Is Repentance necessary for salvation? with guest Ray Comfort | Questions@CreationToday

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Faith alone saves you. So if any of you are worried about your salvation always remember that we can’t earn our salvation. Salvation is a free gift. And to receive that gift all you have to do is believe the gospel.
GOD bless you all.❤️

Jesus died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day and because of this you are saved.


Repentance is the first fruits of Salvation


Your salvation is dependent upon your obedience. How is that not works based salvation?


14:50 id assume your talking about the video with kent hovind in it?


Amen! Jesus saved me when I wasn't asking, looking, or deserving! Repentence is necessary for salvation! I came to Christ 11 years ago watching way of the master season three “the divine Butler” followed by “Joe Average”. Ray did nothing more than bypass my intellect and cut directly to my conscience using the law of God where I convicted myself. I had a godly grief so heavy for the lawbreaker I was according to His standards it produced GENUINE repentance! (2 Cor 7:10)


Ray your wrong. Repentance means turn, to change your mind. We turn to Christ and believe. Not confess my sins then believe. Is repentance first? I would say yes, it’s not repent of your sins, ( not even in bible) it’s turn to God, from unbelief to belief, from atheist to Believer in God, and then faith in Christ.


I have not watched the full video yet, but I feel like I cannot go on without asking this question:

Why is repentance required if we are always forgiven for our sin? Wouldn't my sin be washed away if I confessed my sin to God? So, why is repentance required or is it just an act of faith? But, wouldn't that be works? This is just a question that continuously runs through my head, but I'm gonna finish watching the video and see if I can get an answer. Please, leave your replies and help me on this. I'm confused on my salvation and it really breaks my heart to the point where I wish I just ceased to exist. By that, I don't mean I wish I was dead, because I'd most likely be in Hell, but was just never created. Pray for me, everyone! Thank you.

Edit: Also, God knows none of us will have a perfect repentance so why is it required if we will continuously fall short? It doesn't make sense to me.


It’s not about is repentance necessary! It’s about Why are you going to believe and what are you believing In if you don’t turn from sin. If Jesus died, and He did, to save us from sin and sin’s penalty, death, then how can you accept that and Him without looking on your sin in disgust. The reason I wanted to get saved was I was tired of my sinful ways and I knew God wasn’t happy about how I was living and who I was. It just doesn’t make any sense that a person would want to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior if you haven’t had a change of heart about your behavior and who your behavior offended, namely God and God alone and to Him and only Him are you held responsible.

Repentance is an acknowledgment that you and your behavior are sinful and sin is against God and that you don’t want sin anymore and you want God to cleanse you of it and love and forgive you and rescue you from sin’s penalty which is eternal damnation in hell.


Eric, how about a video on what happened between you and your Dad? There’s a lot of people who no longer trust you much.


Answer this one: Ephesians @
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
This means we should do good works after we repent in the name of Jesus Christ.


I appreciate this minister sent by God mr Ray Comfort.


Anytime I see a video that says "Is Repentance Necessary For Salvation", I known exactly what conclusion they're going to come to, because these so called ministries always start with the wrong question. No one is arguing the fact that repentance (a change of mind) is necessary for salvation, but we are arguing that you are not defining the word 'repent' correctly. Proponents of Lordship Salvation have successfully managed to mix works into the salvation message simply by redefining what the word repent actually means. If you want to learn more about the topic, I suggest watching a video from an actual solid Christian ministry, such as Bibleline Broadcast with Dr. Ralph Arnold. The bottom line is that Ray IS TEACHING THAT YOU HAVE TO STOP SINNING TO BE SAVED. For some reason he likes to deny that he preaches a false gospel, but his gospel presentation says otherwise. It's works salvation repackaged.


People who preach repentance more than the free gift really have not repented of ALL their sins and thats what makes these guys wolves in sheep's clothing. Think about it. Philippians 2:13
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
You can not please God until after you receive the free gift. Not the other way around.


