Doctor Teaches: HOW TO REMOVE A TICK

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Tick removal — Using proper technique for tick removal is important. Several methods of tick removal have been advocated. A study that evaluated the use of forceps or protected fingers, or the application of petroleum jelly, fingernail polish, isopropyl alcohol, or a hot match, found that only the use of forceps or protected fingers resulted in the satisfactory removal of 29 adult American dog ticks without leaving the mouthparts in the host skin [11].

In most countries, the proper technique for removal of the attached tick involves the use of a clean fine-tipped tweezer (or similar devise) [12] and includes the following steps (figure 4):

●If available, use tweezers (or small forceps) to grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. In the absence of tweezers, use paper or cloth to protect the fingers during tick extraction.
●Pull straight up gently but firmly, using steady pressure. Do not jerk or twist.
●Do not squeeze, crush, or puncture the body of the tick, since its fluids may contain infectious agents.
●Disinfect the skin thoroughly after removing the tick and clean your hands with alcohol or soap and water.
●If sections of the mouthparts of the tick remain in the skin, they should be left alone as they will normally be expelled spontaneously.
●After the tick removal and the skin cleansing, the person bitten (or the parents) should observe the area for the development of EM for up to 30 days following exposure. Components of tick saliva can cause transient erythema that should not be confused with erythema migrans (EM).
●Since the tick usually needs to be attached for two to three days before transmission of the Lyme disease agent occurs, removal of the tick within this time frame often prevents the infection [5-8].

— UpToDate
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I tickle it until it come out and buy em a bus ticket back home


tutorial: how to make the worst tutorial ever


I never actually see them first! I’m a hiker so I’m constantly in the woods. I always just feel an itch and then think it’s a scab and pick it off and then I’m like “OH NO!!!”!😂


Video title: how to remove a tick…watch the video and the tick is never removed. I’m no YouTube expert but do these people realize they’re not even uploading the most important part of the video (the part people actually give a shit about seeing)?


When I was younger, a being bitten by a tic was SUPER common in our house, we had a tick invasion. We would get them in our beds and I remember them being like being bitten by a bug. Because, ya know if you're bitten by a bug, you'll just shake it off. We would just sit in the bathroom with our dad holding twesers and just pluck it out. It didn't hurt or anything, it was just like "whatever."
And recently I figured ticks are actually a big deal, I actually gasped aloud.

So basically, I have been bitten by a tick MANY times when I was younger to the point my dad was as an expert on removing them.


Bro about twenty minutes ago I was washing my hair I’m a guy and I feel a bump and I get out and look in the mirror a HALF FUCKING INCH BLACK LEG TICK


Wait until wait until you get one in the middle of your back with no help


When I get a tick I remove it put it in a bag two times and then pop and then trow straight away


Are you kidding I've grown up with these things and I still fight them daily. How many have seen that little chrome-plated looking one that's really hard and small
Hurts after removal


I disagree with your suggested removal method!
You can make it back out if you hold a lit lighter close to it, it will back out.
Or, put your finger on one side of the tick and push it round and round and after a few turns it will drop off on its own!
Good Luck!


When I was a kid these ticks would go EVERYWHERE And start biting me blood on my face from hair to the Forhead


Mix some salt in water and concentrate the solution with more it on the site and it will be very easy to remove the tick you will like it


I used a very thin string. Wrap it around it and pull. It’ll force the head out of your skin


I pulled it cause I didn’t know it was a tick


My tick is super small I can’t even see it


I like the part that shows how to remove a tick


If it didn’t bite yet I just flick it off


Oh yeh I've always pulled them. Never had a problem


No. You get it out with a credit card or something like that. The head can get stuck in there and still give you Lyme.


Use pepper mint oil in take about 5 mine but pit it on then and they will come out on there own
