How I Learn Languages | 8 Tips for Success

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Here are some tips I found helpful while studying languages—hope this helps & thanks for watching!
오늘은 언어 공부법에 대한 영상을 찍어봤어요! 영어와 스페인어를 배우면서 도움 됐던 팁들 공유합니다 :)
한국어 자막 있으니 켜고 들어주세요!

If you’re fluent in another language, please consider translating captions:



sub count: 108k❤️

0:00 Intro
0:58 Tip #1
3:57 Tip #2
7:00 Tip #3
7:42 Tip #4
9:35 Tip #5
10:56 Tip #6
11:59 Tip #7
13:26 Tip #8

This video is sponsored by italki.

#italki #italkikids #languagelearning #tips
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I am Korean and I am learning English, Japanese and Chinese. Later, I want to learn Spanish and French too! Everyone who studies languages, cheer up!


1. Vocabulary
2. Resources
3. Imitation
4. Making it fun
5. Pronunciation
6. Mistakes
7. Maintenance
8. Motivation
I hope it helps u 💫


I also wanna add to the language learning tips!
1) With the vocabulary list, after writing down the new word and its meanings, use the word in a sentence. Remember, the whole sentence must be in your target language. This way you can strengthen your knowledge on how to use the word and it actually makes it a lot easier to remember (depending on how many times you used it in a sentence.
2) During the familiarizing phase, it's a lot better to watch something first before reading something. It's a lot more efficient when you see and hear the language you want to learn about instead of just seeing it. This also help you be more aware of the intonations to use so even when you come across an unfamiliar word you would intuitively know how it would sound like (it might not be necessarily accurate but it's good enough; you would also feel more confident about yourself when you guessed right on how to speak that word ^^ at least that's how it is to me :P)
3) Visualizing is your friend. While visualizing tho, try to make your inside voice speak in your target language.


My biggest tip is to constantly describe the things around you in your desired language. It's really good at helping you phrase things on the go— and it immediately highlights gaps in your vocabulary, as well as identifying which words are relevant in an everyday context, as opposed to vague, ethereal language in your textbook that's less relevant to your daily reality 💕💕💕


something I do is making up a story in the language I wanna learn (once I already know the basics of the language) a few sentences a day or just one paragraph is good. It takes a week and it’s good practice it keeps me busy and I’m not so bored while doing it


I don't know if anyone is going to read this but... I am a 13 year old who speaks arabic + 2 dialects, english and french and i am learning japanese right now. I am so happy with the progress i made so far


languages I'm learning/hoping to learn and become fluent in this year<3
-Japanese(work in progress)
(We can do it gang!!! Don't give up!!!)


as someone who struggled with language learning, i think it’s really important that you’re doing it because you have genuine interest in it because my motivation was initially it’ll look good for college, but now it’s i want to visit that place and talk those people!


I’m glad that there are actually people that want to learn Spanish ^^
I’m a fluent Spanish and English speaker (my race is Hispanic)
I’m trying to learn Korean and this is helpful <3
Keep trying and you’ll be fluent just be patient :)
Gracias por hacienda este video me ayudo mucho!!


I can speak 4 languages but I never studied any of them. I grew up in a family who spoke 2 languages (Latvian and Russian). I learned English through movies, series and YouTubers. And now I live in Germany so eventually I ofc learned German. But I find it difficult to study languages if I’m not surrounded by the language all the time and if I don’t get to talk to the native speakers.


I am brazilian and I am learning english, spanish, italian, french and korean. I think that is working. Amazing video! 🥰


As a language teacher, one of the biggest challenges I have is to show students that learning a new language is more than memorizing words. I've seen students trying to memorize the entire dictionary way too often hehe


언어 공부에는 진짜 끝이 없는 것 같아요ㅜㅜ 이렇게 영어를 원어로 쓰시는데도 단어장을 정리하시다니ㅜㅜ 너무 유용한 방법 말씀주셔서 감사합니다 영단어 정리를 중고등학교 이후로 안해서 다시 시작해보고자하는데 혹시 시간 괜찮으시다면 나중에 구글닥 영단어 정리도 간단히 소개해주시면 감사하겠습니당!😍


This video is great! I never really considered the upkeep/maintenance as part of learning a language but it's so important. It's why so many people grew up speaking something and eventually forgot. They didn't maintain it! So cool to know.

I'm an English speaker, trying to learn Spanish and ASL(I'd love to learn more, but my sights are low). But I have social anxiety and audio-processing disorder. So I have a hard time communicating with people in my native language either because I forget what I wanna say, panic and freeze up, or just get so overwhelmed no one understands what I'm trying to say. Then sometimes I just can't hear what people are saying. My family calls it "creative hearing" because I never quite understand, and tend to hear something they didn't say+fill in the blanks. It's like it takes my brain twice as long to register what other people hear with ease.

These make the task of learning a language seem daunting and impossible... I would *love* to know Spanish and many other languages, but... It seems so anti-climactic. Do you have any thoughts on this??

(Didn't mean to write so much, I just really enjoyed your video. It gave me a lot to think about!)


Great advice - thanks for sharing Bella! Good luck to all my fellow students out there!


헉 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 언어만 유독 어려워하는 저에게 너무 유용한 영상이에요ㅠㅠㅠ 영상 감사해요 매일매일 봐야겠어요 ㅋㅋ😆


I speak Hatian Creole, Spanish, English, French, I’m retaking French because I barely speak it. I want to learn portugués and Italian but I don’t know how to start, with that video now I know what to do. Thank you so much

For those who wanna learn any language, just be patient and don’t overthink the idioms, YOU CAN DO THIS, GO FOR IT, YOU GOT THIS GIRL ❤✨


Thank you so much you have motivated me to start learning a new language that I have been wanting to learn for a while, also I love your videos so much :)


I'm planning on learning French, it's going to be my third language (hopefully) but I haven't learned a new language in so long that I kinda forgot how exactly I did it in the first place, or at least an order that makes sense for someone who doesn't know a single thing about it, so I found your video very helpful, especially because I did some of the things you recommend (and still do).

btw, I recommend the DRAE dictionary for Spanish, it's the official dictionary for the language and it's really helpful for context (even though WordReference is amazing).


Thank you for this video! I’m a 13 year old girl whose goal is to learn 2 languages and be fluent in them by the time I’m 21. I currently speak English (my first language) and a semi-decent amount of Spanish (which I am improving on every single day) with hopes of learning Italian so that one day I can go to Italy and have no problem communicating with the locals. I love the idea about reading your favorite book in the language you’re trying to learn because that was actually an idea I had! I’m trying to read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Spanish right now and it’s challenging, but when I recognize a word, it’s VERY nice. Thank you so much for this video!
