The Mystery of Consciousness | Interview with Dr. Michael Clarage

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Perhaps the greatest mystery of human experience is consciousness itself. Today, the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology provide astounding insights into the electrical and chemical processes of the brain. Consequently, institutional science proposes with confidence that the brain alone creates conscious experience. Yet despite all that science has learned, the very source and essence of consciousness remains a puzzle. Thunderbolts colleague Dr. Michael Clarage shares with us his thoughts on the enduring mysteries of consciousness.

Michael received his PhD in physics in 1992 from Brandeis University, studying the biological and statistical behavior of proteins. Prior to that, he spent several years studying binary pulsars at the Arecibo radio telescope. With his brother, he gave traveling lectures about their discoveries in the areas of fractional calculus, fractals, and chaotic systems. Over the past 15 years, he has presented public lectures on such topics as Relativity and Dimensions, Metaphysics in Biology, Transformation in Supernova and Metamorphosis in Biology. He is currently a lead scientist with the SAFIRE Project.

Tiny Brain no Obstacle to French Civil Servant

Man With Tiny Brain Shocks Doctors

The Man with the Missing Brain

Additional interviews on consciousness:

Is Consciousness More than the Brain? | Interview with Dr. Gary Schwartz

Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

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Dr. Michael Clarage has opened up another part of an ongoing conversation regarding the human brain and the human mind and how it applies to our existence. I look forward to see where this conversation goes and want to say thanks to Dr. Michael Clarage for his work here and on the SAFIRE project.


In my 70 years of experience, observation and understanding I have come to believe that there are 'dual consciousnesses' one is the conscious physical memory of function and experience and the conscious meta-phisical memory of function and experience. Both are symbiotic and are perpetual as is our existence: perpetual motion. Unbeginning unending beginnings and endings: birth and death, eternal returnity. One's brain / body begins and ends (the conscious physical memory of function and experience) whereas ones meta-phisical memory of function and experience is eternal.


"The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot has a good model for a lot of this, and also documents behavioural experiments (not psi or telekinesis or telepathic) that show that consciousness exists outside the brain.

The analogy with Faraday's mysterious "electric field" is very pertinent.


I watch your videos for many reasons and I find the "orb realms" to be especially soothing as well as fun. Since watching the vids my eyes have become "trained" and I am seeing more phenomena than I did before. I have prisms hanging in all my south facing windows so that rainbows play in my house throughout  the day. I now have regular sightings of these orbs, which have always been here, only now I can see them. It makes sense to me that there is so, so, much that is unseen until someone breaks thru the barrier as you have and I think digital tech is revealing but, your passionate pursuit and video llogging is what got my eyes to see. And, I am a scientist and so are you. Love you Dove Lady.


If you are lucky enough to have a brief 'out of body' experience, a lot of this will make sense, where the past and future 'meld' and you seem to have deep insights.
Perhaps we need to learn these things slowly, and only when we are ready.


Yes, time to change our thinking. We are receivers.


Every "normal" human brain is massively over qualified to deal with the demands of a routine, structured life.


Ether is an excellent explanation for a better understanding of reality. That is why there are many gaps that this old and outdated science can not explain. Science will only advance when physics and metaphysics are united. It is necessary to prove through the scientific method, this correlation between physics and metaphysics.


Conciousness is beyond matter.. The whole universe is the creation of conciousness.. Which is not an effect but the primordial cause.


An excellent discourse by Dr. Michael Clarage. Fields produce quanta. CERN was looking for an indication of the so-called Higgs field—the particle itself was incidental. Whirling electrons are produced by electromagnetic fields. Gluons and quarks, if they exist, are products of their fields. Likewise are thoughts the product of field activity. The brain is one local domain uniquely organized, but not a source.


Conciousness is electromagetic in nature, where it derives it's energy from, wherever it is from converting glucose into electrical impulses or pulls it out of the electrical magnetic quantum field of the solar system/Sun/Earth fields or a bit of all, is a different discussion, but recognising that the total of our thoughts are electical magnetic is the starting point and work backwards from there.


I think we are tuned to our environment much like a radio tunes in a station. I have always been amazed at artists like Bob Dylan who could write a song that would be so  universally understood by so many. I have seen him say in interviews that some of the songs just came to him and it wasn't until he read the lyrics back later he understood them as a song. Others have described this sort of thing also.


It's good to push the frontiers of what's considered acceptable - materialist understanding only takes you so far. As Michael points out here, study of subjects such as memory really shows up how much of an intellectual deficit we have at the moment. Go consciousness studies, let's take the next leap! :)


The brain is a frequency tuner. Tuning you into this dimension.


I like your views on material science and the universe. So I am interested in your talk on consciousness. Frankley the problem is this: Humans are physical and can only be aware through our senses of physical things. consciousness is basically non material (the metaphysical) and therefore humans find it difficult to reason about it or to do experiments with it. Also it is almost a default position for us to only consider the material and rule out anything else. The result is the whole issue is a mystery. I am glad that you are willing to address this question. A further point: do not assume that the answers must be found in matter, and only found in matter and that time and research will reveal more information. There is the possibility of an other dimension (metaphysical) to consider. On what grounds would you rule it out from the get go.


Walter and Lao Russell, University of Science and Philosophy. They gave the new understanding of matter you ask for over 50 years ago.


Entropy is to energy as empathy is to consciousness.

A brilliant mind shared this wisdom, ``Universe is the aggregate of all humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated non simultaneous and only partially overlapping experiences. `` - Buckminster Fuller


Consciousness is the formless base of existence. When the body dies, it takes time, space, and sense of self with it. All that remains is selfless awareness.


The brain does not generate thought. It restricts thought.


It is interesting that the Samkhya system bought to India by the Arians about 6000 years ago is constantly ignored. I have been a student of Samkhya all my life and especially The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. All this was known and is hidden from the west. Ever since discovering the Thunderbolts Team I have been very excited by the way EU theory matches up to Samkhya,   but then of course it does, it is of the truth unlike Quantum Theory which seems to have been devised to obfuscate as Tesla pointed out. I hope we are all quick to grasp that consciousness can be best explored in relation to enlightenment because it is the greatest secret ever kept from us. Patanjali explains all of this and if anyone is truly interested in consciousness this is the best path to follow.
