The White Baby Boomers Had So Much Money

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My Dad was a little too old to be a boomer, but wasn't that far off in age. He went to UC Berkeley and was able to pay his tuition as he went to school working a part time job as a waiter. He said it cost $66/semester back then.


These interviews from the 90's have become an incredibly invaluable resource and insight into what's led up to the current generational clash.


Truth is black Baby Boomers had millions of great paying union jobs. It is never talked about, but Detroit and most northern cities were full of very well off middle class black families. Unions are the great leveler.


It's nice to hear someone say this. Boomers tend to be so defensive about working harder and longer than anyone else, when all figures say younger people have it much tougher.

I can't even imagine living in a world where anyone who works 40 hours per week gets to own property, raise a family, start a business, and retire. Millennial get to pick one if theyre lucky.


Late to the game Boomer here. Born right at the tail end. Graduated HS just in the middle of high-inflation and the death of the American manufacturing sector. Was told all through school that I could start out in the mailroom of a large company (no degree required), and if I worked hard enough I could someday become vice-president of the company the way my uncle did after WWII.

What pisses me off about those who preceded me by 5 or 10 years was hypocritical nature of the social protest moments. Those involved were all for championing the rights of others and pointing out social injustice until the Vietnam War ended and the draft was abolished. Then everyone went dancing. Now we find ourselves dealing with the same exact issues as we did in 1971


I think that’s what really gets me about so many Baby Boomers, not that they generally had it easier than those before and after them. But their refusal to realize and admit it.


I love these interviews David. Really.


The boomers, my parents, are STILL like this and they're 78. Still. I'm an old gen-xer and my siblings and I are still waiting for them to grow up. I'll die waiting.


I don’t know why I watch stuff like this, it makes me so mad and solves absolutely nothing.


Boomer: When i was your age I was working already.

Also boomer: Sorry but you need experience to work here


The sooner we can establish, factually, that the cost of living has gone up, and the world has gotten smaller, the sooner we can move on.


It's interesting that the generation who pioneered against the status quo and wanted independence to live their lives the way THEY wanted to became the antithesis of what they claimed they stood for. It's either that or those who didn't rebel became the ones in power today, which is what I'm becoming increasingly inclined to believe.


People used to study Boomers. Now everybody just hates them.


They didn't grow up with "expectation, " but "entitlement." That is, entitlement to everything. Everything for ourselves, and nothing for anyone else.


Once our Baby Boomer relatives gave us younger ones a talk about how slack and soft the new generations are. Several noted that when they wanted to go to college back in 1965-72 era they worked their way through! They were no softies! The aunt explained she worked evening shifts waitressing on the weekend to pay her way through and an uncle noted he 'paid his way through college' by giving tennis lessons on the weekends.
They seemed to have zero awareness how they were describing a comical fantasy world of luxury and ease to any 20-something listening.
We later found out what they meant by "Paid their way through college" was that, in fact, like this man in the vid, they actually went to college for free. Free. nothing, zero. Then they worked 8 hours a weekend to pay for their beer, the new clothes they liked and paid for their own gas and tickets to visit Woodstock or whatever the hell dreamy fun stuff they did.
I totally agree with this guy, what you were seeing was actually 'spoiled rich kids' who were in such affluence that they could indeed quit college and 'drop out' of life to tune out for years and did NOT WORRY about it because, in fact, they'd always land back on some easier streets, find a job somewhere, have enough family help, take up with 100 other opportunities later. They had that incredible luxury.


Youtube doing good work for putting this into the Recommended list


I’m GenX and have hated Boomers since the early 90s when they referred to my generation as “slackers”. Glad Boomer hate has had a bigger resurgence this time around. Worst generation ever!


Boomers literally had $10 000 a year more than millennials at the SAME AGE and yes its adjusted for inflation!


So eloquent and well said. Presents a complex view. Love your stuff David! Thanks for your work!


Baby Boomers have been the most lenient, spoiled upbringing.

I have no respect for people who condemn without judging with love. That includes those boomers close to me.
