How the Way You Respond to Boredom Changes Your Life

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In this video, we explore the potential power of simplicity and boredom and how it can lead to a richer, more productive, and well-focused experience of life.

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“Sometimes just being a good and decent person, a good friend to a few, a dependable partner to one, a well focused participant in a thoughtfully chosen career. Is as heroic and successful as anyone can truly be” - going on my gravestone


“I think it’s necessary to let kids be bored once in a while, that’s how they learn to be creative."


Being boring is awesome. Less stress, less noise, less chaos, peace of mind, what else could you ask for?


As a retired nurse, boredom is so much better than being stressed.


Today, I went fishing with my uncle, on a boat, in the Wisconsin winter. While I like fishing (he literally lives for it) there were moments of intense boredom I haven't allowed myself to experience in what feels like a decade. I honestly didn't know how long we would be out there, and of course, I didn't want to ask him either because I didn't want him to feel like I wasn't enjoying my time. I actually was. We were out in nature enjoying each other's company. I was just mostly, bored, since I caught about one fish per hour. I caught 10 fish. 11 hours we ended up staying out there. Barely even looked at my phone because why watch TikTok when there's Bald Eagles flying around and shit?

I thought a lot out there. And now at home, I see this video and it explains a lot about why I felt so "peaceful" afterwards. It seems facing and embracing boredom can do wonders


This video speaks to me, even if I never understood how someone can be bored. There is simply too much to do and wonder about. Nevermind books or music or learning and all those wonderful things on offer. I've sat and just stared at the moon and been amazed, not realising 2 hours went by. I've sat in my garden and passed hours just looking and thinking about the leaves and blades of grass and how they came to be. Even if i am stuck in a 'boring' work meeting, i will think about how everyone in the room is sharing this moment and how insane it is that our paths all came together at this point in time. I am awestruck everyday by simple things and do not need much in my life to feel fulfilled. Everyday being alive and healthy and experiencing this world is a success to me despite what society defines you should be doing


I've JUST been thinking about this for the past two days.

Getting used to boredom and becoming comfortable with it has definitely helped me enjoy _the moment_ more, focus on the important things and find or experience new interesting things I've never thought of before.


These videos always genuinely challenge my thoughts and affect my actions. I love watching these because I don’t have anything figured out yet and this at least gives me a little bit of a hint


Being “bored” is exactly what people need more of in life. Without boredom we’ll never have time to appreciate the gift of today, the beauty in that one tree you pass everyday, ponder why we’re here in the first place, try something new, live! Thank you boredom for being a gateway to living a fulfilling existence


I have a mantra that I repeat for myself when I feel overwhelmed of either good or bad emotions. "I am, I just am" meaning I am here, I exist and I am at peace.
It helps me, and I hope its gonna help someone else.


*”Do not fear having no friends. Fear having bad friends”* ~My life taught lesson ( more wisdom in my channel)


"Perhaps some of the most successful among us are those who very few will ever know." Thanks. Grateful for your and your team's work and hope to learn more from you. A note of gratitude from Malaysia.


"The wise man makes his life monotonous, for then even the tiniest incident becomes imbued with great significance." - Pessoa


Thanks to people like you, I'm actually taking control of my life for once, and being bored was a huge part of this journey. A solid meditation routine can change your life


As someone occasionally struggling with depression and always keeping his schedule as full as possible to feel less emptiness, this video really struck a nerve. Thank you for widening my thought horizon.


I think it's okay to be boring. Not every moment of life needs to be exciting and stimulating. Embrace the calm and quiet


"Life is too short. False, it is the longest thing you'll ever do." - Some Dwight Schrute meme probably


Taking long walks reguarly without music or mild instrumental music has been really beneficial for me. I get to just be present and be with myself and let thoughts flow to me in these sessions. It has greatly improved my sense of clarity. Watching this video made me realize how important this is for my soul and I intend to continue similar activities regularly.


Feeling that you always have to be doing something is an illness - relaxing in the moment, just an observer of everything around us and sitting in the middle of it as a small part, without trying to change anything or photograph it, document it ………. I have looked at the stars from when I was a child and I am now 69. Looking at those distant suns with their own planets circling them, imaging what is possible out there and how insignificant I am in the face of the universe. I am nothing but a momentary flash, I do not matter- none of us do. It has been said that we die twice- the first time when we physically cease to exist. But then once again, when the last person that remembers us dies. Enjoy the ride- that’s all this is.


When I was a child, I wasn't surrounded by today's social media, phone, but I was happier than today's youngsters, because I had time to be outside playing, being connected with nature, being able to pursue my hobbies, passions, and desired profession. And yes, I had periods of boredom, but was more like a meditation than being bored.
