The Origin of Merlin

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The Merlin we are familiar with originated with Welsh legends fused with historical figures. This video looks at those origins to find the truth about Merlin and what he stood for.

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Music - Jeremy Soule "Sky above, spirit within" Skyrim Soundtrack

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I don't think you can underestimate how profound your work is. I grew up in Scotland, I've never set foot anywhere else.

But when you bring this information to my attention, it brings back childhood memories and recontextualises them. Like the spirit of our ancestors was always directing me in subtle ways.

For example, the relation of Caledon to a concealing forest, reminds of the amount of times I'd use such a motif for creative writing purposes in school. And then getting a detailed picture of our landscape from the history of it all, details of Kings I was never taught.


Carl Gustav Jung has a very very strange paragraph about Merlin in his autobiography. Merlin is on close terms with the unconscious and nature.


The picture with Aragorn and Gandalf showing the juxtaposition of the ideas associated with the character and how they diverged overtime was absolutely brilliant.


To all those complaining about the pronunciation within the video give the fellow a break, words in Celtic languages (e.g. Welsh, Gaelic etc) are very hard to say due to the fact that letter sounds in said cls being quite different to those in the traditional English alphabet.

If you should take umbridge at all take it with how he pronounces places that still exist, as someone who lives relatively close to there I can 100% say the l in Malmesbury is pronounced as an r and not an l


How do you not have a million subscribers? Outstanding content.


in the western mystery tradition if youve attained the status of immortal then youve attained spiritual illumination (like the eastern idea of enlightenment or buddhahood, escaping samsara or your own maya aka illusion) so he wouldve been a great esotericist, mystic, magician, druid certainly a chief of wizards if he is the immortal merlin. great role model for any westerners on the spiritual path not unlike padmasambhava of the eastern (particularly of the tibetan) tradition (also a great wizard) great video friend keep it up.


I believe Emrys Wledig aka Ambrose Aurelianus, is indeed, an historical figure and the actual "king" Arthur. He is the one who fought Aella, one of the saxon leaders, and Emrys defeated Aella in the year 500 A.D in the famous Battle of Badon Hill.

So, taking what you said, they surely took the historical Emrys, and bathed him with god-like elements, which originally belongs to a god.


The Twin Serpents motif is found all over the Celtic diaspora in archaeology, Balkan Celts have a great article on this, with photographs.


Merlin is much like Odin, the mad one, the wanderer and many other things. Wonder if that is where Odin came from or vise versa


You know I’ve clock some MtG art in your videos before and thought it was happenstance- but seeing that homemade Nuada planeswalker I have to assume you’re a full on nerd and I love this channel even more for it.


Two excellent books in English written by an American at the beginning of the 20 century using the pseudonym Adiramled goes into great detail about the alchemical process which is essentially about unifying opposing énergies in a 'chemical wedding'.
The white and the red can represent fire and water as well as the two elements essential to this 'wedding'.
The fruit of this union is sometimes.characterised as Christ.

The author uses the tarot as well as the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet as supports for his exposition.
For anyone interested in alchemy ∆ :-)


Merlin is apparently still with us and has been "chanelled." For an account, see the Hypno-Archaeologist by Philip Ditchfield.


11:13 it has been said so many times that druidism was a kind of Pythagorism, that meant a kind of mystic scientism, to find there a reference to the Hippocratic medecin's principles of equilibrium represented as you say by the hermes's caducee makes sens. the celtic world was opened to foreign science or up to compare their own science with what the foreigners knew.


Is there any chance that the references to Ambrose could be a euphemism for a ceremonial beverage that brings initiates into contact with the spirits or the ancestors or the realm of magic.

Consider the use of soma in Bactria and in the Vedic texts, or the Kykeon used at the temple of eleusys.

Could Ambrose be a reference to a visionary medicine used for magical training? In many cultures these substances were referred to as gods that humans can ingest.


You know that I've been playing a certain video game way too much when I can identify that Skyrim background music.


the tv movie Merlin with Sam Neal; very similar story. Ambrosia is the "nanny" who raises him. Queen Maab is the demon who is vexing her. You have Ambrosia as a man who comes from a nun. Merlin makes do when Uther impregnates one of his soldiers wives and has a son. Merlin names him Arthur and adopts the child and he becomes king. Its a 4 hour movie. Very accurate it seems and my personal favorite. There was a sequel; Merlin's Apprentice thats 2 x 2 hour movies and resolves the entire myth of Camelot. I cried at the end! Yall should check it out.


Thank you so much for the work you have done here.


Idk why I've been getting recommended Merlin vids but I love it


Survive the Jive did a video on the Celts, what do you think of it?


Is that why they made the catacombs? To like strengthen the area? Or was it just convenient? You’d think they’d remove the bodies by now
