All the Classics I've Read and the Ratings I Gave Them | The Book Castle | 2020

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You need to read The Picture of Dorian Gray! My favorite novel. Love Oscar Wilde ❤


I had the same experience with Little Women, read it 5 years ago and hated it. Then I re-read it this year (before the movie came out) and this time I loved it. I also recently re-read Emma by Jane Austen and went from 3 stars to 5. Sometimes it's timing.


East of Eden is my all time favorite novel. It. Is. Incredible.


So many wonderful books. This should be a tag!!!!


Oh! I've never heard of Flowers for Algernon. I'm adding that one to my TBR. Sounds like something I'm going to love.


I'm pleased you had Ibsen in high school. Try Hedda Gabler (my favorite), if the mood strikes you.

I always thought an interesting comparison could be made between:
Anna Karenina, Madam Bovary, Rebecca, and Hedda Gabler; the unfaithful wife line-up, as seen between different nationalities.
Maybe someone's freshman literature term paper.

(Judge Brack is my hero.)


Love that you described reading Alice in Wonderland as "taking a hit of acid" 😂Such a perfect description for the movie too. This was such a great video! I'm always on the lookout for new classics to read that aren't good simply because they're old and you like a lot of the same ones as me! I now have a few more on my TBR thanks to this video 😊


Hi Alice, classics are good but so are others....I loved Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights!i loved Anna Karenina as well.


Favorite Classics (3-way tie): Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights
Least Favorite Classics (2-way tie): The Good Earth, Catcher in the Rye
Controversial Opinion: I don't have any interest in reading To Kill a Mockingbird


I think A Clockwork Orange is easier to understand, and enjoy, if you listen to it. I did so, and loved it, but after I finished it I was able to see how if I'd read it instead of using audio, I may not have liked it/understood what was going on. I guess the inflection of the reader helped a lot with the slang and immersion into that world. Here in the U.S. I had to read A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen in high school. I don't remember much of the story, but I do remember I hated reading it lol. Read East of Eden from Steinbeck next. It's amazing!! Flowers for Algernon broke my heart, I gave it 5 stars too. Great video!


When you described The Perfume before saying the title I immediately thought of that book, so yeah I know what you mean.


It was interesting to hear about your reading experience with classics through the years


Thank you for all those suggestions ❤️


I have many favorite classics, but the one I usually say when asked is Frankenstein. I loved a television show called Higher Ground when I was a teenager, and in that show they read Frankenstein and they interpreted it a certain way that made me so interested and curious. I read it and loved it and have since re-read it many times (though it's been a while now..). 

I also love both The Secret Garden and The Little Princess, which I've read both when I was young and as an adult. The Wind in the Willows I've only read as an adult, and it is completely bonkers, but brilliant. Stefan Zweig is a big favorite, and I also have to mention Three Men in a Boat and anything by P. G. Wodehouse. 

Least favorite novels include Wuthering Heights (hated the characters and could not understand them at all - I don't mind unlikeable characters, but I have to be able to understand their actions to some degree), Hard Times (I like Dickens and have read eight of his novels, but this one was really bad) and The Catcher in the Rye (read as a teenager, hated it. Would be interesting to re-read).


I'm with you on not being a Hemingway fan. I adore E. A. Poe (The Cask of Amontillado and The Masque of the Red Death are two favorites), and I feel like where Poe is lyrical and atmospheric, Hemingway is curt and spartan.


Great Video! I am a little heart broken that you don’t like Little Women, but I’ll get over it. 😂😂😂

I’ve had to read a few classics twice before I realized that I actually really loved them Room With a View, Age of Innocence, and Pride and Prejudice are some of them.

Oh and I loved Catcher in the Rye when I read it when I was 20, then I re-read in a few years later and hated it. Lol

I’m sure you get a lot of book recommendations but I thought you would like Hungry Hearts from Anzia Yezierska, it’s short stories about immigrant women coming to America in late 1800’s. I picked it up at random and it’s one of my favorites. 🙂🙂🙂


LOL, The Scarlet Letter is in my top 10:)


Such an interesting video. Could make so many comments, but how about four? 1) "Flowers for Algernon" is brilliant, and has been beloved to me since first reading the short story (which I like even better than the novel) in 7th grade. The hardest cry I've ever had reading a book happened with this one. 2) "And Then There Were None" is the best whodunit I've ever come across and my favorite AC. Total agreement there. 3) If you so enjoyed "Study in Scarlet" and "Sign of Four", you MUST treat yourself to "Hound of the Baskervilles"! Not only did I love it, but so did the students to whom I taught it in school. Smashing! 4) Very sorry to end negatively, but your last book stunned me. I basically hated "The Secret Garden" Please don't be offended, but for me it was like wading through chest-deep mud. It would be hard for me to think of one good thing to say about it. I was assigned to teach it to my class, and it was painful. But perhaps if someone reads it as a child it is different. Anyway, really enjoyed your classics rundown. Thank you! (Also loved my visit to Norway!)


My favorite classics are The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and pretty much anything by Franz Kafka!


LOL omg I love Little Women, but I can see why you wouldn't :P
yeah I hated The Catcher in the Rye hahah
lovely video! 💕
