How to learn ANY language in 6-12 months

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Want to know how to learn any language in 6 - 12 months while having fun? This is The Ikenna Method!

Super fun to revisit this topic after learning so much over the last 4 years. I made a similar video years ago, however my method a lot has evolved since then. I'm confident that anyone can learn nearly ANY language in 6-12 months to a conversational level. With the right amount of work.





Hello, I’m an Irish-Nigerian-American language learning Youtuber hailing from New York!
I currently speak seven languages. Six of which I taught myself from scratch. By 2023, I aim to learn another five. The languages I currently speak are English, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, French, Chinese and Spanish.

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It took me 10 years but today I'm finally revealing The Ikenna Method! Hope you like the video!


First video of year, let’s hope we all do well in our language(s) this year.


I'm learning Spanish for my New Year's resolution. I'm putting it here so I can comment at the end of the year if I procrastinated, or if I actually learned the language! (Edit: See further down my post to see an update!) Anyways, best wishes to all of you on your language learning goals and thank you Ikenna for these awesome videos! They're very motivating. 🙂

Edit: Happy final day of 2022! I decided to clean things up a bit because it got too wordy. How did it go? Well...

I'm able to understand and talk about basic things in the present and future tense. While I slowed down a bit with the busy school year (yup, I'm a teacher!), I did practice a lot with my Spanish-speaking students. I would have phrases memorized (and written down in case I forget), then I would repeat the phrase to them. Many times, certain words would keep popping up, which would help with memorization. The students would cheer when I make up a sentence on the spot or pronounce a Spanish phrase perfectly.

I can understand a lot of children's shows when I watch them slowly, and much of it when it's in regular speed. Reading children's books, and short Spanish stories are much easier.

A good test was during parent-teacher report card pickup. We would have Spanish-speaking parents come in. They would ask me if I speak Spanish while speaking slowly, and I could actually have a small conversation with them! Only problem is that I'm still awful with the past tense (so a goal for next year!), but the parents understood by context if I was speaking in the past (I had a Spanish-speaking teacher with me in case I mess up terribly.)

And for those wondering how I learned, it's: Duolingo, lots of short Spanish-speaking videos (I don't have much patience watching long videos), I play movies I already know in Spanish as background noise as I clean the house, I listen to Pimsleur (my favorite app!), read short Spanish stories (Dr. Seuss in Spanish is fun, Olly Richards' books are nice, and you can always find stuff online), read a bunch of YouTube comments on Spanish videos (to keep myself current with the "hip" phrases, LOL, even though I have no idea what most are because people tend to shorten words), took a Spanish class online for a couple of lessons, and speaking with other Spanish-speaking friends, students, and shops/restaurants.

Oh yeah, a side note... I studied French years ago, so I would often accidentally mix French into my Spanish.

Anyways, thanks everyone for keeping me in check! I had no idea many people would be interested in my journey. Maybe I'll do another update next year. Best wishes to all of you in 2023!


I'm learning Korean. I feel off track in 2020, but back on track now. This information is most helpful. Thank you.


Ikenna inspired me to start learning Japanese so that I can move to Japan some day. I have been watching him for the past year and he is what inspired me to get this far. I lost my motivation after I asked a college professor that taught languages if it was possible to self study Japanese. This is what he told me “It is impossible for you to self study a language especially one as difficult as Japanese. You need a classroom and a teacher to learn, you yourself is not enough to learn a new language”. I just sat in the car and watched a video of Ikenna talking to native speakers and impressing them and getting to interact with others on other sides of the world all by self studying languages. Ikenna in the small chance that you will actually read this, ありがとうございます、イケーナさん!

Update: It’s been a few months and I hit my goal in May 2022! Of course I revisit Japanese and review but I’ve started on my next language: Korean! It’s going pretty well and my notebook is filling up. Thank you all so much for your support and I am still working towards my goal of living abroad!


You have seriously helped so much along my own language journey as both a guide and an inspiration. From when I first discovered this channel I went from a 13 year old who spoke barely passing French and a few niceties in Spanish through school to 15 year old conversationally fluent in both and fully prepared to tackle German!

Thank you so much Ikenna for what you do. I hope the new year brings sucess in German and Korean and I hope you feel better throughout man.

Tu y arriveras. C'est dans la poche!


The hardest part for me was to choose which language I wanted to start learning first. I decided to learn Spanish because my grandfather, even though he’s lived in the US for years, still speaks fluently and still has a very thick accent so I figured it would be easier to speak to him in his mother language and it would also make him happy. I’ve been learning Spanish for a while before this video but your methods have been working really well for me. Some other languages I want to learn are French, German, Japanese, and Korean. Sorry for the long comment but learning languages is just something I am very passionate about and dedicated to. Happy learning everyone!



Ikenna's definition of conversational fluency:
♡ Easily have long conversations with native speakers
♡ Sometimes watch TV without subtitles
♡ Connecting with people
♡ Flirting

Conversational fluency does not mean perfection by any means! You'll still make mistakes but you will be able to connect with people which is the most important part of language learning.

