Stop Adding These 3 Foods To Your Pet’s Homemade Food

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Just a few foods that sometimes worry me when I see recipes relying on them for essential nutrients!

VIDEO ★ Simple Raw Food Recipe For Dogs

VIDEO ★ Simple Raw Food Recipe For Cats

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1. Peanutbutter
2. Rice
3. vegetables (some could be a good source of fiber but shouldn't take up too much of pet's diet)
4. Legumes


Why didn't you mention natural peanut butter's just ground nuts without sugar or man made fats?


I only use organic, peanuts only peanut butter. I also do not feed it to my dog but only use it to help her take her pills. She is 13 going on 14.


This is a solid video! The material applies almost equally to humans but it's especially true for cats. Veggies are added to pet foods for two reasons, the first that they're vastly cheaper than meat and to appeal to the misconceptions of uninformed buyers.


this is so great. I have doberman, pitbull and beagle. My lovely vet told me that I don't need to add any veggies or carb into there food. I feed raw food that have only meat, edible bone and organ . People said I should add this or add that but I stay strong and continue feed them pure meat. My pitty turn 13, my beagle turn 12 and my dobie just turn 1 this year and they all are very good health condition


My dog is allergic to organs. Throwing up every time she ate those. Also, she can’t have too much meat as it is bad to her kidney. My vet recommends adding rice and veggies to her diet. She never got fat her whole life. She is now 16. I guess every dog is different.


I ask anyone watching this stuff to check what the ACTUAL research says. Don't just believe what you see - particularly when the studies cited are not shared.


Great video. The korn kibble krowd will say that carbs are energy and ignore diabetes. Fortunately, one of my cats throws up most commercial food that has grains. Which is how I discovered your channel and started feeding homemade. I now eat healthier too! Thank you for this thorough information. Happy Feline Friday!


Idk about that... my dog was diagnosed with arthritis and some spine issues last year after i took him to the vet when he wasnt able to walk anymore, so I switch to home-made food which includes green peas, beans, and rice as some of the ingredients and he's been able to run and walk again since then🤷‍♂️


My Jack Russell is 14 years old. She had Pancreatitis and Colitis so I cook her, Organic Chicken Breast, Sweet Potatoes and lots of Organic Carrots. She is Thriving, I also give her Probiotics and Slippery Elm Powder for the Colitis, it has proved Excellent. She looks and feels like a Puppy again, so Thankful !


Super glad I found your channel and very grateful for you as a resource. I stopped discussing food choices altogether for myself and my dog. While people ask me often because of the health results achieved (I am 55 and super fit - with little excercise and no deprivation) + I brought my puppy back from edge of death (he got giardia and was very allergic to the meds AND the chicken/rice diet they prescribed) I am tired of hearing about how important carbs are and why fats are unhealthy in the quantities I include in my diet and the pup's.


If your going to talk about a topic anyways, fully research that topic or if you know than make sure it’s covered. There are so many versions of peanut butter nowadays and it’s so easy to make your own as well. Don’t mislead, say that as long as it’s only peanuts or peanuts with salt it’s okay. Because this way people will think all peanut butter is bad and never use it again.


A few comments: first, not all peanut butters contain trans fat (or even sugar sometimes), and beef does has some at about 6% of its fat.
And second, I agree that rice isn't a fitting food for dogs, but I'm skeptical about using the glycemic index, as dogs can't make amylase as effectively as people. I have a different idea as to the cause of pet obesity, but that's not relevant.
Also, apparently high fiber was a big contributer to the grain free food DCM scare, and not just legumes.


I boiled chicken. Rice. Celery. Carrots. Can of Pumpkin (after it's all done) green beans or sweet peas. And I mix it with dry dog food. Ppl drop off dogs all the time and I try and make it last longer and they seem to love it. I do it for financial reasons and bc I know what's in it. None of the dogs are overweight. I'm actually trying to get them up to normal weight. I just don't have much money and there are about 5 to 7 big dogs on any given day
Do you have any suggestions?


I have seen your videos where you have used spinach while devising a balanced diet for dogs? So is this video right or that one where you added spinach to form a balanced diet for dogs? Because information in both videos can't be right


This is a great explanation of why comercial pet foods make our pets obese.


Hey ! Good chance you won’t see this but if you do I’m very thankful for the research that you do. I’ve just lost my 13-14 years old dog due to cancer. But before that I’ve been researching how certain food/vitamins help out with cancer and for humans certain food do help b/c it wires the body to stop feeding the cancer cells. With that even though I have say vitamin E capsules or vegetable food that gives vitamins I know it’s doesn’t work the same for dogs. (Omnivore vs carnivore) and as far as I know the information on certain food effective absorption is hard to find. But thanks to your channel and research I’m finding some answers even though it’s too late. Anyways thanks for the work that you do and the community your building we need more information on how effective say “x” food is absorb by carnivores to help turn the tides on this overwhelming battle with cancer.


I went on the carnivore diet and completely cured my IBS. I imagine eliminating vegetables could help many dogs also.


you state spinach is potentially bad than link your basic recipe for dogs at the end of this video which calls for spinach. confused


Good video! I passed it on to my clients too. One thing I would like you to go over is lightly cooked meals. Some dogs do not do well on raw and so need to have their food cooked.
