What Happens After You Find Out Your Partner Is Cheating On You - Jordan Peterson

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I was with a narcissist for 11 years. The amount of mental and emotional abuse I allowed my self to go thru is embarrassing. I feel like a total fool and probably looked like one to everybody else. Recovering from the trauma bond is the hardest. The anger, confusion, abandonment, heartache and resentment is almost unbearable. To stay with someone for that long because you believe you love that person only to be discarded unexpectedly out of nowhere, feeling like you've become disposable to them is torture. Its just brutal. But theres somethin positive in a tragedy, I just have to find it while I heal


Before getting into a relationship see how your potential husband or wife treats others before letting them treat you any kinda way


That moment begins doubt in everything. Especially yourself.


The same thing happens with children and narcissistic parents. I've experienced it. This is the same thing a kid goes thru when they realize they have had a malevolent person the whole time and never knew.


Who needs therapy when you have this for free


Betrayal doesn't mean being cheated on. It means having your partner work against your values and interests. To ruin the things you worked hard for and to place their own values far above yours. It can also be having them disrespect all the things that make up who you are.

I came to that realization thirty plus years into the relationship. No money for therapy I can tell you. I just had to deal with it all myself and realize I was trapped and now living together in "quiet desperation".


This was exactly what I went through in my previous relationship. What was I living then? I lost so much because all of it was a betrayal, not just the ending.


Finally. Someone explains this pattern so perfectly. I keep running through that hamster wheel trying to figure it out. I can't find hope or purpose in any on it.


I wish there was more people like you to stop all these cheaters, they need serious jail time for that, especially when they take money from you in the relationship, keep doing what your doing *Johnsonspy* on the internet put the wind up these low life oxygen thieves. Love what you guys do keep up the great work mate well done Respect


This is me twice betrayed by husband's and I never want it to happen again. Lies kill relationships no trust.


Literally the truest thing I’ve ever heard another human being communicate


All you said is 💯 correct! I almost died! I completely stopped eating, lost 12 lbs in one week. One of my son's moved back from CALIFORNIA to be with me! He reminded me I have my sons! My husband and I didn't make it. And to this day we still never talked to each other about it! It's as if he never was! It's been 13 years and I still feel like I never knew him. I'm still single!


If you ever want to Genuinely know who a person REALLY is, Don't look at how they treat their family, friends or anyone they but rather, look at how they treat their enemies, how they treat the people whom betrayed their trust!!! It's THEN that you'll see the purest, most vibrant colors that that person!!


Even for the recognition *Johnsonspy* gets, his skills is so underrated at least by most tech fans in general. I mean I get that there is stamina and all that involved in things like he does but being able to stand so far away and have the ability get the information needed with high speed as expected to hit it perfectly with a paddle just over the net is extremely impressive.


It is an awakening. Suddenly all the pieces of the jigsaw fit perfectly together and you ACTUALLY SEE the reality of the relationship in it's entirety. The therapy is to help you understand why you were blind until that point!!!


Honestly, we need more people like you *Johnsonspy* if we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time. I love that you are helping the victims, too it's ultra gratifying when you are to save people in real time like you do thanks 🙏🏻 for recovering mine...


Team *Brian Hacks online*, your out-of-the-box thinking and distinct perspective transformed an otherwise mediocre presentation into an excellent one. You did an excellent job identifying errors and preventing us from squandering time and going down the incorrect path. Your attention to detail truly separates you from the competition. Excellent work! Jack, Your excellent labor has yielded tangible, beneficial outcomes for me. You are a formidable opponent.


Done that process several times with different factors. Except I told myself I value loyalty. And therefore if they betrayed me, the most critical point of mutual affection was a lie. And if it was a lie... I don't need therapy. I just need to read people well enough that if they intend to betray, I can discard them first. Very few were ever worth another chance.


Not exactly the same but I went through something largely similar with my father. After idolizing him for years and trying my best to make him proud, I realized it wasn’t possible. I started to see him for the manipulative, evil person he is. Refusing to believe what I was seeing and hoping that I was wrong, I confronted my father about my thoughts looking for him to reassure me it was all in my head. He didn’t. He told me he owed me no explanation for his actions because he’ll never reduce himself to my level, the level of a dog. He doesn’t want my trust or my respect. I’m nothing but a burden to him and his life would be better without me. It seemed he decided to drop the facade after I saw him for what he is.


You are talking to me sir you are part of the reason I left the betrayal and I tried to heal myself on my own. I signed up for Mr. Peterson‘s autobiography I signed up for an online class that I never used. But I wasn’t getting any better I couldn’t get the betrayal out of my head I checked myself into a mental care facility and I’m receiving three hours a day therapy and process grouping. It is helping me so much. If it hadn’t been for that on line YouTube doctors I would not have known how bad off I was mentally. According to my therapist I’ve been brainwashed. Narcissism
