Are we ready for our first winter in Lapland Sweden?

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Winter is coming. Are we ready for it? It will get very cold and dark. What are our thoughts about that. Will our house stay warm?

Also, why have we moved here? We have gotten a lot of questions asking about moving to Sweden, so I try to answer those questions.

#movingabroad #arctic #nordiclife #scandinavianliving #nature
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Think you'll handle the cold quite easily, the darkness however is always difficult. But surviving it feels extremely rewarding in the spring.


Hi. Im an old swed from north that have been out all my life and the coldest iv been out in was minus 52 deg. Celcius. And a tip is to not take on a lot of clothes and stay inside so you bee swetty. Because than you will freeze. Tre layers of clothes from long pantis to trausers to maybee a snowmobil dress .gloves with only a thumb pocket rest of finger together. Try not to use clothes of nylon and such better is wooll. If you move around outside ( working with something) you dont freeze. In the car you should have a snowshowel not plastic thats for children. Some form of snowchains. Candels to light and stay warm( a candel lives about 40 watt of warmth. A good blanket. If the car brakes down you will manage.😮 You are a tuff guy and you choose right.😊
The quees are not so long in north of sweden. 😅


nice video Eric! Hope to watch a lot of your videos in winter!


Wow, what a beautiful day!!
And thanks so much for sharing, Eric!!
Very valuable information. 
Very much appreciated!!
(We also like your demeanor / the energy you exude :)

It feels special to hear how consistently positive you are / have been since you moved in.
That is one of those interesting observations for us, especially since at the same time you sound very grounded / rooted and aware of some of the less “positive” features.

All the animals you are spotting.
I also remember the reindeer in one of your previous videos.
When even *they* are coming so close, you know you’re in a very special place..
Up there in the north, you kinda get the feeling that *you* as a human are actually entering *their* space, rather than that they are entering the human world..? 
And that feels like a very very powerful feeling to me.

With respect to relocating “in general”:
We have lived abroad before for almost a decade. 
(Florida, to study and subsequently work; academia back then).
So we would not be new to adjusting to a new place.
But now the “motivation” would be totally different if we’d ever move to Sweden / Lapland: 
driven by the soul/heart rather than the (rational) mind / ego..

And when I hear you talk / share, I get a feeling that this “soul/heart” motivation is similar for you guys .. ?

Totally agreed: no one is saying it’d necessarily be easy.
But that is true everywhere.

Thanks again for sharing — will be in touch (I might also come back to one of Annabel’s messages from yesterday)


Ground heating "jordvärme" will work fine, has my selves installed that in 2008 and still works without issues.
The cold here is dry cold, it dont feels so bad that moisture cold.

Hope you got electric engine heater in the cars, you need it when getting -20° to easy start the cars.
Good clothes and you can be out in -30, 35°


Het grootste gedeelte van de winter hier ( ik zit klein stukje onder de arctische circle) is rond de min 20 goed te doen. De korte periodes met min 30 is buiten wel effe afzien, dan heb je heel snel dat je handen zeer gaan doen. Min 40 is 1 dag per 25 jaar, zeer zeldzaam.


Vad bra att du kör på engelska, Nu bor ni så långt norrut då är avstånden 20mil normalt. Norge eller Finland kanske är närmare till sjukhuset eller affären? När man bor så öde bygden måste man ha flera alternativ om t ex bilen vägrar att starta pga 35 - snälla granar kanske har egna problem??? Lycka till.😊


Humidity is worse in Nederländerna


Det kan bli jobbigt att skotta framför garaget för att öppna dörrarna till garaget.😢 lyften är torr när det är kalt och kylan är inte så farligt.😅 ni kommer att vänja ej med mycket snö mm. Barnen kommer att bli glada med snön. Traktorn kan vara bra att ha på vintern.😊


Good talk! When are you buying a snowmobile?


Does anyone here have tips for a good brand or (web)shop to buy winter jackets and other outdoor clothes❓


Have you already eradicated all bears there in Sweden, no wait, next year is another year of local culture !
