PROPHETIC MESSAGE: Millennium; Anti-Christ; 144,000

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Hi Elizabeth. I just had two dreams that I think r related to this. Two nights ago I dreamed I was at a church service outside, not in a building, with a group of, I can only describe as a church that had been transformed, repentant and forgiving and humble and loving. It was outside in a beautiful setting with flowers everywhere almost decorated for a wedding. I was standing with a sweet lady who was telling me she was in the process of forgiving her husband for something. She did not say what, , when out of the sky white doves flew down from the sky and were everywhere. I think maybe the church represented the Church of Philadelphia. I had been asking what church I am a part of. The only other thing I remember was the nice lady sitting with me told me God does not think like we think. Then last night I dreamed I was going to a wedding with a whole group of ppl and we were going to a restaurant to eat before the wedding. We had a reservation, as I had the feeling this had been planned for a while, and were waiting for our food and we kept watching the time and we realized it was getting late when they brought the food and we couldnt finish our food. We had to get up and leave after just a few bites to make it to the wedding on time. Its my understanding that this means it is later than we think and time is short. The Wedding Supper is closer than ppl think.


This is my observation. Those of us who have faith in Jesus are not suffering under the ways of this world. We are being protected, and given extra measure to endure. With that said, I’m moving forward with my garden and fixing my house, and planning parties and get togethers, to uplift spirits. As matriarch, it’s my job to ensure my pantry is full, house is clean, table is set, and issues get resolved. I have my lamp, which I’m sure makes Jesus laugh, is an actual lamp that takes oil. It’s next to my Bible on my dresser. I also have a bottle of extra lamp oil I store in the basement. I’m ready to go, but Incase the time is not for a few years, I must be prepared to endure, which includes taking care of family and friends. I work with the Holy Spirit in my prepping, wanting to use my resources wisely. I don’t know what’s coming and God is tight lipped on times and dates. This is ok, so long as I prep correctly which is why I lean on him for advice.


This is amazing because I was just thinking this today. I can't trust or rely on anyone or anything but him. The corruption is everything even our own "families" I trust in Jesus Christ alone


That is so true. Jesus *loves* us & wants *all* to repent & come to Him. Amen. 💛




Praise Jesus! Elizabeth, I was lead to Jeremiah 15, this morning. Glory To God He Loves Us So, He Warn's Us Before Destruction! May the Lord Continue To Bless Your Beautiful Ministry💖 Amen!


HALLELUJAH thank you Jesus. Only Jesus 🙏


Yeshua is LORD our king !!!! We have to endure till the end


I’m pretty sure this dream I had relates to this next full moon on may 16th. Last night I had a dream that a girl named Ellen was saying that we were getting transformed or escaping today, and today could mean the day it was in the dream. Anyway it was a beautiful day and then all the sudden started raining. The rain turned to acid rain and it burnt us so we had to run inside and shut the doors that were open. At THIS time I noticed that my eyes were different colors. We all huddled together to stay safe and I prayed and my prayer shocked me. I said “thank you Jesus that all the dreams I’ve had are finally coming true and please protect us!” I was just praising him. I knew that Planet X had come. I looked outside the window as we were huddled together (and I was protecting these children) and outside the window I saw I saw the real moon which was nearly full or three quarters full..I looked on a moon app and it looked how the moon will moon on like Thursday or Friday this week. And then right by it I saw a HUGE moon but it was a sliver of a moon on the right side. And the real moon which was smaller was to the left of it. And everyone could see it. And when the real moon turned full it fell to the earth and almost hit our house but instead it hit the neighbors. And yea he silver moon remained (planet x) and during this time I was discovering all these powers I had. For example I could heal things. I could fly. I could move through things. I could make things float. I was still there protecting these people. I think the children represented the children in Jesus. (Babes in the gospel) during all of this I was calm. I knew what was coming. What I thought was strange was that these people came in to our house after this happened and they were trying to get us to sign things on there phones and it was some sort of census records.That was the end of the dream. The name Ellen means light or moon


✨”The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety (deliverance) is of the Lord.” 📖Proverb 21:31🙏💕✨


Ephesians 4:22-24
22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Romans 6:12
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Romans 6:16
16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?


Elizabeth Marie, I sent you a prayer request regarding my mother and our relationship, and I wanted you to know that GOD has started to move. I had things that I needed to forgive over the years, since I was a little girl, im now 55, I had to really forgive and give everything over to GOD, GOD showed me years ago, she's done the best with what she had, she had me as a teenager and was a widow 8 years later. Praise GOD!!. I had put other requests, and I will follow up on those as they happen. 🙏🏽


O’ Children of the Most High, listen to your God. May those with ears hear! May those with eyes see! We are living like those in the days of Noah were. These days are short and it is time to make a decision. Change the way you think and act! Stop worshiping false idols and turn to the true living God before it is too late. Ask Him into your heart. Turn yourself to Him before the door to the ark is sealed by His hand as it was in those days long ago. Ask Him and He will answer you. “I have written my laws upon your heart” said the Most High unto His servant. In the mighty name of Yeshua, I pray that those seeking may find Him. Amen.

Keep your lamp filled and your wick trimmed. Now is the time to repent and ask forgiveness in the blood of the Lamb. DO NOT WAIT another day. Call out to your God, your creator, your savior with all of your heart. Listen for Him to call you. He is calling His sheep RIGHT NOW! If you don’t feel this calling, I urge you with all of my heart to call out to Him. He alone is the reader of hearts and minds. He wants none to be destroyed but for all to call upon Him for salvation. In the mighty name of Yeshua Hamaschiach, may all those seeking hear His voice before His wrath is poured out. Come out of Babylon in heart, O’ Children of the true, living God. She will soon fall. Take shelter under His mighty wings. Amen.


Amen. Thank you so much for sharing these healing words from the Lord. It may be a couple years until they are fulfilled but praise God these messages are beginning to flow. 💛


Thank you for this beautiful message, i do believe we need to put on our armor of God, as we do this in our heary, body, and soul, too keep close to him now as we be still and listen. Love you Elizabeth and always love your messages, in jesus name protect the children as the ememy trys to trick us, in jesus name I pray, Amen🙏❤


I had a dream of water above us. Flowing. A boat was in this and crashed next door .I ran over and the people came out of the boat. They said, these kids you see will all b gone. Pair up in twos and get ready. End of my dream


I had a Partridge in my Plumb tree on Easter lol
The male was on the neighbors roof
I just smiled, I've lived here 3 yrs and never seen 1 🙏 🤲
I got the Memo 😇🥰
I live by the Ocean in bc Canada, you don't see those kinds of birds around here


I can not wait. Even more interesting. I have in my life never seen a white dove. I went down to the beach yesterday in maui. There was a pure white dove that came to hang out. It flew around us and was gone. What's funny is in that moment I was giving all praise to Yahweh for the beauty. Yahweh has been giving me so many signs of confirmation. He even gave me a bald eagle. Very very rare to see in Arizona. In that moment I was struggling mentally and asking Yahweh for help. Out of nowhere it starts making the eagle call. I look up and it was flying over me. All the scriptures have been confirmation lately. Post randomly as well. I really believe we are here family.


Wow just wow. Godbless you soo much for this message.


This is a really good evangelical too I have had business cards printed with the Web link on it to give to people" its later than you think "
