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It's so easy to accidentally contribute to the ongoing phobia about even mentioning STIs, just by making a face when someone mentions it. Ima make a special effort to man up and keep my facial expressions on the inside of my head next time someone mentions it. I don't wanna be responsible for someone not getting tested.


 They shouldn't be a jerk about it, but if they don't want to sleep with you because of your STI status I wouldn't say that was immature.


I feel so ashamed of myself sometimes because I have HSV1. I feel really disheartened as well because after I told my previous 'partner'?, that I had it, he wouldn't really ever kiss me anymore after that. So we just ended up fizzling out. He never said anything about it, but I have a strong feeling that's what it was. And it makes me so fucking sad and angry that some people are so uptight that way. I didn't get herpes willingly. I'm very sure it was given to me when I was still young by one of my parents. People think that just because you get cold sores that you're somehow diseased or damaged or not as good. I hate that fucking mindset to no end.

I'm so scared I'm never going to find a person who will just look past that without thinking I'm not good enough for something I can't help or get rid of.


I don't think she said that if they freak out they are a jerk. She said they might have a lot of feelings (or as I understand, freak out) just like you might have had when YOU found out about your STI and that it is normal. She said if they are being a jerk about you having an STI, they are not mature and don't deserve you, which is different. They have a right to freak out at first but if they make you feel bad for having it, shame you, then they are being a jerk,


Before you become sexually active with someone is the ideal time to test! Otherwise, there's not really a specific schedule. It depends on your sex life. It's good to be aware of your health status, risk factors, etc and go from there. Risk is raised with more partners and/or not being careful about it. Signs you should get tested are if you've had unprotected sex, if you have multiple partners, if you think you've been exposed/have symptoms.


Really helpful...Thanks Laci...great to-the-point presentation. Appreciate this so much🙏🏽! People are beautiful! 🌻❤️ 0:56


Im starting to think that first dates should be based inside an sti clinic so there is the trust you need to know that the person you intend to date is clean etc and go from there because of the blame people put on others for having an sti and they we're the ones that gave it so there be none of that...just be safe


If you don't tell you partner, you are putting them at risk for transmission without their knowledge. This is not only unethical, in some places, it's illegal.


Medically, infections are only called diseases when they exhibit symptoms. Most of these bacteria and viruses do not have symptoms, so we call them STIs.


Laci, I really liked the lighting in this video! You should do you videos like this :) Good video as always.


Can You do a video focusing on child to parent conversations. Like I still live with my mom, but I don't know how to start a conversation with her about telling her I'm sexually active.
You talk a lot about telling your partner, but not very often about talking to your parent.
Peace & Love


It is very, very difficult for warts transfer from your fingers to genitals. As long as you don't have any cuts and you're being safe, you don't need to worry about this. Herpes 1 (cold sores) do not cause genital warts. Cold sores can, however, transmit from your mouth and become a case of genital herpes. I hope that clears up the confusion!


Think you may have missed the part of the test where the nurse pushes inserts a swab in your urethra.

Uncomfortable as hell, but if you want to play big-boy games, you have to be big-boy tough.


Later, when I was tested at the hospital I told the people working there how scared I was and they were completely reassuring, talked me through everything, showed me the instruments, and it lasted in this case less than 30seconds and I felt next to nothing, only a slight pressure, and no bleeding after. So I guess the first time I had it done it was...not done properly? Anyway sorry for all the comments and tmi!


I was so used to the term STD that when I read the video title I was wondering what is so hard about telling your partner that you have a Subaru WRX STI.

BTW: great video!


Planned Parenthood and similar organizations often do free or low-cost testing. There's probably a place near you.


Obviously get tested anyway, but if both you and your partner are infection free and you have unprotected sex, assuming neither of you has sex outside that relationship, can you still contract an STI?


It is less likely but it is not impossible. STIs can lie dormant for awhile or may have no symptoms, meaning you can still pass it on. There's also the fact that things like herpes on your mouth (a cold sore) can transmit to the genitals. It's always a good idea to practice safer sex!


Also pay your taxes and vote for good legislators. Taxes and legislators fund sex education and planned parenthood and free or cheap protection and grants for healthcare R&D. The best way to avoid an STI, is to find ways of expunging it from the population itself. But until that day comes: condoms and screenings for everyone.


She says: Still not tainted, still going to have happy and healthy relationships. I would imagine that the likelihood of this is now much more limited. It only spreads in a sexually promiscuous society...and that is a real turn-off for most men who do not want to know the girl plays around a lot. If you are not permiscuious you will limits the chance of this ever happening to you.
