Can Your Landlord Stop Your Noisy Neighbors? | LawInfo

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This make no sense why should I need to move if I’m no the one who is making the noise. I’m taking my landlord to court and going to sue both landlord and neighbors for the noise they need to move out.


Damn laws really need to change. Noisy neighbors get on everyone around them last nerves


These people need to go to jail this causes harm on people health, real harm to immune and nervous systems, even a person who is slow knows how to behave .

Beware small minded people with little bit of power as in people living above you, knowing darn well nobody wants to hear banging, pounding moving furniture late at night slamming things, leaks, running, dragging, jumping ect ..

people are scared to complain about people with children which is even worst, pets are better .


I live in an apartment building and my landlord isn't addressing noise complaint. The police and the city habe been as help as they can. However everytime I call them, the noise volume increases after they leave. I'm video recording my neighbors bad behaviour and posting everything on YouTube.


So basically that lease that says you have the right to quiet enjoyment of your apartment that is basically a lie because if your neighbors are loud all night long and you can't sleep and if you tell your landlord she tells you to move and you tell your neighbors and they tell you to go to hell so you called the cops and then your landlord calls you and accuses you of causing problems and if you don't like how things are you always have the option to me, you're only option is for you to move out so what was the point of the lease and why did it say you had the right to quiet enjoyment of your apartment??? Just more lies I'm guessing.


Yeah what if you put in so many complaints and the apartment managers don't do nothing bout it? It's an ongoing thing and nothing has been solved


My landlord works with my noisy neighbors they have ppl not on the lease up there. They kept me from sleeping for over a year I documented it. They harass me. Landlord don’t like me cause when I moved in I made her get rid of the roaches were infesting the entire building ppl were just living with them! She don’t want to do nothing! I honestly don’t bother no one nor do my dogs I trained them not to be barky dogs. I pay my rent. If it snows she’ll have someone shovel everyone apt cept mine. I’ve heard her talking crap about me to them. The whole thing started cause after months I got annoyed and said please keep it down. The guy got in my face. They moved in 3 months after me so I know from my former neighbors it don’t gotta be that loud. There’s a housing crisis and I have pets and no family I can live with also I’m disabled . I finally started to fight back after calling legal aid and they asked why I wasn’t calling the police cause EVERY time I complained to her it got worse. The noise and literally harassing me. I’m by myself. I became literally suicidal being stuck here disability is only enough to pay my rent there’s no money to live on. I finally started calling the police they basically did nothing but I have reports. She threatened if she got a ticket from me calling the police she wasn’t renewing either of our leases but I’m pretty sure she only sent that text to me. I guess she found out she legally couldn’t get rid of me that way. She gave upstairs another apt for their daughter who was the main problem and raised my rent nobody else just mine and first she tried to do it by text I told her that wasn’t legal she told I was free to vacant the premises I do know most of my rights after lots of slumlords this one takes the cake though. She acts like ANYTHING she has to do is a major inconvenience… she literally lives on the property in a house not connected to the building. So yea she didn’t have roaches. I want to sue her but everyone like oh it’s not worth it they are hard to win I’ve literally been documenting since the beginning. I’ve contacted legal aid but really they only help when you are being evicted. I feel like I really have a case and solid evidence but I can’t get help! I want so badly to get out of here. I only moved here after a nightmare situation where my last landlord lost the building to the bank I should of stayed and fought but I was exhausted after having utilities shut off etc. I felt like I didn’t have a good support system. I’m tired of this because of my illnesses I keep to myself I don’t bother anyone BUT I know my rights so to her that makes me a bad tenant she likes ppl who maybe don’t pay their rent but can do expensive repairs for her. Even the electrician she had come cause electric outlets didn’t work idk even if he is licensed. Just some guy in a car with his wife sleeping in it. Took her months to address the roaches she blamed it on covid but exterminator were considered essential workings literally one problem gets solved another one starts just when I think I can use the apt I pay for it’s something us. Now they moved another daughter upstairs and it’s starting again. Seems only options I have is legal aid but they aren’t too helpful. My literally basic human rents as a paying tenant are being violated I don’t feel safe in my own apt. Even if now they quit after hours the noise all day is excessive and goes on all day. She finally I guess someone tipped her off you can’t raise rent by text messages and sent a certified letter but I’m the ONLY person she raised rent on. They definitely didn’t get a rent raise because of “cost of living” I did they got 3 adults up there to work and I can’t eat or feed my dogs my depression is horrible. I literally keep a audio diary of the noise from inside my apt take photos of stuff I try to document everything I have all her text since I met her. Idk know where to turn


Some don't deserve have place I know is cold to say but it is the true.


I’m dealing with loud neighbors. And their loud friends. I’ve contacted my landlord but he has either blocked me or just ignoring me. He claims to have evicted 1 of the problem renters but that was over 2 months ago. The guy still lives there and has just moved in another one of his friends. It’s a very tiny 1 bedroom apartment and at least 5 people live there with 2 dogs which they tie up outside our doors and the dogs can get to my door. They have been told not to do that…they also smoke weed and my apartment reeks of it and cigarette smoke and they also sell other illegal substances. They just recently had company in a dirt bike that drive through the yard and right up to their door. I sent the video to the land lord and that was over a week ago and he has not replied or done anything. I’m currently getting evidence to sue my landlord. I’ve had nothing but trouble since I’ve moved in. From heat, hot water and the broke 2 times refrigerator. It’s been a living hell. Sadly finding a place to rent here is almost impossible. Even worse after the tornados that destroyed a hundred homes. Ugh. I need to know if I can do anything more.


What if the neighbors decide to be loud outside their apartment? My landlord says that because they do not know which people are being noisy they cannot do anything


Thank u that was good advice . I think on going to buy a hobby farm .


So I live above a loud family with a small toddler. She screams at night usually starts hmm 8pm ish keeps going sometimes to 11pm.. I even here the parents talking very loud too and I’m ready to complain…I honestly don’t know what to do.. I feel if I complain they will know it’s me
