Don't Throw Away Spoiling Bananas | Food Waste Recipes😋

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Looks💩but tastes😋
Unless your banana has gone completely brown from the inside or is growing mold, it's still safe to eat🍌. According to some studies, overripe bananas are richer in Vitamin C and Antioxidants👨‍⚕️. Obviously I don't care about that because I made a cake out of that healthy banana🍰. The point is to not throw it away just coz it's browned from the outside🌘
For the recipe, I used whatever I could find in the kitchen like Whole Wheat Flour, Baking Powder, Olive Oil🛢️. Instead of using cocoa powder and sugar, I added the Ragi Hot Chocolate Mix from @wildberryorganics that has jaggery as a sweetner🍯
What would you have done with a spoiling banana🤔? Tell us in the comments👇
#veganbananacake #bananafoodwaste #5minuterecipes #veganrecipes #zerowastedelhi #zerowasteindia
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