Moderate Muslims condemn ISIS Extremists: Dr. Zuhdi Jasser – 10-17-14

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1. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia condemns ISIS rebels as hijacking his peaceful religion. Are there moderate Muslims? 2. I found one, Dr. Zudhi Jasser is a Muslim who is taking a stand for peace. (c) 2014, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD. Airs 10/14 on NRB Network, TheWalkTV, Roku, GoogleTV, ITunes, IPointTV, Glorystar Satellite
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1) ALL muslims must support sharia.  there is no other way.  if this man says he does not agree with the quran, the hadiths, and sharia, he is not a true muslim.  

2) as part of their faith, they are actually ENCOURAGED TO LIE, when necessary, to further the cause of islam. 

i ask you to consider the young man involved in the Boston marathon killings.  people who knew him said he was the kindest, most polite, most wonderful young man they'd ever met.  yet, his heart was full of hate.  these folks can SAY whatever they want, but we must remember, it is not necessarily true what they say. 

so i do not believe there is such a thing as a "moderate muslim."  you are either muslim or you are not.  

however, there are many who are trapped in islam... in other words, they do not believe in islam, but if they leave, or even hint at leaving or not believing, or even question the teachings of islam, they will be murdered.  that is islam.  and it ain't pretty.  i do not think you should be saying these falsehoods about islam.  it is of satan.  there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.  islam is not moderate.  please pray about this, friend, because you are misleading people into believing that islam is good, when in fact, it is one of satan's greatest coups. 
