Essential & Practical Circuit Analysis: Part 2- Op-Amps

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Table of Contents:
0:00 Introduction
1:18 Dependent Sources
9:17 Dependent Source Example Problem
13:38 What is an Op-Amp?
23:26 Op-Amp Transfer Characteristics
29:41 Taming the Gain
31:21 We Need Feedback!
34:30 How Does Feedback Work?
41:23 Real Op-Amps vs Ideal Op-Amps
45:08 Ideal Op-Amp Characteristics
50:15 The Golden Rules
51:30 Non-Inverting Amplifier
58:26 Buffer (Voltage Follower)
1:02:30 Inverting Amplifier
1:08:06 Summing Amplifier
1:13:56 Difference Amplifier
1:19:21 Integration/Integrator
1:28:53 The Digital to Analog Converter
1:41:16 A History Lesson
1:42:57 Modeling a Real World System
1:46:45 Conclusion
Рекомендации по теме

two hours of video worth more than two months in the classroom the details are worth a lot. Congratulations good good very good !


Again, fantastic graphic, script, narration, timing, scope, sequence, and delivery. Must watch for any electronic student. (Watch five times and quiz the teacher!)


I've listened and read many explanations of the Op-Amp, yours is by far the best( the good teachers are the ones who understand the material)..Thank you


At college, (many years ago), Op-Amp theory seemed like endless equations which soon gets forgotten, but your graphic illustrations with good explanation, along with associated equations makes it more managable for the brain to remember. Good to recap this subject.


The incredible amount of time, effort and thought that you invested in making this lucid lecture is greatly appreciated - thank you!


Man i love this guy, the right mix of humor, science, and the least amount of jargon down to only what you need to know! Awesome!


Thank you so much.
May ALLAH reward you for this work.
thank you for your efforts


Hey Tim, you did a great job. I appreciate it. Now I decided to watch all your upcoming videos. The thing which you explained at the end with real life application and blocks is really great. Thanks for making it clear and in depth. Thanks again


I am new to Op-Amp, & it's just blowing my mind,

I should experiment with this concept & watch 2 more time again...

(By the way, thanks)


Yes it is lengthy but WELL worth the time. This is an outstanding, detailed, amazingly presented lecture. I took 10 pages of notes. I will likely watch the entire thing a second time because I don’t want to possibly miss any key points. Thank you for taking the time to present this from the details about constant sources. The section about feedback REALLY makes sense. I would like to see a lecture like this that addresses how to analyze circuits with several cascades of interconnected op-amps. This is the best presentation on op amps I have seem.


I’m so glad you exist. You’ve been invaluable in my Master’s project for someone who has never formally studied physics or electronics, yet is about to undertake a PhD in Electrical Engineering.


You are the savior of the universe man. I study at a TOP 10 university in the world I can say for sure that you are much better than the professor in my EE class. My own professor is just like Thanos, when he snaps half of the class fails. Thank you from deep in our hearts


At 42:36 you were making so much sense and darn interesting. One beer and klingon emerged from your narrative. “Luving” it, can’t wait to follow on. Many thanks for your efforts.


Very good perspective way of lecturing Op Amp in 100% Theory .When I taught Secondary school students or Vocational students Op Amp, I use 100%
handsOn practical using 741 since their mind not yet matured as university students. Anywhere your method, generally excellent .Thanks for sharing the knowledge .


Man I love you. It's been 7 years since this video was uploaded and is still a gold mind of knowledge. Thank you sm for dedicating sm time and effort on these videos


In the last 2 vids U've summed up the majority of a basic circuits course in 3 hrs. Well done!


The best Op-Amps tutorial I've ever watched! Thanks a lot for the great job, expecting more tutorials in the future.


Thank you so much. Even though you dont have millions of views, you have people who are deeply grateful for your effort.


I studied all this in my Electrical Engineering course at University in 1975 to 1976 - thank you for a wonderful refresher. I wish all this technology and learning was available in my day at University. Well done.


This is a much more real world understandable lecture of a real world applied explanation of the physics and mathematics in which engineers must go through the mental process of forming their knowledge to become Electrical/Mechanical Engineers and applies as well to any engineering branch of study. I like the way you presented it: in a clear and systematic way from the basics to the advance theory of CONTROL SYSTEMS Engineering. This Less than 2 hours lecture is a CLASSIC and may you will do more videos like this SIR!, I am a retired Engineering Electronic Microwaves Radar Technician, and a US Navy Aircraft Flight Control Systems Technician/Mechanic and lacking the calculus and mathematical analysis SKILLS and you have ILLUMINATED my understanding in a GREATER LIGHT and that's is very SATISFYING. Thank You.
