Is She Flirting Or Just Being Friendly
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Hey guys, welcome to this video and to my channel! I’m Kate Spring and today I want to help you to distinguish between whether or not a woman is actually flirting with you or if she is just being friendly.
Before I lay out all of the details, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel where you’ll be notified every time I release a new video. And you can leave all of your questions in the comments section below. Now, I’ve been meaning to ask, do you guys think that women flirt with sexual intentions or just for fun? Take the poll and let’s see what you guys think.
Have you ever been hanging out with a girl and you think that she’s giving you all the signs that she’s totally into you, but when you lean in for the kiss she backs away and says that she just sees you as a friend and that doing anything else would complicate the situation? Ouch.
After a reaction like that, you’re embarrassed and confused as to how you could have misinterpreted her signals that you clearly thought was her flirting. For women, often times, there is a very thin line that separates flirting from being friendly. And more often than not, women will flirt just for the sake of flirting, with no sexual motivation behind it. I know, how annoying! Flirting is actually defined as behaving as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intention. Yikes, can you say mixed signals?
Women can flirt just for fun without any sexual intention behind it because women genuinely believe that men and women can be friends. Even when they constantly flip flop between being friendly and actually flirting. To aid you in making the distinction, I’ve isolated some ways for you to tell if a woman is flirting with you. I should also mention that you should keep an eye out for more than one of these examples when trying to decipher if she’s truly flirting or just being friendly.
1. Find Her Threshold For Flirting:
The first thing that I would suggest you do is to observe her threshold for flirtatious behavior. Observe her around other men, and especially her guy friends. If she is touchy feely, joking and overly playful with them, then chances are that if she is acting the same way around you, she is just being friendly.
Find out her norm first, find out what her personality is like in other interactions so that you can make a judgment about whether or not she is flirting or just being friendly. If she treats you like everyone else in her circle or everyone else that she encounters, then chances are she is just a nice girl who is trying to be friendly.
And, obviously, on the contrary, if she is acting different around you, laughing more, flipping her hair, touching you whenever she can, and she’s not like that around her friends, then she could be trying to seduce you. But find out how she interacts in different scenarios and with different people before you try and decipher if a woman is flirting or not.
2. Instigating Conversation:
Another way to tell if a woman is flirting with you is if she is instigating conversation. There is a big difference between answering questions and prompting questions and conversation. If a woman is just answering questions with a yes or a no and not adding anything else voluntarily, then she’s just being friendly.
Conversation is a big indication into whether or not a woman is flirting. In this department, I should mention that if a woman is being overly polite and proper with you, chances are she is just being friendly. Most women don’t take the time to converse and genuinely get to know men with whom they have no interest. Or if a woman constantly asks you to repeat yourself, then she’s just not listening to you, which means she not being flirty, and she’s not even being that friendly.
In non- face to face communication, if a woman responds to your texts or phone calls in a timely manner and with more than one word, and again, is instigating conversation, then she could be trying to flirt with you and make a connection.