Why Putin is Scared of US Gravity Bombs

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Things are tense in Europe, with Vladimir Putin responding to every shortcoming with threats of nuclear war, but in reality, it might be the United States’ new weapon that has Putin losing sleep. Check out today's epic new video to learn all about the secrets of the B61-12 gravity bomb?


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Gravity Bomb:
Expectation: Super hi-tech sci-fi gravity warping explosion
Reality: Hehe, big metal tube fall and go boom


I'm a little disappointed that the gravity bomb doesn't create gravity, but instead uses gravity to drop.


wish we could just make these old men throw hands instead of threatening the world with a nuclear apocalypse whenever they dont get what they want their way.


The fact that it can be carried by the f35 is probably the most important part. You have a city killer that can be carried by a relatively small, very fast, and super stealthy jet means it has the power reach anywhere in Russia quickly and almost undetected.


Thanks for making such a fun, lively and adorable video about the incoming nuclear apocalypse. It warms my heart how world leaders are careful when it comes to crafting nuclear bombs which “don’t end the world”. These “safe” nukes are a breath of fresh fallout air, and I for one salut their ingenious design.


The war really revealed Putler's weaknesses. He doesn't live up to the 'strong man' imagine he spent years crafting. Also, these gravity bombs are interesting.


Please, we need the second part of the 'First 100 days of the Invasion'... It was so amazing, don't push it aside.


Another interesting possibility for this weapon: the copper slug that was used in the NASA Deep Impact mission in 2005 happens to occupy the same volume dimensions and is practically the same mass as the warhead section of this weapon. It may be that was effectively a dry run to see if they could nuke an asteroid. If that's the case it would be a one-for-one swap in terms of payload while following the intercept mission profile. (So if something calls for it, we already may have a rocket and spacecraft platform that is ready to nuke an asteroid.)


6:39 "...used without endangering the future of the human species" I am so glad they took in to consideration prolonging the human species while creating nuclear weapons. What a responsible thought while creating world ending devices!


Actually, the Nuclear Fusion breakthrough at the US National Ignition Facility is not really important for commercial fusion, which would require a different type of reactor, but it is important because it simulates the conditions of a nuclear fusion explosion, an H Bomb to be precise. This will allow the US to test and train their models with real small scale explosions.


I used to smoke out of a gravity bomb in high school.


I absolutely love the combination of the style of animation, the narrator’s voice, the script, and in general the subject matter. In one aspect the subject matter and the animation style seems incongruous…. Light hearted stylized animation about heavy subjects. I am particularly fond of the exaggerated mouthing by the characters. They often use the mustached fella to explain side notes and what have you. Judging from the other comments, I’m not the only one with the same sentiment. Well written scripts, seemingly well researched, with a narrator whose voice bridges the animation and subject perfectly. Bravo! Please keep up the good work.


Bro starts a war and fears some bombs💀💀💀


Idk what ally would be ok with that nuke transfer method. "It's cool bro it won't detonate when we drop it on you! We tied a parachute to it." 🤣


Little boy was actually not triggered by barometric pressure. Although it did use barometric pressure to roughly get the height of the bomb, a more accurate radar mechanism actually triggered the explosion. The radar stage turned on when the barometric stage read roughly 2000 meters, and the bomb triggered when the radar read around 600 meters


He's an old man living in the past. Instead of building Russia into an actually prosperous nation he chose to try and re-live his glory days in the USSR with rose tinted glasses.


While some nerd decided to delineate between nuclear yields as either strategic or tactical, the fact is the real delineation is how its used. You can use a large warhead to take out a enemy reinforcements and win a tactical victory.

Also ground penetrating warheads are just going to increase fallout and poison a larger area. Conventional bunker busters are preferential unless nuclear weapons have already been used.

Also fallout has been measured worldwide as a result of cold war testing.


Can we just take a moment of a appreciation to show appreciation to info guy for research on gravity bombs & nobody else talking but he’s on top of it?


I was under the assumption that nuclear bombs typically use an air burst method of detonation where they typically detonate above the surface but below an altitude of 30, 480 metres (100, 000 feet)

Did a brief google search and as it turns out not all of them do that...


As a former serviceman, I seem to recall we had back in 1970s -1980's a weapon 😳 known as the " Neutron Bomb 💣! " I further remember reading that 😳 instead of the classic mushroom cloud of an A-bomb detonating ; the neutron bomb explodes in a way that releases a sudden surge of neutron waves . Basically, it fries the people, but it leaves cities and military equipment intact. These gravity-bombs do sound quite terrifying, as the yield can be set low 😳 or high. Either way, you're dead or dying !
