Heidegger - Being and Time - 10.1/12

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Martin Heidegger was an original and influential 20th century German existential philosopher whose seminal text, Being and Time, supplied many of the ideas later thinkers in existentialism would have to respond to.
Heidegger spent his entire life obsessed by one question, What is being? Being and Time is the beginning of an answer to this.

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Good day to you Sir, I hope that all is well Nath. I am sticking with this and as ever your documents help me to pin the branches of the trees that reach for the sky and of course the sun(shine 💡 in a structured manner for me). Once again thank you.
This is great work from you and is really helping my understanding in this most fundamental part of living being. We are all definitely are all concerned about our own being and that of others my experiences tell me. Thank you so much and hello from England, UK pal. Big H is critical and key as you say and logical step from Special K, thoroughly enjoying this deep dive.


So temporality is about our relationship with past, present and future ? This section in the last half of the book I struggled with the most. But I think the haze is beginning to dissipate.


Thrownness, thrown is interesting in the German, (ge)werfen which can also mean to cast a shadow or project an image, as well as to give birth. The relationship to English 'warp' and the PIE root 'wer' is neat. I wonder about related 'cast', the homophone 'throne' and its root dher (dharma)..
