ITV news: At Durham boxing club , boxing for the mind.

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Brandon Durham's boxing club is offering free boxing for the mind sessions to help people with their physical and mental health.

There's some more boxing clubs in our area that does the same support. There's Tyson fury and Frank Bruno that made it through mental illness.

I saw the changes through time that Tyson Fury made , where he was and where and where he is now is unbelievable.

Also we have heard of Frank Bruno's detention in the walls of psychiatric hospitals ( two sides to every story ) This is a saying that we all know and has been said by Prince Harry.

I'm most sure this year will be positive because of the vast array of alterations in our day to day lives.

I've experienced and it's quite obvious that some pills don't work , I have an article which said this from decades a drug company well known saying our pills don't work on most patients I have the morning paper with that fact.

I think we are catching up trying to do something constructive we have welcomed new strategies new therapies and a new understanding towards the disabled the mentally ill.

We are all doing our best and if we need more help we will receive it at the highest standards.

let's get this new year better let's fucus on health wealth and happiness. Then the new year will be in our hands a new begging and a long lost past.

A big thank you
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