The Mystery of Consciousness

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What is the nature of consciousness?

It's fascinating and strange that even though we are all conscious, no one really knows what consciousness is.

The "hard problem" of consciousness is one of the biggest remaining questions facing modern science...and it's also the central question in spiritual traditions from around the world.

In this video, I share some thoughts on how we can explore our own consciousness towards spiritual realization, and the discovery of cosmic consciousness.

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"I regard consciousness as fundamental... Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." - Max Planck, originator of quantum physics

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Much ❤️ to you all and I'll see you back here soon 🙏


As usual Jonas, you do a wonderful job articulating an otherwise complex concept into tangible concepts that the average person can grasp. Keep up your life changing work. The world needs more people like you my friend.


True, consciousness is not just "an emergent property of a complex energy system" it is how the ancient Hindu Samkhya system presents it. In the iconographic image called "Ardharani Ishvara" the Lord half woman, which is an image of human form divided in half on its vertical axis, the right half corresponds to Lord Siva, the purusha, pure consciousness and the left half is his Consort Durga, her Shakti or energy.


I love the analogy you gave of just how the natural consequence of a plant given water is growth, the natural consequence of awareness and introspection is spiritual evolution. My "journey" started with me simply just trying to learn more about the mind and how I can use it to achieve all my dreams in life, somewhere along the line I realized I was the entire ocean, and from then on my life was never the same. Great stuff brotha these videos are great.


Thought provoking as always Jonas, its only a matter of time before your channel attracts more viewers.


The "problem" with science is that it does research inside of the dream of consciousness while being ignorant that it is a dream inside of consciousness. Doing science in a dream isn't gonna make you realize that you're in a dream lol.


truly amazing, as per usual. i have such a deep strong feeling of appreciation for how you are normalizing a broader perspective on reality as well as a broader definition of who and what we are. and you do this very revolutionary thing with such a calm, peaceful, graceful intelligence. never cease, jonas. ❤ + awe + gratitude.


its worth a lifetime of study. Thanks Jonas


Hey! I have been new on your channel, watching your videos recently, and have to admit that it is so AMAZING! Your explorations of topics are so deep! You make your videos pretty well! They are so interesting to watch and listen to! You explain topics from a very wide perspective which I love! I think your channel deserves more attention. People should finally wake up ....from this "shit" and start to be interested in real things :) I wish you all the best Jonas!


The first image that came to my mind's eye when you said to become aware of the space between our ears was a spiraling galaxy. As above so below.


Bro love your production, haven't seen you do 5Meo have you been there?


I want to die now. What wrong did I do to deserve such a miserable existence full of tragedy.


I wonder sometimes if Source Consciousness went insane in the void, creating multiple personalities that is you and I.


I believe all that but can't believe God is none other than the self. the truth is God is separate being than our consciousness.
