Stop Training Abs Like This! (5 Mistakes)

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You have to STOP training abs like this! Learn how to get abs by avoiding these gym mistakes. You can get shredded enough abs for a six pack with intermittent fasting as well other diet approaches. But, you will want to avoid these workout and diet mistakes for the fastest results This video is especially helpful for those of you that are beginners and are training at home in 2018

#1 Focus on the muscle that you’re trying to target 0:29
# 2 Working your abs with incorrect range of motion 3:41
#3 Focusing entirely on isolation exercises or entirely on compound
exercises to build your abs 6:03
#4 Going high with reps 7:02
#5 Selectorizor ab machinery 8:31
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Another great video can you make one and show physical demonstration of the exercises and the forms to strengthen your abs and also show what's the wrong way that people have been doing it that would be great thanks


Could u show a quick 45-60 min abs exercise video which shows the technique and how to perform properly. Thanks so much. Your vid are super awesome and informal


Thanks for the video Max. Good content. I think it's great you indicated that Abs should not be trained everyday. I used to train them daily. I'm hoping that training them 3 times a week nowadays will make a difference.

As PictureFit would say, "Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen."


As usual, generally sound advice, but I think some of the specific suggestions are less universal and more targeted to bodybuilders. I don't know many people who necessarily want to "grow" their abs. Usually all they want is a strong, functional core, and a good-looking midsection. "Big abs" is more a bodybuilding goal. You don't need to progressively overload your abs with more weight to get a six pack. Mostly, as you point out, you need to address your body composition, but beyond that, body weight ab exercises are all most people need to meet their goals.


That's it, you've done it with putting Batman in here,


Every time I do sit-ups I bend my knees and cross my arms across my chest as I’m holding a plate.
This eliminates the chances of applying pressure and stress to the neck. It also keeps tension on the abs.


Does size and weight actually equate to health and how in shape you are?? I was a division 1 athlete and during the best shape of my life I was still heavier than most people would assume and wore a size US womens 18 (6’0) but I could run and lift for days and was so athletic... it’s super discouraging because many people assume I’m out of shape and unhealthy but don’t feel that way at all


Speaking of machinery....what about cable crunches that don't lock you in a range of motion and are recommended by most of body builder YouTubers?


I weigh 180lb ish 182cm tall wanting get my fitness back would you recommend doing Hiit training thank you 😊


Thanks.. i dont want to lose my time making a bad work


So my brother has lost over 50 pounds... And l watched your other video and he is in between stubborn belly fat and the extra line or fat at the bottom that only shows when he sits down what type of workout do you recommend for him....???


Man please less talk more examples...
You are focusing on what not to do and thank you for that but it won't be fruitful without saying what to do on the contrary..


Should you train your abs having skinny fats or target on reducing overall bodyfat rather than focusing on only abs!


Demonstrations with wrong/correct ways of doing the exercise please.


People, this shit ain't that complicated. IF you want to see a nice six pack, it's a simple 3 step process. 1.) Get your body fat % to 10% or less via diet and exercise. 2.) Workout your abs at least 2-3 days a week just like you would any other muscle group. So long as you fatigue those muscles, they will grow enough to have good definition. 3.) Get enough damn sleep. If you don't get an average of 7hrs of sleep per night you will fuck everything up, starting with your hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, testosterone, and cortisol. Do those 3 things and you will have a nice defined six pack within 3-6mths if not less, (depending on how fat you are to begin with).


I have ? How much body fat do u have to be at to get a 6 pack


How many times a week should the belly exercise?


I have a problem on my v cuts the right side have different shape than the left and left side of the v cut not clear (any advice )


Can an endomorph ever look like an ectomorph.? If yes then how?


I tried it woth the other ball(not the medine ball) but i'm scared because it feel that my internal organ(intestine) will pop up
