Stop Neighbors from using your Front Yard as a Dog Park

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Tired of your neighbors using your front yard as a dog park? Here are a couple of simple tricks that may help.

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Stop Neighbors from using your Front Yard as a Dog Park | BBStudioProductions
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Dog owners think their dogs are entitled to any grass they see any where. But they are dead wrong, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, etc... and every time a dog pisses and sh!ts in your yard, it attracts other Dogs!


51 downvotes are the people who let their dogs crap on people's lawns


This tickles me to recall a story my boss told. He said... ''Last night tore it! I put a pair of my worst shoes on and stomped on the poop a few times. Then went straight and knocked on the neighbors front door. Upon them opening the door I said we have a problem with your dog that we need to discuss. Then I stepped in and proceeded to walk all over their living room carpet.''


I had a neighbor's dog crap on my lawn a few times, until I picked it up with a shovel, walked to that neighbor's home and put the crap on their fancy doormat, and patted it in. It never happened again.


Dump the poops back in the neighbour's yard. DONE!!!


A pound or two of jalapeños in a food processor, stem/seeds/and all... sprinkle over the lawn area. Wear gloves! Even if it rains, it will still take a while to decompose. Cheaper than sprays, and biodegradable. Do it once a week. Seems to have curbed my visitors.


The problem with putting the poop on the sidewalk is that other people use the sidewalk, too. And the inconsiderate dog owner would probably just go around it and not care.


My neighbors come outside with their dogs and allow them to roam into the backyards of other neighbors. They see nothing wrong with this. i can't stand when pet owners are inconsiderate of others. Just because you have a fondness for animals, doesn't mean everyone does. You try to take a leisurely walk through your neighborhood and peoole are walking with their unleashed dogs. One man's dog started barking and moving towards me one evening as I was walking. Owner said nothing to the dog. i had to cross the street. I don't have animals and I don't want to be bothered by other people's animals!


My problem is some dog is pooping in my mulch, by my front door! I mean A LOT of poop. I'm seriously dumping Cayenne pepper in the mulch tomorrow. See how they like that!


I have this same problem and before I visited this page, I thought it was just me being overly territorial or getting annoyed too easily.
I'm in a fully detached home, but there is no barrier or space in between our front yards.
Lots of people walk their dogs and allow them to pee and poo on my lawn. For the most part, it's on the boulevard area (between the sidewalk and the road) and I believe the city owns that area anyway, but I just can't understand why people think this is ok.
I've never caught anybody not picking up the poo, but what really makes my blood boil is I can't do yard work or walk on my front lawn knowing there's pee and poo on it and the pee kills the grass and attracts more dogs and it smells bad.
My next-door neighbor "walks" her dogs on my front boulevard several times a day. She has a fenced backyard and there are large parks a stone's-throw away from my house so I just don't get it why she thinks this is ok.
I could say something to my next-door neighbor, but I can't monitor her or anybody else - nor do I want to.
I'm an animal lover and would never do anything to hurt one (I save bugs in distress in my house lol). This is nothing but the ignorance of the owner.
I will try the cayenne pepper, as it seems to be the safest, most sensible preventative method.
Planting bushes will 1) not look appealing 2) provide a convenient place for dogs to cock their leg to pee and 3) kill the bushes.
I'm really hoping it helps - I hate hating the dog walkers!


Most Dog owners are the RUDEST, most DISRESPECTFUL MF's on the planet. How difficult can it be to RESPECT other peoples privacy and property!


Absolutely my friend!! That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for yrs!!! My curb has a telephone pole and then my fence post making it a narrow passage for them to walk by … that the area I load up with doggie doo doo!! The hate me!! But my lawn is not a dog park!! And I pay property taxes!! Not them! 💪👍🏼👍🏼


Another solution is you pick it up with a shovel and you throw it at them


I put up the small yellow pesticide signs I got from my lawn service and tell people I just sprayed roundup ( I didn't). Keeps them away for a while. Where I live there is a 1.5 mile Aqueduct Trail System within a 10 minute walk from my house. They still use neighbor's front yards. Just lazy people.


Time to plant some cactuses and install some motion activated sprinklers lol.,


We just moved to a new neighborhood and into our dream house. However, some of the neighbors are letting their dogs poop in our yard. We don't have dogs and we don't want dogs. But we do have grandbabies that will be playing in our yard. So sick of cleaning up dog crap. I tried to be nice, but I'm done! I just took your advice and flung the poop back out into the street. Hopefully it stops it from happening again.


I was just thinking if another dog does its thing in my front yard I'm just going to put it where they walk 💩👍😆🤣. Great idea


My scumbag neighbor deliberately takes his dogs to my stairs and walkway, praises the dogs after they poop, tells them to shit right there where we walk, leaves the toxic waste and calls his dogs good boy, good girl. We reported it, the ass denied it even with complete videos with sound. Right down his steps is a huge forest but thinks it’s funny to drag his pets to our walkway and steps.


Another and better way is one of those motion censor sprinklers. Or watch for them and flip the switch when they make their move.


That's exactly what I did!! and it worked too. 😉 They got the point.