So if I repent, and thereby do something pleasing to God, I am on my way to salvation? There has always been something, to me, which rings untrue in that. If I can do something that is pleasing to God before I have faith, then how does that line up to verses such as these: Romans 8:6-8, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Corinthians 2:14, and others (not even just all the verses relating to the capabilities of those enslaved to sin). Perhaps a more robust explanation of what is occurring within and outside a person, while they are being saved, is necessary in order to better understand what you're presenting. For all I know, I've already misunderstood it. I mean are you saying that the natural man can repent before being regenerated? I know there is debate over the Ordo Salutis, but I've never understood how one can believe an unregenerate person is capable of doing what the Bible says they are incapable of.

However, I agree that the prosperity gospel is ridiculous. Also, knowing the bad news is necessary before the good news can be understood. I agree with you there, too. Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, and Christians will naturally want to do what pleases the One they love. I wanted to include that, since we most definitely don't disagree on everything.

Directly on that line of thought, I agree with something else you said. The works don't bring about the faith, but the works come naturally from one with faith (as God foreordained good works for us to do: Ephesians 2:10). I've heard it said that we are saved through faith alone, but the faith is never alone. However, you were making it sound like we are doing the repentance (us having done something on our own or as a fruit) before faith... meaning the repentance (whether work or fruit) precedes faith. As I understand it, I received faith in order that I could repent, in the first place. I think your discussion of this confuses those who are already saved (the "beloved, " "brethren, " or "dear friends" spoken of in Philippians 2) with those not yet saved but about to be. One can't work out his or her salvation with fear and trembling if he or she isn't yet saved, right? To hit something I alluded to, I also found it strange that you seem to have said one can bear fruit (specifically repentance) before he or she is saved... so you bear spiritual fruit before you've been grafted onto Christ?

Again, this may just be a misunderstanding on my part. It may be the shortness of the video, but I just don't understand how one can seemingly bear spiritual fruit before being regenerate and saved through faith.


Is not iniquity sin? Lawlessness? The scriptures speak of disbelief as the ultimate expression of sin. Furthermore, are we not taught that the "unforgivable" sin is that sin that rejects the knowledge of God and His only begotten son? And what did the Son of God bring into the world if not the Kingdom of God and His gospel? The biblical answer is obviously this: When presented with God's solution to our sin problem we observe thru a deeper understanding that our approach as God's creature must change. We seek to make ourselves right by doing something, making some sacrifices, paying some debts and perhaps making an amends. We reverse or change our mental orientation to that of the gospel which involves a radical change of world view. When this Radically new perspective on reality takes root within our deepest psyche it brings about fundamental changes within the deep recesses of the soul.


Jesus said if you love me you will do my commandments. He commands us to repent.


Greek for 3340 is metanoeo. It means to have a change of mind. It does not mean a change in behavior. Behavior changes occur by the rebirth sanctification process. I do like Ray. I have his evidence Bible. I do not agree with him if he teaches you have to stop sin before you can be saved. We can save ourselves then! No Jesus is our Deliverer from the sin nature we were born with when upon salvation He gives us the Holy Spirit. I still love Ray but praying for him in this area. It’s serious. .


Explain how do you repent of all your sin, How do you name every sin, so SAD.


Bunk. So the thief on the cross...Luke 23;42-43 ? Did he even have time to repent? And Romans 6;22-23, says salvation is a gift, and Romans 11;29 says the gifts and calling are without repentance.. Ray is a spreader of false propaganda.


“Believe on the Lord and be saved.” Book of Mark and gospels Jesus is addressing Jews . Different dispensation. The church did not exist then. The church is saved by Grace thru faith. Ephesians 2:8-9. Our deliverance comes upon salvation. Roman’s 8:13. Only those who are led by the Spirit are Gods children. What makes you saved? The Holy Spirit. No Holy Spirit your not saved. True salvation/conversion is the Holy Spirit. Ray is taking the virgin scriptures out of place. Jesus is talking to the Jews for Great Tribulation. Matthew 24-25 is for Great Trib elects the Jews. I’m sorry Ray you are not rightly dividing scripture. Like so many who blend the gospels with the church age saints. Jesus was under the Law in the gospels addressing the lost house of Isreal. Not the church age saints who did not come till Acts at Pentecost. Diffetent dispensation. We are sealed by the Holy Ghost Ephesians 1:13-14.
