Best Freshwater Schooling Fish for Aquariums! Which popular schooler is right for your fish tank?

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This video dives into the Top 10 best schoolers that always swim around together, perfect for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

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Gotta love roselines ! I have a big super school of 24 in my 240 gallon tank. They do get bigger than 4 1/2 inches, more like 5 to 6 inches. Most of mine are around 4 1/2 inches, a couple of them are 5 inches, and there’s one that is a whopping 6 1/2 inches. Pretty sure the previous owner super-fed them or something


Cherry barbs are awesome looking as adults. The females may not be solid red, but carry a lot of color on their fins and metalic tones on their bodies. They look great as a mixed-sex school.
Espei rasboras are also a great looking smaller alternative to harlequin rasboras. The only other schooling fish I can personally recommend is neon blue dwarf rainbowfish.(Praecox). They are great, fast-moving, males and females look stunning and they are hardy.
Great video!


My Neon tetra have a shy+anxiety syndrome, even a 10 fishes in a planted tank if they are the only species in it.
The cure for that is by adding Cherry barb, these guys are courageous & persistent, they convinced the tetras that theres nothing to worry about. Neons is also a picky eater, they prefer to eat in middle level, while Cherrys eats everywhere.


Amazing video man it’s crazy I didn’t find your channel sooner!


I have got about 15 Amber tets .... yes, I'll agree the most hardy little schooling fish ever !!


On another YouTube channel I found out there is a hobbyist who mass breeds cardinal tetras near Compton in CA. Dan's Fish also sells a lot of fish that are bred and raised in the USA by hobbyists.


Roseline Sharks are super expensive. I regularly see them at $25 a piece.


Roseline are gorgeous if you have room. I don't find neons hardy, they die easily. Rummy Nose are terrific schoolers.

Do Harlequins and Lampchop school equally well?

Also, I heard the barbs can be bit aggressive with long finned fish like angel fish.


I just lost a school of hatchet fish due to my dumb assery in not realizing that when my mother came to visit, she rearranged the way I had my cords plugged into the wall socket/power strip. Apparently, the filter to the 55 gallon that housed said school of hatchet fish drained after it was unplugged and ran dry until it broke. I totally did not notice until the fish developed itch and despite me raising the temperature to 86 degrees, they all croaked. However, the white skirts, khuli loaches, and bristle nose survived and are doing well. Thanks for giving me ideas for a new school but rest assured I will give it some time before introducing any new fish. Is there a specific time someone should wait after an inch outbreak before introducing new fish? I did not add any chemicals, only raised the temp. The surviving fish have been parasite free for 2 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.


Wow, you were really down on the female Cherry barbs' colors. I think the female Cherry barbs look great. They aren't just a drab brown.


Neon tetra: "Very hardy"


Okay you hooked me. Now give me the fluval flakes
