My 2½ month old will not sleep unless I'm holding her. What can I do?
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Between two and three months of age most babies are still sleeping pretty sporadically, maybe four to six hours at night. All in all they usually sleep about 11 to 14 hours during each 24 hour period. They're probably still wanting to eat frequently because their tummies are still a little bit small and they're growing quickly so they want to eat smaller amounts more frequently throughout the day, typically about three to four ounces every three to four hours. Babies start to understand the difference between night and day around six to eight weeks and have developed the circadian rhythm that you and I have so that when it's dark our bodies want to sleep and when it's light we want to be awake. Until this happens, until your baby develops more of a routine which usually starts to happen between three and six months, it's normal for your baby to be up at night. You mentioned specifically that you have a question about how your daughter just wants to be held by you all the time and doesn't sleep very well when you put her in her own bed. This is actually pretty normal although that doesn't make in any easier for you to cope with I'm sure, because it makes it really hard for you to get any sleep. You mentioned bringing her in bed with you and at all costs that should be avoided because the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies do not co-sleep with their parents because it really increases the risk of SIDS. Make sure she is always sleeping in her own sleeping area and it's best if she's on a tight fitted mattress in her crib and that there are no extra soft fluffy things in her sleeping area, so no bumper pads, pillows, stuffed animals, or extra blankets. You can try swaddling her though, loosely, and see if this helps her feel tight and secure but yet it's not restrictive enough that if she starts to wiggle around and move and come out of the swaddle that it wakes her up. Most parents when they swaddle their baby put the blankie underneath their kids, lay them on top, and then put one corner of the blanket around their back, pull the middle part of the blanket up, and then wrap the third piece around their back and tuck it underneath so that they're really tightly packed in there. Try doing it with her arms out so you can try swaddling her from behind with her arms hanging out so it's just beneath her armpit, so that she's still free to move her arms around and maybe leave the bottom open, so just pull one side around her and then the other. Or as she gets a little bit older and starts rolling around, probably around four months of age then you can just try putting the blanket on top of her and tightening on either side of her, like parents say, snug as a bug in a rug. Tuck it from the top to the bottom. This allows her some freedom to move but makes her feel tight and secure. Try that; see if that helps at all. If she's just really fussy, you also mentioned crying it out. At two and a half months there are mixed feelings about whether or not you should let a baby cry it out at that point. Some experts say it's fine, others say you should wait until your baby is a little bit older. I recommend asking your pediatrician what they think because they're aware of your situation, they can ask you more specific questions, and they're aware of your baby's health history. They can give you the best guidance and suggestions when it comes to that and your baby being only two and a half months old. Once your baby is about four months of age and they're not eating during the night then crying it out might be an okay option. But again, follow the direction of your pediatrician. If you have any other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.