The Mystery of Consciousness

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What is consciousness?

It is interesting and ironic to note that although we are all conscious, we have no idea what consciousness really is. We are a mystery to ourselves...and perhaps there is no mystery greater.

By turning our attention inwards, and exploring this mystery of the self, we embark on the path of awakening. All of the world's spiritual teachings tell us that this is the key for discovering a life of peace and true contentment- from within.

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You have a gift in putting these ideas into words.


So much appreciation for your ability and willingness to share your wisdom.


We are conscious that we are conscious. We are all one. Once you wake up and realize that we are truly one beyond our own egos, then THAT is when true knowledge will transcend through all of us. Mushrooms helped me wake up and I’m so so thankful that the earth has given me that gift and has helped me go through ego death, which is the most powerful thing that I cannot even describe with words but has forever changed my life. peace and much love Jonas, you are truly a woke spirit that was put on this world to help others in this spiritual journey we humans haven been given, and it’s such a devine gift we must truly be thankful for and cherish.


Keep up sharing your deep thoughts bro. Interesting as always.


Great Job Jonas!
You are a true seeker of the light and vast expanse of cosmic consciousness.
Truth is not subjective, although the journey to find Truth is a uniquely personal experience.
Keep doing what you are doing Jonas!


Hi, Jonas am so glad and happy that I found your amazing channel!. All these days I have been thinking about this to my self and it is so happy to confirm this idea from you with this wonderful realization of this beautiful divine reality. Please keep uploading more videos and all the very best!. Peace brother


I constantly think about this since my awakening a year and a half ago 💜


Total Freedom from the I, the me, the self, the so-called True or Higher Self, is the beginning of Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Stillness, and Presence, for the very first time, in each and every moment of daily life.


Isn’t it interesting how most people just never seem to stop and think about how absolutely and stunningly mysterious it is that they are having a conscious experience? If one can just realize how absolutely impossible and profound that is, they will inevitably begin on the true spiritual path and with enough diligence, will eventually stumble upon the Truth, aka The Absolute. It never seems to occur to people to inquire into that mystery, because they’re like a fish in water. It takes a great leap in consciousness and self-awareness to actually pay attention to the thing that your very existence is steeped in, and I believe that that is the main thing that stands in people’s way of self actualization. If they can just get over that hurdle of taking consciousness for granted, they will inevitably find the answer.


Thank you for that beautiful speech mate!


ONE with all things and all things in ONE!....emerald tablets of Thoth !
Mushrooms showed me this!it was such an incredible inner experience!
Was connected to my environment and everyone who was there with me!
We were One with the ONE!


Consciousness is...

That’s all you need to say.


I believe that up until realization, most see as inside-out; or inverse. One isn't "in" "it", "it" is "in" the one. But then further, there is no "in here" or "out there". There is just awareness or experience experiencing experience. After one sees this, to me, one of the most boggling things to contemplate is a mirror...


I hope more people get to hear you. You seem like a solid guy.


Consciousness generates the simulation


You at peace Jonas..even your body language tells it just samthin you cnt fake it


There is a song by Weezer called My name is Jonas, great song. Oh and great video by the way!


according to enlightened meditation masters from tradition of tibetan buddhism liberated awareness resemble open sky.


Do Jacob's Ladder. Set yourself Totally Free of fear, anxiety, sorrow, pride, envy, greed, jealousy, violence, hatred, loneliness, attachments, addictions, self-importance, bias, and prejudice in daily, once and for all, now and forever. "Total Enlightenment NOW!" [my group on FB].

After your Enlightenment, come join me on the front lines where we are working to move us all on planet Earth from the way things are today to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom. "Creating a Wonderful World (let's get it done already)" [my group on FB].


Since I cannot find your email or messenger here, I am working on a collaboration with others on Spiritual matters where each of us (example) answer 6 questions, but we each edited our own videos. I will send you a sample idea if you are interested.