The Ikenna Method:

Level 0 - Preparation
Level 1 - Beginner
Level 2 - Intermediate
Level 3 - Advanced

We will not be going into level 0 and level 3 for the sake of time

~ Level 1 - Consume (Typically lasts 4-9 months)

Level one is broken into 2 parts or stages

🤍 Stage 1:

♡ Soft landing
♡ Dry but effective
♡ A way to review
♡ A way to have fun to stay motivation

🤍 What is a soft landing?

Using a beginner course/resource that will softly introduce you to the language without scaring you away:
♡ Pimsleur
♡ Michelle Thomas
♡ Language Transfer
♡ Beginner textbook

These gently guide you into the language, however, in tandem you want to be using something that is dry but effective

🤍 Dry but effective:

Start learning from a list of the most common 1000 - 1500 words in your target language and jot down 5 - 10 words everyday.

Do this as you are going through the beginner program. Something dry and a little boring in bite sized chunks everyday is sustainable.

Soft + dry = win

🤍 A way to review everything

You want to use a tool like Anki or another Space Repetition System (SRS) to store words you are learning

🤍 Fun - Consuming the language in its natural form

You want to be listening to media and immersing yourself in your target language. Get as much of it in your ears as possible

♡ Watching TV shows (can use subtitles)
♡ Podcasts
♡ Youtube
♡ Music

• When does Stage 2 begin?

After you have
1. Learned the most common 1000 - 1500 words
2. Finished a beginner course or two

🌸 Stage 2:

🌸 Look for easy reading materials:
♡ Graded Readers
♡ Webtoons Translate

Read as much as you can, pictures in comics make them easier to get through

🌸 Find some resources that help you learn the basics of grammar in your target language

♡ Youtube
♡ Small Grammar Course
♡ Grammar textbook

🌸 Continue to store new words you learn in Anki or whichever SRS you are utilizing

~ Level 2 - Output (6 - 12 months to Years)

🌷 Practicing your speaking skills for atleast 1-3 months

♡ italki
♡ HelloTalk
♡ Preply
♡ Tandem
♡ Interpals

Find tutors and penpals to practice your speaking with. You cannot get conversational if you never practice speaking

🌷 Continue watching TV shows in your target language with subtitles in your target language as a main activity

♡ Jot down and save words every 10 minutes

The coolest part about reaching level two, aka conversational fluency, is that the language will stick with you for the rest of your life at this level. You are never going to forget it. Level 2 is the point where you can decide to keep advancing and push past conversational fluency or you can decide to start learning another language.


The Ikenna Method video course explains all 4 levels in detail and includes access to a community of other language learners


Ikenna you're my role model. I have lupus and I have been bed ridden for some moments of my life. I can't even begin to tell you how said it was for me to think I might never travel (I've always been in Chile, my country) and language learning kept me there, hanging, giving me something to cope with. Thanks for everything you share.


Bro. You’re a legend. I don’t always follow your channel but have seen many random videos, watched this in full and loved it. Much respect for your commitment and determination whilst fighting against illness.


This was so inspiring to watch. Despite all the hardships Ikenna has been through, he’s going to single-handedly revolutionize language learning for the whole world. I’ve leaned Spanish and Portuguese on my own, and started on Japanese today! I wouldn’t be where I am today without Ikenna


Currently learning Japanese on and off and all im missing is dedication. Now that I've found your channel I think this will way easier.


Thanks for this, Ikenna. Good luck on the course!


I'm wanting to continue learning German this year- I studied it in late 2020 and 2021. I also want to study Cornish, the language of some of my ancestors (they also spoke German, Danish, Gaelic, etc.) Ikenna's always good inspiration and stuff, seeing how far he gets in them and seeing him speak the languages.


Look. I already bought your book about a year ago (and your course a few days ago) It started me on my language learning journey. I ended up over time found my own personal method for studying that works for me (still based on the foundation in your book). You, Olly Richards, MattvsJapan, Steve Kaufman have all stumbled onto amazing ways to learn languages and the community is lucky to have you guys.


Ikenna, hope this year your health improves a lot! 🙏🏼

This year I'll refine at least 3 of the languages I'm learning (CN, IT, JP). I'll commit fully to this, starting with Mandarin and Italian. 🙏🏼


Thank you so much for recording this video for us!


I’ve already decided to take my Korean learning to the next level in 2022. I’ve been learning for half a year and am still a beginner because I haven’t been consistent. You are such an inspiration and I appreciate how you broke this down! Looking forward to seeing more from you in 2022! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!


Love the video man! You have no idea how much of a smile it brings to my face seeing you here again. I just wanted to say man you were the final thing that pushed me to learn a language. I bought the first edition of FME Method and used it to get to upper B1 in Dutch and now I'm A2/B1 Norwegian in just over a month and a half and it's all because of you. In fact you inspired me so much I went to Norway (A place i'd always wanted to go), made some Norwegian friends and fell in love with the Language. I want to push myself this year to really get it down and try to get B2 at some point and keep it with me over the years to push up to C1.

You're an absolute hero of mine and I'm so glad you do what you do. Keep it up dude, looking forward to the app and I'll be supporting on patreon as soon as I get more work!


Thank you so much this is super helpful. I have been stumbling along with my language learning. Moving forward has felt more like luck than systematic. This really helped me outline what to do when and when to move on to the next steps. Will definitely try this.
