A Message to the 144,000, the Bride, and the Body of Christ

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Amen Amen Amen!! Glory to God! Praying for you and the Team Michael! ❤️⚔️🛡️


I am one of the 144 checking in Uk. I truly feel God is not judging any of us for not fasting to extremes. if we are not feeling well. Please brothers and sisters all we can do is try our best we are all on different journeys. God knows we are not perfect - it’s the heart, the condition of the heart. I won’t be this upbeat force of light for my friends and family if I’m feeling unwell inside. I think we need balance here. Or we fall prey to old doctrine of guilt comparing ourselves to what others are doing 🥲. Please pray and follow your heart. All we can do is try it’s the trying that our father loves. Not old school religiously beliefs that leave us feeling less. Lose worldly desires, money, sex greed social media etc but we are human and on different levels on this same journey. Love to you. Stand strong against dark energy coming in- warfare prayers and keep checking in with God. All we can do is try 🙏🌠💙🌠🙏


I needed this reminder today. Thank you Father for this message. Empty this vessel Jesus. Less of me, more of you. Michael I'm hearing the word transition. Transition cannot take place without a willingness to die to self. We've all learned this from observing the life of the butterfly. May I completely surrender this flesh to be sown for your kingdom Father. Align and empty me, align and empty my friends in this ministry, align and empty your watching and waiting bride!!
Vision right now- Jesus's hand is reaching out to gently guide the end of his fingers with the ends of ours.. Not a pulling, full hand hold but a gentle guiding only led by fingers. End of vision. Holy Spirit our weakness he will guide us. A willing vessel does not have to be pulled, only guided . The transition is emptying our strength, he transfers his into us! We also become blind and deaf in flesh during transition as we BY CHOICE turn our eyes and ears from this wicked world refusing to partake in its evil, then we take on his sight and his hearing in the transition. He continues to guide us forward toward the tree of life.
To God be the Glory. Hallelujah 🙌


Great message Michael! All glory to God!! Praying for you and the Open eyes of Heart Team ❤🙏 Love you guys!


I don’t think we’re this far into revelation just yet.


Hello Michael. If you feel the calling to fast than do it. I fast every Sabbath not saturn's day and I do believe it's a calling. I also believe fasting and prayer glorifies the FATHER and in return he will glorify you. Remember when Jesus was being thronged by a crowd and a woman with a condition of blood touched the hem of his robe? Jesus said he felt virtue leave him this translates to power and or glory, he can send it back. Be wary once you get past five or so days it is unadvised to ignore hunger. YAH bless to you and your ecclesia.


I am suffering greatly from this fasting. I don't know how to keep going Michael. I'm day 3 and idk how to keep going the next 5 days. I can barely talk, walk, speak. I feel like I can't keep going like this if we don't have our ascension after this. Just being honest. I'm having a hard day. And honestly I'm grumpy. 😢


I could see u responded Michael but nothing opened up(?) It shows no comments now. Thats probably best. I didn't leave the most positive message. I'm just so weak and discouraged. But Father had mercy on me and said I could break fast tonight. I was not expecting that. I was hanging by a thread. Which I'm sure all of you are. Love you brother.


Hi Michael, I’m praying for you all. I’m concerned about you all not eating for so long. When did you stop eating the fruit?


Wait we can have communion while water only fast?


The 144, 000 have not arrived yet. As an an ex-JW, I used to believe that they have arrived. I know longer believe this because after careful study of The Revelation, the contents of "The Revelation" have not had a start of fulfillment. It's "start of fulfullment" is more than 1000 years in the future.

Rev 1:1, "The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place."

Soon take place AFTER WHAT?

After Christs 1000 year kingdom ends. What happens when it ends?

"When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore."

This is what The Revelation is about: What will take place AFTER Christ - yet future - kingdom ends and Satan is released from his prison.

I know that JWs believe that Jesus NOW reigns has king. This does not appear to be the case. He still waits patiently for his Father to give him his kingdom of 1000 years over the earth.

At Matthew 24:3, Jesus' disciples asked him for "THE SIGN" of his coming and of the end of the age. (NOT SIGNS).

It would be a single event.

At Matthew 24:30, Jesus answers their question and gives THE SIGN.

The sign is seen IN HEAVEN (not on earth)

So only those who reside in heaven would see/witness this sign. What is THE SIGN?

The coronation of Jesus being given his kingdom of 1000 years over the earth by his Father.

Matthew 24:8, Jesus mentions "the beginning of birth pains." Who has birth pains? Women who are pregnant and ABOUT to give birth.

At Rev 12:1-2, we see a GREAT SIGN in HEAVEN. A pregnant woman crying out in pain as she was about to give birth.

This is no literal woman because the moon is under her feet, not the earth.

This "pregnant woman" is God's Heavenly Kingdom. It will give birth to Christ's Kingdom of 1000 years.

This woman has not given birth to that kingdom yet.

The Watchtowers timeline is way off.

There are no 144000 and remnant thereof today.

What I see are White men sitting at the top of the Watchtower organization. (Governing Body)

Why are not these 144000 or remnant of them not in that 'leadership" role? Are they not reign WITH Christ for 1000 years?

I know that the WT does not even know those of the so-called remnant names.

I quetly left the WT after nearly 25 years baptized because of teh 1914 teaching. It conflicts with what Jesus taught at Matthew 24:26. Matthew 24:42, and Acts 1:7.

I do not see how an organization of men can know what Jesus says that he does not know.

That said, I KNOW that JWs are lovely and nice people and are sincere about what they believe.
