time. She graciously accepted and bought the fabric, and she now has two custom dresses that she makes a point of taking pics of, or telling me she's wearing them. Her kindness and the fun we had made it a gift we both enjoyed and I am so grateful she didn't react like these spoiled kids.


When I was 16 my parents gifted me this amazing charm bracelet. Each charm had a special memory or characteristic attached and personified me as a person. My best friend got a Vespa. To this day, I still think my gift was more thoughtful and loving…


I was around 15 when I realized that some people get more than ONE present (excluding underwear and socks) from their parents for Christmas! We had little money and I was fine with just one present... of course it was never a "name brand", i.e. I got a knock-off "fashion doll" instead of a Barbie when I was about 8, but I would have NEVER even thought about complaining!


Several years ago, a friend was going through some hard times financially. He told his kids to give him a list of three things they wanted for Christmas. One of his sons complained "I only get three things for Christmas?". All I could think was what a spoiled little sh*t. You're lucky you're getting anything at all.


When the kids complain, just take back the presents. If I had've done that, I would have had the taste slapped out of my mouth.


Charlotte's entitled kid/Cartman from South Park's voice is cracking me up! So appropriate 😂😂😂

What the hell are some of these parents thinking, raising such spoiled little monsters? None of these kids came into the world with a sense of entitlement; this is definitely one situation where nurture trumps nature. Videos like these make me grateful for my child-free existence 😆